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McConnell 1

Maggie McConnell
Ms. Dockus
American Literature 1st Hour
6 March 2016
Response to Half Dome Pano by Emmett McConnell
The creativity of youth is expressed and recognized in a variety of mediums. In my
brothers early teens, he began experimenting with photography and soon discovered a passion
for it. At first, Emmett photographed mostly natural subjects: flowers, trees, etc. However, once
he spent more time working with a camera, he developed an ability to effectively capture the
likes of buildings and people as well. Not being involved in any particularly time consuming
extracurriculars, my brother found a niche in photography that he had not found in any other
activity. Not only did he have a fondness for photography, but also a striking aptitude for it.
Taking pictures helped him discover both a hobby and a talent.
In 2011, we went to California to visit family. While there, we spent time at Yosemite
National Park and at the ripe age of fifteen, Emmett had just begun his journey into the world of
photography. On our last day in Yosemite, he took a photograph of Half Dome and the
surrounding valley which is entitled on his Flickr as: Half Dome Pano. Despite awards he has
won for other pictures, this photograph remains my favorite because I believe it represents his
discovery of a passion that has shaped and challenged him throughout his life.
Discovery through art or various other activities can be a very personal experience.
However, this does not mean that it cannot be appreciated by others. In fact, often the
observation of the discovery of others that inspires us to seek it ourselves. The interest Emmett
found in photography continues to inspire me in my many endeavors, regardless of their nature.

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