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‘THE DALEKS Concept ASA Design Sto Fantasimuinons Associates Greg Poehiin Wing Editorial Stat Patton Chit eaing Win. John Wheele Production Stat Production Managers Graphic Design coveran Dana M. Knutson Dave Hutehing Layout and Pastoup Todd F Mars Jane K. Bigos Typeseting ‘Karen Yards Mey Bacto who "tos BBC, ‘Table e OF ( Contents wwrRoDUCTION ‘The Ultimate Foos The Daloks And The CIA ‘THE MENACE OF THE DALEKS History Of Dalek Expansion Time Line Of Dalek History ‘Skaro, Davros, And The Genesis Of The Daleks (Clash Of Cultures : ‘The Genius Of Davros Nuclear War Birth Of The Daleks ‘A.Change Of Plans ‘The Daleks Return Extent Of Dalek Expansion “The Psychology Of Expansion Under Dalek Domination Stages Of Dalek Domination Daleks And The Temporal Nexuses Dalek Foes And Foils ‘THE FACE OF THE DALEKS Dalok Psychology Dalek Orgonization ‘Emperor Dalek Dalek Supreme Black Daleks Grey Daleks Soldier Daleks Slave Races Miltary Organization Dalek Mechanics Tnterior Structure Dalekaniurn Armor Weapons And Hardware Dalek Physiology ‘Anatomy Of A Dalek Dalek Lite Causes Of Mutation Miltary Strategy And Tactics ‘THE MIND BEHIND THE DALEKS ‘Thinking Like A Dalek ‘All Daloks Think Alike Daleks Have Little Regard For Life Daleks Have Litie Imagination Daleks Are Projudiced 5 Daleks Lie When It Suits Them |. « Daleks Do Not Take Pleasure In king ‘The Dalek Presence ‘The Dalek Hordes Pyramid Structure Of Adventures Daloks And Adventure Creation ‘Conquest Plots Revenge Plots Plots To Acquite Objects Or information Plots Against Enemies JUDGING TACTICAL MOVEMENT ‘Action Point Costs For Daleks ‘Action Descriptions Position Change Movement Equipment And Weapon Use Combat And Emergency Evasion Opportunity Actions Choosing Dalek Actions ‘Using The Dalek Action Flowchart JUDGING DALEK COMBAT Using The Dalek Combat Fiow Chart Seioct New Target Determine Range Select Weapon Load Or Ready Weapon ‘Aim Weapon Move Closer ‘Aim Weapon Fire Weapon Determining Successful Hits ‘Modifiers To The Task Entry Line Determining Critical Hits On Daleks DAMAGE TO DALEKS Life Support System Damage Internal Systerns Damage Location External Damage From Aimed Shots Undercarriage Damage DALEK INJURY AND REPAIRS Killing A Dalek Healing A Dalek Repairing The Dalek Shell THE ULTIMATE FOES In the Doctor Who television series ‘as wal as this game, the Daleks ae the last word in villains. No one suspected, least of al their creator, Terry Natio that these “animated ‘pepper pots” would tuen out to be the most popular Villains on the series, and the object of 2 fan following that rivals The Doctor's Perhaps the major reason for the Daleks’ popularity is their very alien ar ‘They do not look human, eound human, lor respond in a human manner, Daleks are impersonal, uncaring, mostly emo- tionless, and completely devoted to their quest to dominate all things. They have litle in the way of redeeming characteristics. In the good vs, evi ‘struggle portrayed in The Doctors uni verse, Daleks are the necessary force of pure evil against which all other mo- tives and beings can be measured, Even though the Daleks are indeed the perfect enemy, it is up t0 the ‘gamomaster to assure that games do ot degenerate into a mere Dalek hunt. ‘Shooting down Daleks like shooting gallory ducks is 9 very limited form of play, and will quickly grow tiresome, ‘The Daleks are best used as the source ‘of a conflict situation where more com plex choices must be made by charac. ters, and where the reactions of others to the Dalek villainy provides the prob- lems for the characters to overcome ‘Thisvolume provides the trueback: ‘ground of the Daleks, 9s opposed tothe Dfficial version used by the Cotestal in torvention Agency, which i available to the players. Gamemasters should strive to keep this book out ofthe hands Of players, forcing them to learn the truth about the Daleks over 9 period of time, as their characters encounter the Daleks every now and again in a car pialgn situation, As the players interact ‘with Dalek foes, they wll form theirown Conclusions on the basis of experience, and these conclusions will be more val Uable to them than something reed in the player's book or simply toldto them, "Much of the fun in games of this type comes from learning: by-doing in 36: Included in this ae the true history of the Daleks, information about Dalek ‘expansion and goals, notes about how Daleks think, operate, and make war, and extensive material to guide tho gamemaster in planning scanarios featuring Daleks a8 villains. Some ma- terial presented here willbe at variance h material from the player's book Where this is the case, material in this book is correct, wheress material in the other book represents the prevailing opinion of the CIA hierarchy. Where no ‘material is presented in this book to contradict the other, the player's book ‘can be considered correct Introduction i on om ih w) Introduction /3 THE DALEKS AND THE CiA Itis evident thatthe Celestial Inter: vention Agency considers the Daleks to be a major threat to the time line. The fetions the CIA takes against the Daleks fare not a war, but rather an attempt to preserve the status quo. The CIA has ho intent to wipe out the Daleks. They Simply aet when and if the Daleks en danger the time line, There is no CIA ‘mandate for player characters to exter: ‘inate the Daleks, except as necessary to prevent their plans from disrupting vital Temporal Noxuses or changing Known history to a significant degree Even atte the player characters fil the Dalek plot, there will always be more Daleks to think up another plan of con- {quest oF desteuction. twill not be pos sible, or even particularly desirable fromthe CIA viewpoint, toendthe Daick ‘menace ance and forall “The faire of The Doctor to prevent the creation of the first Daleks led to 3 ‘major purge within the CIA, with many ‘gents removed from the ranks. and ‘many caught and exiled by the Time ord Cournei for unauthorized interven tion, Until that time, the CIA had oper ated as an open secret, gaining no off- al recognition By the Coun, but not fencountering strong moves by the Council to stop CIA activities. After the purge, CIA operations became much more dangerous, with the Council de termined to prevent any further inter vention etforts. Because of this, the CIA is particu larly reluctant to initiate any operation involving Daleks beyond protection of an existing time line. The Daleks are stil, 8 sore subject withthe CIA, and agents falled upon to work against the Daleks fr stumbling into the path of a Dalek Blot cannot hope for aid from the CIA Or Galley except when Gallifrey itself is teatened directly or o major Ter poral Nexus like Earth) sin direct and Immediate perl, Even then, t would be hard to convince anyone in authority 0 {ake responsiblity for initiating action. By the time a field agent could summon help and convinge anyone of the seri ous nature of the situation, it would Tikely be far too late “Thus, player characters mustbe en couraged to deal withthe situation on their own, The CIA wil remain clandes tine, of lite immediate help to player Characters inthe field, They ean expect 4 HInrodvetion no rescue missions and no extensive Support from the CIA hierarchy. Occt sionally, some special item or piece of information will be given to an opera: tive, but these should be planned as art of a scenario. Player characters Should not be allowed to send for help at every turn and must be encouraged to rely on theie own initiative, The CIA may provide the reason for @ scenario {0 begin, but wil rarely be able to pro Vide the field agent with much in the way of support. (| | HISTORY OF ai DALEK ic) EXPANSION ——eee ‘To understand the Daleks — how they think, act, and plan ~ one must know something of their history. The Daleks are the longest-running foes in the Doctor Who television series, and ‘their established history is therefore the most complex and detailed. There are many inconsistencies in Dalek history {a given in the scripts, as BBC script writers had to be concerned first of al with the needs of the current story. Dalek creator Terry Nation has done 9 masterful job of guiding the develop: ment of the Dalek saga, but he could ot have known when he wrote the script for Doctor Who and the Daleks that his cone-shaped creations would last through more than 13 complete se- fal stories, each one building on the legend ‘The following time line and histor: ical notes is an attempt to reconcile the ‘most important elements of Dalek his: tory from the TV series and add some background that does not involve The Doctor ot Earth directly, but enhances the Dalek horde'sgalacte reputation for