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History is my other major besides communication; I decided to

include a paper from one of my history classes as well. The paper I

chose was titled Brown v. Board: The Opposition. In this paper, I
discussed multiple reasons why the Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka decision was opposed in Florida.
I decided to include this paper in my senior communication
portfolio because it shows off another side of education; this paper
shows that I can write in different contexts. This paper was my final
research project for my Constitutional History class. I wanted to look at
Brown v. Board because it is a case that is always brought up,
especially in the media, but the specifics are not really discussed. Once
I learned more about the case, I decided to flip the view on it. Instead
of looking at why the case worked and the steps it took for improving
education for African Americans in the United States, I decided to look
at why the case is opposed in southern states. I found specific
examples of what types of opposition happened in southern states and
why the case was opposed, specifically in Florida.
I chose to include this paper because it shows the strengths I
have, including doing scholarly research (all of my sources are included
at the end of the paper). I did not just rewrite what the sources said,
but used them as references to answer my initial question I started out
with. I had to interpret the information and use the sources to
formulate an argument. This paper is an excellent example of the work

I do as a history major, and some of the techniques I learned can also

be applied to my communication work as well.

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