evil This time ling and set of historical notes may vary slightly from informa: tion mentioned peripherally in specific episodes of the TV series. In other cases, assumptions about the Daleks ‘and their histories may be made that fare entirely new. In both cases, this is ddone to provide the gamemaster with the consistent, logical, and complete background needed to use the Daleks in game campaign. The nature of ime travel may make following the time line somewhat con {using at times, Time is linear, flowing in one direction at a set speed. The par ticipation of Time Lords and other time travellers, however, is not limited to & straight line! They move up and down ‘the time line, appearing here and there. ‘An attempt has been made to make it ‘lear when an event Is affected by an individual trom another time, but gamemasters should road caretully to assure that they understand exactly when an event took place, as well a5 the origin time of the time travellers ‘who might have been there to partci- pate, “Just a the Doctor's later incarn: tions may participate in an event that took place earlier in the time line than ‘one his later selves attended, so may later versions of other Time Lords oF the Daleks appearin thetimeline before their early counterparts. This usually is not particularly important to an indi Vidual adventure. After all, Daloks act pretty much the same no matter when they are encountered. If, however, itis necessary to explain occurrences in the time line, and itis not clear how this may be done, a gamemaster may exer cise his prerogative and simply say “I's mystery of Time". Gamemasters should use the elaborate continuity pre Vided to have fun and increase the en- joyment of the game, but they should rat let complexity get in the way of that enjoyment! ‘The time line as here presented shows the Daleks as they really are, not {36 the CIA or Gallifrey’s High Council believe them to be. Player characters should start with access to the informa: tion in the player book, complete with ite builtin inconsistencies and misinfor mation. AS they survive ‘encounters ‘with the Daleks face-to-face (assuming they do survive, of course), they will aiscover that, where the Daleks arecon- ‘cerned, experience is the best teacher. TIME LINE OF DALEK HISTORY This time line give dates using the Time Lord method of reckoning time, ‘as this will be the most useful when planning adventures. If the gamemae tor needs to know a date in Earth reck- ‘oning, subtract 70708 from the year in Time Lord notation. Negative numbers that result are dates BC. For instance, the year 100,000 TL is really AD 29292 fon Earth, and the year AD 1985 is the Gallifreyan year 72693 TL. 1,030,000 TL ‘The first hominids evolve on Ska, 2 planet in a system located about 90 degrees around the galactic rim from ‘Temporal Nexus Point Earth, "130,000 TL ‘True sapient humanoids roam both the lush jungle areas and craggy high: lands of Skaro's two continents “2000 TL The first modern Skarosians evolve from their more primitive ancestors. A great shit in the planet's crust occurs, Isolating the northern and southern continents from each ther. Many humanoid Skarosians die in the planet- wide devastation of tremendous earth {quakes and tidal waves. Racal ciferen tiation begins between the two groups, withthe southern highlanders exposed to more radiation (protected less from ‘cosmic radiation because ofthe thinner fir in the highlands). In future years, Stories (told on both sides) of other humanoids who were separated in the Great Disaster will become legends of evil ones who were cast out, punished or even destroyed by the gods. 42005 TL ‘Ata time when their own ancestors wore still humanoid primitives, the Daloks use time corridor technology to interfere in the time line of Temporal Nexus Point Bavin the Marl starsystem of Mutter’s Spiral The resident intell- gent culture, a race of crustacean Beings ealing themselves Ka, are una ‘ware of worlds beyond their own be: cause they have very weak visual senses, relying on vibration and sound. ‘The physiology of the Ka has some similarity tothatofKaled mutants, how ‘ver, and the Daleks move in and con Vinee them to adapt their tools and ‘methods to Dalek use. In return, they fare to gain Dalekclevel technology, The Menace of the Daleks /5 ClAinvestigator Drasiinilevtaz dis covers the time corridor's other end in 44513 TL. He follows it, revealing the Dalek plot, but is captured and disinte (grated by the Daleks, The Ci’s Lady Uoribetcazistanopiliain discovers. that ‘the Daleks" interference with the time Tine wil allow the Ka to dominate much fof Matters Spiral by 100,000 TL Meanwhile, the Daleks discover that their technology trade with the Ka ‘will someday be their undoing. They de- tide to exterminate the Ka now with 2 Dalekanium bomb planted at the heart cof the underground Ka city. Lady Lloribet trades the Ka leaders the loca tion of the bomb for the Dalek technological data left behind. The bombs defused, the advanced technol 07 is not obtained by the Ka, who re- ‘main on their home planet and do not become interstellar conquerors. 50,000 TL. Domestication of plants, true ag rieulture, begins for the northern cont rent Skarosians. Nomadic life is aban doned eventually, and permanent set tloments emerge 62,000 TL The southern Skarosians develop ‘agriculture, lagging behind their north- fem brothers due tothe unfavorable cl: ‘mate in the south, Racial differentiation hhas made the southerners hardier, ‘more tolerant of radiation, and les in tellectual than the people of the north. Permanent settlements emerge, as do the beginnings of organized explote tion of tho sea. (66,000 TL The northern Kaleds and the south: fern Thals begin expanding their num- bers and pushing outward, Sailing ve sels improve, and contact between the two groupsis inevitable. The Ksleds a more advanced technologically be- ‘cause they settled in one place earlier, but the Thala are hardier, more adver turous, and better warriors. ‘66300 TL ‘The Kaleds and the Thals re-en- counter one another. The ancient legends of the ones who were cast out resurface, seting off the Great Kaled/ ‘Thal War, Begun with litle more than bows, spears, knives, and rock-throw: tr, the pressure of war accelerates the technological development of both civilizations. 67204 TL ‘The weapons of war having pro- ‘grossed from spears and bows through ‘Sophisticated firearms, Kaled scientists develop the theories’ behind nucle ‘woapons, and a top-priorty project is Dogun to create the first workable nu- cloar explosives before the Thal scier tists can duplicate the researches. Dav- ssigned to this project asa spe- Calitin both radiation effects on living tissue and cybernetic handling of nu- ‘loar materiale handling. Considered the Kalods’ most promising scientist, 16 /The Menace of the Daleks Davros works in his laboratory until 8 Thal shell strikes it and causes an ox plosion in which he and more than 50 Of the brightest Kaled scientists aro ox osedtolethal levels of radiation. Using Davros’ notes on cybernetic support systems, Daveos end several other sc- fntists are connected to life support equipment, Six are successfully con- nected, but none can handle the Deyehological stvesses of becoming a ‘cyborg; all die within four months ex ‘capt Davros hime. 67297 TL ‘Davtos has recovered enough to begin working again. His cancer-rid- dled, radiation-burned lags have been ‘amputated, but he has supervised the Construction of @ unique life support chair that gives him mobility. Davros has become quite egomaniacal, but the Kaled leaders decide to overlook his {growing personality disorders as long fs ne produces useful work, Under his ‘relents direction, the Kaleds develop practical nuciest weapons, which are utto use destroying Thal cident, however, has de- layed Kaled research long enough for ‘Thal technology to catch up, and both sides now have nuclear capability. An all-out nuclear war begins. 67299 TL “The frst mutant children are born ‘on both sides ofthe Kaled/Thal conflict, 2 result of increased radiation levels. ‘Thal mutations are less severe and less numerous than are found emong the Kaleds, due to the genetic adjustment the Thale have made to greater back: ‘ground radiation. Most of the mutated thildren do not lve, but Davros seeks ‘and is granted custody of the most se- Verely damaged ones for genetic re search, Others are cast out into the Wastelands. 67328 Escalation of the Kaled/Thal Ws into nuclear exchanges le Sides devastated, their cities ‘and mostly ruined. Davros heads the Kaled scientific community, housed in 2 special bunker away from the main Kalod city. He gains the ear of Kaled leaders with his advanced work with fadiation-induced mutants, which has ‘convinced him that the hurnanoid Kaled ‘orm will eventually be unable to func tion in this raciation-polsoned worl. Through genetic manipulation, he pro- duces. @ strain of radiation resistant mutants, but they bear no resemblance tothe human-like Kaleds. Nevertheless, he claims them asthe form Kaleds must take to survive. Davros uses his back Ground in cybernetics to develop 2 robot lke life support system and com- bat unit for his mutants, which become known as Daleks. In the original time line ofthe uni verse, Davros is allowed o unleash the Daleks against the Thols immediately Thal civilization is disrupted, though many Thals escape, and the Daleks ‘soon destroy the humanoid Kaleds as well. Intervention is planned by the Cia’s Lord Deliavatsud to remove the Daleks entiraly by destroying Davros ‘and the Kaled mutants before the life support containers can be made opers- tional “The choice of The Doctor to carry cout the intervention attempt, however, proves fata to the plan, The Doctor re fives at first to uttedy destroy the Daleks, But The Doctor's. warnings ‘about Davros lead the Kaled leaders to mistrust their Chief Scientist. Davros betrays his own people to the Thals, -wino destroy the Kaled cty witha rocket bomb, Then the Daleks destroy most of the Thals and their ety. The remaining ‘Thals counterattack the bunker and leave the Daleks buried in an under- ‘ground chamber, which puts an end to the war. The Thals begin rebuilding 67666 TL ‘Daleks from 74666 TL invade Tom- poral Nexus Point Teth via a time cor Fidor,kiling many of the planet's dom- inant natives, _ massive herbivores called Bruul, in an attempt to discover the secret of the hypnotic powers that allow the Bruul to dominate the lower {animals of their chlorine-atmosphere planet, The CIA discovers that another Species on Teth, the fast and clever Klevite on the edge of sapient intell ‘gence, are important to the time tine Because several of their philosophers will one day bring peace to large pa fof Muttor’s Spiab Lord Cavoristaliteras, a senior field ‘operative having prior experience with Daleks, is gent to intervene, intending 10 atir the Klovits to revolt against the Bruul and the Daleks. Lord Cavor mar ifests hypnotic ability, however, and he becomes obsessed with the Bruul's hhypnotie power and attempts to secure ‘the results ofthe Dalek experiments for himself. In the process, his intervention attempt backfires. "The CIA discovers that the success fof Lord Cavor's revolt will bring about the premature extinction of the Bruul, causing the Klevits to become warlike Instead of peace-loving. Chit CIA Field Operative Lady Loribetcazistanopilain, 2 long-standing rival of Lord Cavor, fives to undo the damage to the time line, Her environmental suitis damaged by the Bruul and she is forced to return {0 Galley to regenerate. Lord Cavor is recalled to Gallifroy as wel, and the matter is taken under advisement. 67668 TL. Making a second trip to Teth, Lady Loribetis discovered by the Daleks. Un eknownet to her, she has been be trayed by Lord Cavor, who wants the Daleks to complete their workso he can ‘obtain the results, She is attacked by the Daleks and wounded severely, but scapes in her TARDIS. Unfortunately, itis caught by time cortidor effects and is damaged in the process, stranding her in the Vortex. Her young kinsman Alistanathealebiviteth, 8 CIA trainee, takes atraining-school TARDIS into the Vortex and brings about an accidental calision that frees both machines, Lady Loribet returns to Galley butis forced to undergo another regeneration be: cause of her extensive wounds. ‘Against orders. from her CIA superiors, Lady Loribet makes a third trip to Teth, intending to arrive 2 few hours after she had let on her previous trip. This tp is made in a barely-oper ational TARDIS, which takes her to Teth two hours Before she left, 2 serious vio- lation ofthe Laws of Time. Loribet, man aging to avoid meeting hersel, discov. ‘ors that the Dalek research has been Unable to duplicate the Bruul mental domination ability. She frees several Bruul, whe destroy the Dalek laboratory and cause an explosion that alerts ‘others of their kind. The Klevit rebellion ever gets started, and the time line is fot setiously disturbed. Lord Cavor is captured and returned to Galifrey. 67900 TL. ‘The Daleks, having rebuilt and ce grouped, expand their underground Stronghold. The Thals, who continued to live on the surface, are somewh: Successful in ther efforts to rejuvenate their dying world, and plant life again ‘abounds, Renaissance of Thal agricul: ture coupled with the ond of war has softened the Thal culture a bit, making it more pastoral, though radiation, dis ase, and starvation have purged the ‘Thals of weaker specimens, leaving the survivors especially hardy. The Daleks ‘oturn to the surface of the planet in strength, and rout the remaining Thal military forces with ease, driving the survivors into the wilderness, 68000 TL Daleks build metallic cities aver the sdlogetve ruins ofthe old cities. Most Daleks never leave the cities, so most of their life support units depend on power gathered through the metal floors. 68370 TL Daleks achieve orbital spaceflight capability and set up orbital weapons platforms. Thal civilization is forced to ecentralize and avoid large settle ‘ments, because concentrations of people are too vulnerable to orbital bombardment. The Daleks find no other planetsin the Skaro system of interest 68500 TL ‘The Daleks develop 2 primitive hhyperdrive, which leads to a split in Dalek civilization. The Exterminators wish to bring the long-fought Dalek’ Thal confit toa conclusion before turning to other conquests; the Expan. sionists believe that the Thal problem will be solved in due course and wish to expand outward to the stars im- mediately. Soveral groups of Expan sionist Daleks leave | Skaro, most headed into Mutter’ Spical. One major ‘group heads for Galaxy 5 (the Lesser Magellanic Cloud), however, with Kaled mutants preserved in mechanized cryogenic tanks 2639 TL Coreward of Skaro, the Dalek ex peditionary forces discover the Lilt star system, a minor Temporal point that has rich precious-metal de- posits on Tlir, one ofits two habitable ‘Oxygen nitrogen planets. The Daleks at tack Tlir, enslaving the natives, the Twill but ignoring the less desirable colony worldLierip This upsets the time line of Temporal Nexus Point Earth be- cause the Twill areto develop [by 78208 ‘TL) 2 minor interstellar empire, to en- counter Earth humans, and to exchange cultural ideas that wil strengthen both eviiztions. Lord Cavor, arriving from 101,183 TL, observes the situation and recor ends intervention. Arguing the op: postion is Lady Loribet, who favors en- ouraging the Twill setters of Lirip 0 support a revolution on their home- world Lady Loribet makes her case and 6641 TL ‘The last Dalek is destroyed on Tit, later 2 war between the invaders and fescue forces from Licrip aided by an {anti-Dalek underground on the home: world itself. Lady Loribet, able to en- Courage the Lirip-dwelling Twill with ‘ut enhancing their technological level fF overtly changing their history, 13 ‘awarded high honors by the CIA for her work, and @ life-long rivalry between her and Lord Cavor begins. 9989 TL ‘The sphere of influence carved out by the Expansionist Daleks from one arm of Mutto’s Spiral is about to intor- ‘sect Temporal Nexus Point Earth. The first Datek expedition to Galaxy 8 ar Fives and begins setting up a Dalek lization there. 70073 TL “The central Dalek city falls when the ‘Thals (aided by The Doctor disrupt the external Dalek power source, gaining {ground once more. The Daleks of other Cities return to internal power sources for most mobile units, ‘The Thals rediscover their_ad: vvanced technology and also begin to ‘adapt the Daleks’ technology to their ‘own uses. The Thals, by now nearly perfect physical specimens. because their cuggee lifestyle purgesthe race of lessperfect members, once more mod- ify their environment to protect their weaker members from the effects of hatural ‘selection. The Thals begin technological civilization again, includ ing mounting theie own space fights {and founding their own interstellar col 70092 TL Dalek space invaders first en- counter the Ogrons, brutish man-apes who are dominated and used a labor. ers and shock Woops. 71000 TL The Daleks of Galaxy 5 find ther: selves contained by a well-established technological civilization already ees dnt there. The Galaxy 5 forces are al ready t00 strong to be defeated by the ‘small Dalek colonies inthis galaxy, so Dalek expansion in this area is stalied. This does give the Daleks contact with Galaxy 5 native races for later nego 72687 TL Earth guerrilla fighters from an at termate universe two centuries in the fu- ture attempt to altor th time line result ing ina Dalek controled Earth. Artving via @ Dalek time corridor, they intend to prevent Dalek domination by stop ping a world war that weakened Earth tenses. Believing the war was started by 2 20th-century Earth diplomat, they dosire to kill the diplomat before the ‘events that supposedly started the war “The Doctor, exiled in this time period and stranded on Earth, discovers that the guercilas themselves and the death of the diplomat actualy started the war. He intervenes to prevent this, despite DalekOgron attempts to pre- Vent him. There i no world war at this time and this group of Daleks, plus the alternate time line of the guerra, is eliminated, nant Dalek scouts investigating the Molt star system discover an intelligent race ‘of mobile carnivorous plants onthe fifth planet, called Moli Veliane. The Vel- fanavi have never encountered an int ligent animal speices and donot believe fone can exist, and so the Dalek scouts pretend to be enother intelligent plant Species in powered environmental Suits. The scouts report that the Vel- ianavi leaf structure secretes @ sub- ‘The Menace of the Daleks 7 stance that poisonous 10 animal ite, fand the Daleks establish an exchange (of information withthe Velianavi, who low the Daleks to esperiment on Vel: ianavi who die naturally 823 TL The Daleks fail to find a way to du plicate the Velianavi animal toxin, but they do develop an anti-toxin. They se- cratly infect Velianavi individuals with 4 plant Blight. In an uncharacteristic Sspluige of agricultural husbandry and conservation, the Daleks intend to kill ‘off enough piant creatures to provide @ steady supply ofthe toxin without wip. ing out the population altogether. 7age7 Th The Daloks are successful in using «@ spray made from concentrated Vel- janavi toxin to Biackmail and conquer five worlds bearing animal species. T2a55 TL In response to demand for Vel Janavi toxin, the Daleks on Mol Veliane step up production by spreading plant biighttoalargenumber of individuals, 72856 TL ‘So much blight is introduced on Moti Veliane that the Daleks lose con ‘rol, and the Velianavi are virally ‘wiped out in the ensuing plague. Only 2 few thousand especially hardy ind Viduals survive, though even these are ‘sick and incepable of reproduction. The Daleks process the dead and prepare to leave the planet ‘The plight of the Velianaviis discov: ered by CIA Field Operative Alis tanathealbeiviteth and his human Com- panion T.C. Fellowes, whose TARDIS {ands on Mol Veliane because of a mis- jump. The. two interventionists con- vince Frelif, 2 Velianavi scientist, that they are indeed intelligent animals, but only after Fellowes is accidentally ex posed tothe toxin while rescuing relit from an impatient Dalek processing Frellf conceals the interventionists {rom the Daleks and helps Stan secure 2 sample of the Dalek antitoxin, Once Tevived, Fellowes helps Stan reveal the Daleks” animal origin to the Velianavi survivors. The remaining Velianavi take revenge for the destruction of their civilization by releasing concentrated toxin throughout the planetary atmos Phere and particularly in the Dalek Spacecraft, Allthe Daleks exterminated, the plant-creatures use a Dalekanium bomb to destroy themselves and thelr world to prevent any other warlike race ‘ceess to the deadly tox 18) The Menace of the Daleks e721 ‘The Doctor and his Companions avert the Daleks’ first major threat to the time line when they arrive at Tem- poral Nexus Point Earth by accident. ‘The Daleks, who captured the planet using Earthmen changedinto Robomen Slaves to control their fellow humans, are foiled by a woak resistance move- ent of scattered humans aided by The Doctor. No official Intervention was necessary in this instance, but Earth's harrow escape convinces many Time {Lords that more direct intervention may ‘at some point become necessary 1 ‘counter Dalek threats to the time line. Because the Robomen wore the weak link that allowed them to be ‘stopped, the Daleks abandon Roboman ‘control technology as an invasion tol Tecognizing it as being too vulnerable to sabotage efforts, 73208 TL. ‘The Doctor accidentally stops another major invasion of Mutter's Spi fal by the Daleks, who attempt to con- ‘eal their involvement by using the Og- fons and a hypnotic device to create ‘war between the Draconian and human races. The Doctor pursues the Daleks to the planet Spiridon, where he and ‘Thal expeditionary force immobilize 2 imajot Dalek array. This is the most de- ‘sive defeat of any Dalek invasion force to this date, and the loss of the huge frmy cripples Dalek efforts to control ‘Mutter’ Spiral for many yearstocome. The Doctor's part In this incident, and subsequent Dalek Doctor encoun- ters, isnot known on Galifey until after Lord Deliavatsud's query ofthe APC Net regarding the Daleks in 101,195 TL vata TL “The Exterminator Daleks of Skaro are exterminated by the Thals, who gain possession of Dalek technology. Only the Expansionist Daleks romain in Mut ters Spiral. The Thals soon abandon the scarred and war-ravaged hulk of the planet Skaro, but continue to build Re- Yenge Fleets on ther colony worlds for Use against the Daleks. 73508 TL “The Daleks, needing time to gather raw materials for life suppor units and still unable to mount a major offensive because oftheirenormouslossin 73208 TL, attempt to spread a plague deadly to'all humanoid life throughout Mut- ter's Spiral, A great number of Earth colonies are contaminated. The heroic action of Earthman Dan Galloway pre- vents the plague's further spread and Saves the limited quantities of @ plague “antidote for those already affected. These events prompt Dalek leaders in searching for ways to travel in hoping to develop methods of fighting the time-traveling beings who have brought about their dofeat on sev- eral occasions. yaaet TL Dalek time-travel experiments lead to the development of time corridor technology. The Dalek corridors use enormous amounts of power and can ‘only connect two locales in space and time. Dalek research proceeds in hopes of finding @ more direct use of time technology as a weapon. 74513 TL The Daleks first uso time travel technology a8 a tool of conquest. They 821 up a time corridor to minor Tem- Doral Nexus Point Bav inthe year 42005 is ClAoperative Dasilinilevitar disap- pears when investigating the later- period end of the corridor, and Lady {oribet is sent to check the earlier end, She returns to report the disruption of the Dalek intervention attempt. Orasil however, has been destroyed by the Daleks, Ant-Dalek sentiment among Time Lords begins to build strongly. 174866 TL “The Daleks initiate the so-calied "666 Plot,’ which connects 2 time cor- Fidorto the planet Teth in 67668 TL. In- tervention by Lord Cavor results in even {greater harm to the time line, and Chief Field Operative Lady Loribet makes three trips 9 67666 TL before correcting the damage and disrupting ® major Dalek force Lord Cavor is discredited when itis discovered he botched the job because he attempted to gain the secret of men- tal domination for himself, Returned to Gallifray by Lady Loribet, he escapes the Citadel guards and stabs his rival when making his escape in a stolen TARDIS. Cavor is never heard from ‘again, Lady Loribet, following her third ‘egeneration in connection with the af fair, retires and leaves Gallifrey to be come @ permanent intertemporal ob- server for the CIA 74708 TL Unable to dominate Muttr's Spiral with their own forces alone, the Daleks develop master pian uniting ot jee (including the forces of Galaxy 5) ‘against Earth. The plan, which hinges fon the use of the Time Destructor, fils ‘due to the intervention of The Doctor, ‘who makes off with the taranium ele ment needed to power the weapon and ‘eventually uses the weapon to block the Dalek invasion plan. These intervention ary activities are not discovered by Gak- Ivey imediately. 75108 TL The Daleks encounter the Move! fans, an expansionistic race of human- ‘appearing robots whose eriginal home ig almost directly across the Mutter's Spiral fram Skaro and Dalek colonial holdings, The Movellans ae at a similar {evel of technology and expansion as the Daloks. Warfare erupts with neither side able to gain advantage, and the result isa contury-long stalemate, 75208 Th. Unable to defeat the Movellans with tactics developed by their planning computers, the Daleks send an exped tion to Skaro. Using imprisoned hu mans to excavate the ruins of the old Datek ot, the Daleks hope to resurrect Davros and make use of his creativity tobreak the stalomate, Davros is found, but 2 prisoner revolt emang the hu: ‘mans, and the actions of a Movellan ‘expedition, prevent the Daleks from re covering him. Davros is taken to Earth, tied by the Federation, and imprisoned in eryagenic stasis aboard an isolate prison station reserved especially for the purpose. The Dalek/Movellan war continues along the fringes of Mutter’s Spiral re 1 Dalek scientists develop methods fof extracting information from the brains of living beings and implanting it in a ‘blank mind’. This leads to the creation of blank clones of humanoids, ‘who are given the memories of the orig inal being with Dalek conditioning added to insure loyalty. The Daleks begin converting captured leaders and Soldiers in this way, which gives them ‘8 source of humanoid helpers more re Table than touchy and rebelious saves, This practice helps secure s number of human-controlled worlds for the Dalek 75255 7. “The Movellans tutn the tide in the war by releasing a virus that kills Daleks by attacking the material thot interfaces the Kaled mutant with the Dalek shel. The main Dalek war tet is contami- nated and destroyed. The Daleks are soundly defeated, but a few groups of Uncontaminated Daleks, as well as some outlying colonies, survive and isolate themselves to avoid contamina: tion. The Movellans capture over hundred Dalek worlds, satisfying their expansion needs for awh 75299 TL “The Dalok forces devastated by the Movellan anti-Dalok virus, one of the scattered groups of survivors sends 2 carefully quarantined expeditionary force to rescue Davros from his cold sleep imprisonment. In the hopes that the genius geneticist who spawned them can develop a cure, Davros is awakened by @ mixed force of Daleks land human duplicates, The plan backfires ruinously. Ant: Dalek virus is released aboard the sta tion, end one human duplicate man- ‘ages to overcome Dalek conditioning Tong enough to set off the prison sta tion's self-destruct device. The station fand the docked Dalek ship are de- Stroyed. The expeditionary force is de stroyed, and the spread ofthe virus con tinues to prevent a major Dalek return to Matters Spiral The CIA decides that the develop: ‘ment ofthe humanoid duplicates is not {2 matter that endangers the time lino, ‘8 the duplicates seem to resist Dslok Conditioning under stress. Analysts conclude that itis inevitabie that the Daleks will develop a way to overcome the Movellan vicus in time, The Time Lord Council begins gathering data on the Daleks. 101,197 TL ‘The CIA queries the APC Net about Dalek expansion. The APC Net predicts thatthe Daleks will eventually take con trol of the known universe, exterminat. ing all other life forms. in the course of this research, Lord Daliavatsua aiscov- ers that The Doctor has been responsi. ble for blocking Dalek domination of Temporal Nexus Point Earth several Doliavatsud decides to force the Doctor to aid him in an unauthorized intervention. He steals a Time Ring and uses itto transport The Doctor to Skaro in 67328 TL, instructing him to prevent ‘the Daleks’ creation. The Doctor’ inter vention delays Dalek development, but fo major change to the time line is made. Ata critical moment, the Doctor refuses to bring about the Daleks’ de struction, in the belief thatthe evil the Daleks represent will esult someday in the formation of & higher good, The Doctor's eeport of the incident brings Gallifrey much information on Davros and Dalek origins, bt, because of The Doctor’ reputation, much ofthis Gata is filed away and ignored. The in cident results in the execution of Lord Deliavatsud and the suppression of all CIA activities by the Gallfreyan High Council SKARO, DAVROS AND THE GENESIS OF THE DALEKS ‘SKAROSIAN PREHISTORY The two major continents of Skaro, located on the galactic tim far from Earth, once were connected by anarrow isthmus. The northern continent was fullof ush jungles and forests, whereas the southern was covered with vast ranges of mountains and rough terran, ‘The primitive inhabitants of Skaro were virtually indistinguishable from Earth humankind, and flourished similarly on both continents, ‘The very first modern Skerosians evolved not tong before a violent shift in the planer’s crust shattored the ist ‘mus and separated the northern and southern continents. Seacoasts were flooded by tidal waves, andinlandareas wore rocked by earthquakes. Many of ‘the Skarosian primitives died, expe: cially those in coastal areas. The survW: ing northern Skarosians shunned the 0a, believing that their deities did not want them to oxplore the water. The ‘Southern survivors moved higher into ‘the mountains. Both groups told tales ‘of the disaster and how tho gods had cast out or destroyed the evil people of the world with flood and earthquake, For the next 50,000 years, the karo sians evolved and developed as inde Pendent groups on the two continents, The northerners developed agricul: ture fest, Docause of the more hospita bie environment of the northern cont rent. Their early abandonment of the rromadic life left time to develop inte. lectually to a greater extent than the southerners. The northern tribes con Solidated, calling themselves Kaleds The southerners remained hunter gatherers for an adcltional 12,000 years before they took up farming.” The rarefied air of the upper altitudes pro: tected them less from cosmic radiation, and, through natura eelection, they de veloped a greater tolerance for radia tion than their northern bretheen, Even tually a strong leader emerged to con- solidate these tribes as wel. The south- ‘emers call themselves Thals, Ironically, both names mean Cho: sen Ones in the respective group's na tive language. ‘The Menace of the Daleks '9 THE GENIUS OF DAVROS CLASH OF CULTURES: Whi stom bacame a ‘Only six of the scientists survived Both groups overcame their super stiions concerning the sa at about the same time. Early Skarosian seafarers eventually crossed the small ocean that Seperated the two continents. The an cient tales of the sinning Skarosians who were cast out by the gods were Fevived, and the reunion of the bwo groups ‘was filled with distrust and Bloodshed as violent asthe natural dis: aster that separated them. The hardior Thal, led by strong, charismatic war leaders, had early vietores. Many adult Thals travelled to the ‘New Land’, and s00n the Thals wore firmly established fn the northern continent. The Kaleds, however, recovered and balanced the “Thal svength and warrior’ nature with greater scientific knowledge and under Standing of technology. ‘The weapons of war developed rapidly, as conflict spurred both sides to‘an accelerated level of technological development. The first battlos wore fought with spears and bows. The Kaleds developed catapults and fortres: ses, and the Thals countered with sioge ‘machines. Firearms and explosives fol lowed, then armored vehicles, and, eventually, aircraft Less than a thousand years after the Kaleds and Thals re-encountered ‘one another, they were bombing each ‘others cities regulary trom propeller driven aircraft, and using poison gas and simple biological agents on the ‘ground. The Kaleds still maintained @ technological edge, which just counter balanced the Thal physical superiority. TO The Monace of the Daleks spliting possibilty or Kaled scientist, the best fand brightest among them were as- Signed to @ special project to create workable nuclesr explosives. One of these scientists was Davros, a vain and self-centered biologist considered the most promising young researcher in the Kaled camp, though disliked by most of his fellows, He specialized primarily in genetics and cybernetic en- hancement of living beings, but his cybernetics work had led the Kaled gov: fernmant to request his assistance in de signing automated equipment for safely handling nuclear material wh ‘assembling bombs. Davros designed the remote mechanical systems for the project, using his sparetime to continue Fesearches inthe effects of radiation on living tissue ‘While Davros was conducting an experiment in handling dangerous Fadigactive materials, a Thal attack hit the research center. When a. shel exploded against the wall of his labor tory, Davros and more than 50 of the finest Kaled scientists were exposed to lethal levels of radiation. Using techniques contained in Davros’ own notes about" radiation ‘effects, Kaled doctors attempted to save the lives of several of the important scientists by radical surgery 0 remove contami- nated and radiation-burned body parts; the salvageabie individuals were con- nected to unique life support units the surgery, but the psychological shock of waking up as haltmachine monstrosities proved too much for five ‘of them. The vain and proud Davros ‘seemed in danger of going insane as ‘well, but his iron will ascerted itself and he lived. He returned to work a short ‘three years after the explosion that at most killed him, ‘Scarred and crippled, Davros supervised the construction of @ mobile version of his life support unit, a whee! ‘chair shaped like a truncated cone that pumped blood, removed impurities, ex- ‘hanged oxygen, and took in nutrients ‘This unit has seen only minor improve. NUCLEAR WAR Taking charge of the atomic weapons project personally, Davros and the Kaleds complted their fist v= clear weapons. Unfortunately for the Kaleds, the Thals had time to catch up. Within a week after the Kaleds tested their frst bomb (over a Thal city) the ‘Thals retaliated with their own atomic attack. To avoid repeat ofthe previous Gisaster that crippled their scientific ‘community, the Kaleds moved theirs fence advisors to a special bunker hid don safely away from the main Kaled city. Outlying cities and agricultural re- gions were laid waste on bath sides by nuclear exchanges. The two cultures bombed themselves almost into extine- tion before the available supplies. of weapons-grade material become ‘exhausted. Continuing with conven- tional explosives further reduced sot ments to rubble on both sides. During the years of nuclear war, radiation poisoning. claimed many lives. Though the Thals were more re- sistant to this threat, even they were ‘A CHANGE OF PLANS ‘The events that followed wer tered by Time Lord intervention. In the ‘original timeline of Skaro, the Thal roc: ket did not destroy the Kaled city. In stead, the Dalek project succeeded and the Thal city was overrun. The survivors of the attack fled into the Wastelands, Later, the Daleks did away with the Kaled humanoids os well ‘But this was not to be. On Galley Inthe year 101,187 TL, Lord Deliavatsud ‘of the CIA made use of the vast re ‘sources of the APC Net to project the probable future of the universe, Based fon the APC Net's knowledge of the Daleks, it projected that there was @ strong possibility that they eventually would dominate all races’ in Mutter’s Spiral To avoid this, Lord Deliavatsud stole a Time Ring (an experimental locator and control device used withthe Time Scoop of Rassilon) and used the Time Scoop to move The Doctor and his Companions Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan into Skaro’s past on the ‘eve of the birth of the Daleks, Lord De- Tiavatsud chose The Doctor because he discovered evidence of The Doctor's many encounters with the Daleks and believed The Doctor had the best chance to persuade the Kaleds to halt Davros’ experimentation ‘The Doctor nearly succeeded, but, the last moment, retrained from de stroying the helpless Kaled mutants in the belief that he hadno rightto destroy {an entire race, no matter how evil. Te Doctor warned the Kaled leaders, who fed Davros while reexamining the situation. Angered, Davros betrayed his ‘own people by providing the Thals with Davros’ brilliant mind became ob- ‘8 way to destroy the Kaled ant-explo- ‘sessed withthe idea that the physical sive dome. Crippling he suffered was unimportant. ‘single-minded egomaniac, he created his Kaled mutants to reflect his secret disdain for the humanoid form and his {rowing lack of such warmer emotions as compassion. From the ruins, the Thals recovered 4 great rocket, the last missile left on ‘karo. Ina desperate attemptto destroy the Kaleds once and forall, they refined ‘2 powerful explosive to place in the roe: ket, intending to launch it at the Kaled city, unaware that Davros’ explosive: proof dome would be suicient to pro- tect the city ‘At about the same time, Davros presented the Kaled leaders 2 plen to insure the survival of the Kaled race, He proposed installing his mutant crea: tions into mobile life support canisters ‘modelled after his own support char. He conjectured that these canisters, equipped with the most madern Kaled weapons, would be a fighting force ‘against which the Thals could nat hope to succeed. Under carctul supervision, tants, thanks to Davros’ original genetic Davros constructed several prototype : ‘manipulations, To accomplish both nits, which he called Daleks, «name POLE PAVING CAME, goals, some Osleks (called Exter- that is an anagram of the word Kaled, ‘minators in CIA literature] remained on The Menace of the Daleks /11 affected. Many mutated children were bom on both sides. The Thals exiled the mutants to the radioactive Waste: lands. Many Kaled mutations were also cast out, but some ofthe most ‘interest ing’ were retained by Davros for ex perimentation Davros and hie science teams per fected a material impervious to most ‘conventional explosives and used it to coat the dome of the last remaining major Kaled city. The last major Thal city was sate trom Kaled destructive a tack only because the Kaleds no longer had the capability to deliver a major ‘bomb. All Kaled and Thal aircraft wore destroyed, and fighting continued only Jn trenches and in the radioactive ruins that lay between the two cities, using whatever weapons were stil available. BIRTH OF THE DALEKS ‘The mutated subjects claimed by Davros led the briliant-but-twisted {geneticist to conclude that there was no hope for Kaled survival as they were. He worked with gene surgery 10 create the ultimate Kalod mutation, atentacied horror totally unlike any Kaled. The mutant was vituallyradiationimmune, but had to be maintained by alife-sup- pport system much like Davros” own. ‘The Kaled city was destroyed, Dav: ros, safe in his bunker away from the city, installed. Kaled mutants ina rhumber of prototype Daleks and sent them to destroy the Thal city 35 wel ‘The city was overrun, but a number of “Thals escaped and besieged the bunker. With the help of The Doctor, the remain. ing uninstalled Kaled mutants were do: ‘stroyed, and the small Dalek army, with Davros, was sealed into the bunker. The Doctor and his Companions left Skaro with the time line only partially changed ‘THE DALEKS RETURN ‘The remaining Thals rebuilt the civilization, and eventually much of the radioactive Wastelands were 1 claimed. After 500 years, the Daleks reemerged, and the Thals were again overrun and scattered in the wilder- ress. They formed tribal societies for ‘mutual protection while the Daleks re built gleaming meta cities, The Daleks centralized their power sources to de- rive maximum efficiency from thei lim: ited resources, routing the powerto the Dalek shells through electrical pickups inthe floors of ther cities, “The Daleks began to rediscover the lost Kaled ana Thal technology, and Soon reached the point where space- flight was within their grasp. Great orbit al stations were created, forcing the re ‘maining Thals into the wilderness to hide in decentralized groups. Because the planets neighboring. Skaro were mostly useless balls of rock or gas siants that the Daleks could not use, Priority was placed on development of Star travel. Aworking hyperdrive was a reality within 600 years aftr the Daleks’ ‘The urges to expand starward and to wipe out the Thals were strongly in ‘grained in the psyches ofthe Kaled mu Skaro while others. (called Expan sions, and covared in Extent Of Dalek Expansion} headed into space to begin their conquests ‘The Exterminators’ disdain for their {foes proved their undoing, however ‘Their centralized power sources were their weak point, and this was taken ad- vantage of by the Thals near the major Dalek city. Alded by The Doctor (in his first encounter with the Daleks), the ‘Thals overran the Dalek central city by disabling the contral power source. In the long run, however, the Thal vietory only served to strengtinen the Dalek resolve to exterminate their bittr ‘enemies. Other cities returned to inter nal power sources for Dalok machines, ‘andthe. ThalDalek war continued another 3,200 years. The fortunes of ‘war seesawed back and forth, but the ‘trong and erafty Thals gained more ‘and more ground. TheDalek superiority in technology was blunted because the ‘worldof Sao, which hadbeen through so much warfare, wae stripped of much Of its resources. Eventually, the Daleks fon Skaro were exterminated by the ‘Thal, leaving only the Dalek space con- querors in the galaxy. Slowly, the Thals ‘dapted Dalek technology, intending to pursue and destroy the Expansionist Daleks as well 12/The Menace of the Daleks ‘THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EXPANSION It would be easy to state that the ‘expansion ofthe Daleks into space was ‘made necessaty by the need for raw ‘materials, but this would not be entirely ‘accurate, The planet Skaro was indeod in bad shape when the Expansionist Daleks loft, but a Dalekculture managed to survive there for almost 6,000 years ‘afterward, 80 the raw material problem ‘obviously was not all that immediate. (Other factors wore involved. ‘The Dalek expansion has not often embraced planets that did not already have a native inteligent population The practical reason for this is that Dalek bodies require a structured envi fonment. Though equipped for some limited operation on broken ground, the Daleks are most efficient operating whore there are flat floors, ramps, its, and littloin the way ofterrain obstaces. In addition, the manipulatory do- vices affixed to the Dalek shell are not a8 versatile a8 natural construction Tike @ human hand. The Daleks have machines to make the finest of opera: tions possible, but these are machines, ‘ot @ convenient part of their bodies. Thus, the Daleks need advanced beings 18 slaves to do much of their work. The Dalek ego will ot allow them to admit this, even to themselves, but thelr be- havior reveals the fact. When Davros designed the Daloks, he evidently as- sumed ~ atleast subconsciously ~ that humanoids ike the Kaleds of Thais would always be around, subservient to the Daleks, to act asthe hands of the Daleks. Certainly, humanoids are not the oniylte forms ofall under the Dalek yoke of servitude, but there are many humonvtixe species inthe galaxies, and the Daleks seem to prize the all-around utility of that form as servants, even ‘though they publicly despise and revile anything that is humanlike For these reasons, the Daleks nor ‘mally seek out worlds with established technological civilizations, rather than undeveloped worlds. The hardest part ff the work, providing the support ‘machinery that comes with civilization, isthus already accomplished when they artive. The excéptions to this rule are ‘usually planets especially rich in some ‘commodity the Daleks require for their plans. In these cases, itis not uncom mon for the Daleks to import slaves {rom another conquered world to ps form most ofthe preparation of colonial facilities UNDER DALEK DOMINATION It would be Impossible to deta ‘even a significant fraction ofthe plane- taty populations under Dalek rule inthis upplement, not only because of the practical concarns of space but also be ‘cause it would limit gamemaster free ‘dom to create unique situations. This ‘section will thus devote itself to Dalek ‘domination in general. Civilizations that are dominated by the Daleks do not normally atract the concern of the CIA unless they inhabit planets that are Temporal Nexus Points [such as Earth or are crucial tothe suc cess of @ Dalek plan that may affect the time ling (Such as Exxilon). Even so, Such a civilization might very muchcon- beta the player characters if they hap pen to be brought there by an erratic TAROIS! {As of 101,197 TL {the time of the CIA query to the APC Net about Dalek expansion), the Dalek presence was firmly establishedin 1,700 star systems, ‘mostly on the fringes of Mutter’ Spiral Of these 1,700 systems, 972 had native species with atleast marginal levels of hillzaion. “Another 419 were popu- lated by civilized beings that the Daleks moved from other Dalek-conquered worlds. On 96, the native populations Ofinteligent boings had been totaly ex- terminated, either because they did not prove useful to the Daleks, or because ‘they proved to be troublesome enough 10 prompt elimination. “The Daleks were found to be in full for partial control of 27 Temporal Nexuses at some point in history. They were found to be involved in one sort ‘of plot or another involving 28 others whose outcome could not be easily de: termined with existing information. “The APC Net showed that the pre ‘sence of Earth humans in space was fone of the few major roadblocks to Dalek expansion. Computer projections algo showed the CIA that, without the Accidental interventions of The Doctor fand other early time travellers, the ig- lres would be perhaps as much as 100 times as high. ‘Normal civilizations expand out ward trom the home planet in response topressure from expanding population, depleting resources, curiosity, and the natural tendency of an organism to fil its environment. The Daleks have no population problem, 2s they breed only ‘ae many Kaled mutants as needed. ‘Theie need for raw materials is set by the requirements for nutrients and new Dalek shells, both of which are tied dt. rectly to population size. The Daleks have no curiosity, nor is thei civilization a normally healthy biological expan Even so, the Dalek expansion ie fast, even on acosmiescale. Their rapid growth is dus to the need to dominate, Which was genetically implanted by Davros. This desire is an unnatural ano- imaly in most races, but its an inbred, rnormal part of the Dalek mentality. They ‘must conquer. Itis part of them, much 88 the breathing reflex is par of most humanoid physiologies. There can be ‘no peace talks and no compromise, The Daleks do not establish borders or re- spect the borders of others. To the Daleks, anything within teach already belongs to them. Anything that does not belong to them has simply been out Of reach for one reason or another — a Situation that will becorrectedwhen the Daloks got around to it, “The Daleks, therefore, most ofton 0 not make full use of @ planet they hold before expanding o another. This enormously accelerates the Dalek ex pansion. STAGES OF DALEK DOMINATION ‘There are Dalek controlled popula tions at any o six stages of domination invasion, subjugation, exploitation, co operationieevolt, expansion, and aban- onment. Each stage incorporates 2 Slightly different Dalek presence and feaction from the population. This sec- tion details these sim stages and gives examples of interventionary adven- tures for them. Invasion Stage In thisphate, there aratwo possible sretegies. The Daleks prefer to attack with overwhelming firepower and Superior technology whenever possi bie. In this case, the inital invasion is over ina matter of days or weeks, which fare filled with confusion, intense TLILITT STAR SYSTEM Game statistics for the Liliti star system and the Twill as of 68633 TL are Provided for gamemasters wishing to ‘enact the intervention thet saved these planets from destruction by the Daleks, ‘fo involve this minor temporal nexus Tp other adventures. A Twill character ‘Gould even be made into 2 player ‘character Companion. teeter, Emacs ‘danger, and much bloodshed. There is litle doubt about the intentions of the Dalek enemy, but theres also lite time to react, Governments ao likoly 10 wel come aid against the Daleks ‘When the Daleks decide to make a more subte invasion, there is a reason for the decision. They may need vital faclities captured intact, have an ex: Peditionary. force without sufficient hhumbers to mount a massive attack, or be facing @ foe with a technological level nearer their own. In such a case, tho Daleks are masters of subterfuge and treachery. They are totally without scruples, quite capable of using biolog eal agents, sabotage, or any othe ‘means to paralyze the resistance ofthe Subject population, Time Lords inter: ening in such situations will often dis Cover thatthe paranoia of local officials hampersthem in affrtsta help. Revesl ing the Dalek presence and stopping the plan can be extremaly dificut. “The game is usually much easier ‘and more rewarding if things are not 2s straightforward as an over attack. It the Daleks manipulate other races to-do their work, the player characters must look beneath the surface ofthe problem to find the real causes, making for botter game than ifthe adventure calls for a simple Dalek hunt. Not knowing at first whore the probloms ie ana who the foes truly are is part of the fun, “The Spiridonian plots an example of the invasion stage, using sublertuge {5 shown in the episodes Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks. Using the Ogrons, a hypnotic device, and the Master, the Daleks intended to create war between the Earth-dominated Fed: eration and the Draconians in 73208 TL. Such a war would have weakened both sides and allowed tha huge Dalek aerny fon the planet Spiridon to sweep over both sets of worlds and capture all with ‘ease. This wide-sweeping plan was perhaps one of the largest operations ‘ever mounted by the Daleks, but most ff the Dalek involvement was behind the scenes, and the action was spread ‘ver several planets, which in an adver ture would give more opportunities for Use of the TAROIS, ‘Subjugation Stage This phase begins once invasion has paralyzed the organized, formal re sistance of the planet and secured key installations. Thisis where theron claw of the Daleks closes on the general population. Pockets of resistance are hunted down and removed. Object ls sons and excesses of cruelty are used to demoralize the population and dis: courage continued struggle. Native {Government personnel who are neither fssential tothe Dalek plan nor useful in other ways are exterminated, as are military personnel and other troub: lemakers. “The Daleks seize contro of al vital civil operations euch a8 power, water, {ood distribution, and communications {88 S00n as possible, anduse thiscontro! to crush resistance and manipulate the population. When the native population is not necessary to the Dalek plans, ‘mass. exterminations take place in ‘mediately, removing the need for other stages of domination intervention. inthe subjugation stage is amply demonstrated in the Dalek domination of the planet Thir in the Liiti system, a minor Temporal Nexus Point. (This adventure does not involve The Doctor, and there is no cor responding TV episode) The Twill, the dominant race on Lili, had developed "The Menace of the Daleks /13 interplanetary space travel and col ‘nized the nearby planet Litrip. When first encountered by the Daleks, the Lr rip settlers have successfully broken ‘away from their parent world after 3 Jong civil war, and the defeated Thi army is net strong enough to oppose feven a small Dalek force. In this case, the CIA examined the possibilty of an Intervention to sabotage the Dalek ox pesition to Thr, but they decided in stead to encourage the Lirip settlers to forget their quarrel and aid their parent world. The subjugation stage of the Dalek invasion of Tlir was disrupted from the outside when Litrip reinforce ments arrived and sparked a renewed *tfortby the parent worldto fight back. "The focus of an adventure based ‘on this incident would be on the conflict between the interventioniste promoting the idea of solidarity in the face of @ greater enemy, and those Lirip setters who remember the bloody civil war against Thr and do not care if Tir is ‘overrun by Daleks. Later, the interven tionists can advise the Lirip rescue force, sabotage the Dalek defenses, and perhaps prevent the Daleks trom seok- Ing revenge for their defeat by leaving behind a Dalekanium bomb or using o bital bombardment. In this sort of ad venture, the Daleks are the cause ofthe problem, butthe player characters must S89k the help of others and have minor Conflicts that do not directly involve Dalek combat. Exploitation Stage In this phase, which usually begins with the population stil in a state of ‘shock, the Daleks make use ofthe con- ‘quered planet's resources for their own Toth is. a minor Temporal Nexus Point. Its World Log and Creature Re- ‘cords for the Gruul and the Klevits ‘vention mentioned in the time line, or {0 use the plant in othar encounters, With the adgition of more human-like intelligance, Klevits froma later period ‘al The Menace of the Daleks ‘onds, The exploitation is often tight fully inefficient in terms of the subju- ‘gated race and material. The Daleks are fot concemed with conservation, not fonly because they are conditioned to think of all non Daleks as expendable, but also because the drive to conquer wil €oon take them elsewhere anyway. Native labor is used wherever possibie. When they strip a world of its useful resources, or (more likely) when they damage its ecology enough to make it Inconvenient to use, they discard i. ‘Adventures may be set in the exploitation phase, though it seems few ‘TVepisodes haveyet dealt with this sort of situation. For example, inthe 66 Plot {67656 TL}, the CIA intervenes in the Dalek search for the secret of mental domination. The Bruul, a race of flephantine beings on the planet Toth, have minds capable of hypnotizing the lesser species oftheir planet, including the likable Klevits, who show signs of sapience, ‘The involvement of the Daleks is as exploiters of both races. They conquer the Bruul (whose mental control only ‘works on those of limited intellect and ‘experiment on them to find the secrat ‘of mental domination, The CUA inter ‘ones to preserve the time line with an operative who turns renegade, as Shown in the time line: the mission 1s to rescue the Bruul and deny the Daleks the secret of mental domination. The interventionists must deal with the Daleks, the brutish Bruu, the mentally controlled Klevits, anda renegade Time ord, 2 potentially epic adventure. ‘Cooperation/Revolt Stage The shock ofthe exploitation phase ‘wears off in time, however, leading to this phase. Some populations, cowed by Dalek strength, will cooperate with the Dalek operations. Ifthe Daleks find the population usetu, they wil bo pro served. Occasionally, the Daloks wilt find a culture, such as the Ogrons, whose structure compliments thelr own Quite well; such @ race may find itself elevated to the status of ally (but never fequals) and allowed 2 certain measure of self-determination (Other populations resist all eforts todominate them. These cultures revolt time and again. Is the Dalek policy to keep potential troublemakers on the run, weak, and virtually powerless Often, the Daleks do not immediately 00k to destroy a resistance movement Utterly. An active, but ineffective, resis tance is seen by the Daleks as an aid to keeping the population quiet. If the re sistance becomes too good at opposing Dalek plans, they are broken and scat tered. Charismatic leaders arenot ol ated by the Daleks, and they are special targets for Dalek retribution. ‘Sometimes, pockets of both cooperative and revolutionary natives fre present on the same world. If this ‘occurs, the Daleks will ry to keep them ‘The Broul psionialty dovrinate the ‘sub-sapient or marginally-sapient crea- tures near them in a manner similar to ‘hypnotic control. ‘Unintelligent. the Klevits are thoroughly. dominated by: the Bruul through that race's. psionic abilities. They are used a6 fine manipulators, ‘workers, to6l-makers, communicators, ‘and #0 forth. fighting each other, preferring to use natives to fight natives whenever possi be. ‘Adventures set during this stage of development are quite interesting, be- Cause this isthe time when small inter Yentions can create. large, lasting changes. The loss of @ charismatic leader can be a blow from which a revo. lutionary effort dovs not recover, or it can become a martyrdom that creates ‘2 new wave of commitment and a re ‘newed dedication to freedom. The dit ference can be a push inthe right direc tion from a clever and resourceful inter ventionist, ‘An example of cooperation with Dalek rulers is provided by the Ogrons, who were conquered by the Daleks and then joined with them to subjugate ‘other races. The Ogrons wore involved In Datok plots in Day of the Daloks and Frontier in Space. Game data about this ace is included under Dalek Foes and Foils ‘An example of a cooperation stage adventure is the CIA interference in the Daleks’ planned destruction of the Ka Time-travelling Daleks go back to the year 2,005 TL to exchange technology ‘with a crustacean-tike race known as the Ka. The Daleks were not conquerors, a3 a war would have destroyed the very technology that they hoped to adapt to their own uses, Instead, thoy tricked the Ka into trading some of their ancient engineering secrets Tor advanced tech: nical knowledge provided by the Daleks. The Daleks eventually realized thatthe advanced technology they were ‘Bay, the planet of the Ka is a also ‘minor Temporal Nexus Point, because ‘of the Ke's unreelized potential as con- ‘querors. For gamemasters who wich to design on adventure based on the CIA intervention in the Ka affair, or who ‘wish to use Bav and the Ke in other ‘adventures, the World Log for this planet is provided, as well as a Civiliza- tion Log for the Ke, trading tothe Ka would someday make these master mechanics athreatto their domination; they became characterst- cally ruthless in their methods for end- ing this problem, intending to get what they came for and then destraying the Ka homeworld with a Dalekanium bomb. ‘The interventionists were re ‘quired to stop the Ka from gaining the technology and also trom being de stroyed. "An adventure scenario based on this intervention could end with the Time Lord and companions. being hunted by both the Ka and the Daleks, unless the player characters are persua- sive and are able to produce evidence that the Daleks do not intend to leave in peace as they claim, Intervention at the revolt stage is shown in The Dalek Invasion of Eart ‘one of the most famous TV episodes. In this story, the Daleks have already ‘conquered Earth. An active resistan« movement exists, but it cannot make an effective stand against the Daleks Alone. To complicate matters, the rele tively small Dalek force has electroni- cally enslaved thousands of humans to act as their militia of conquest, keeping the remaining free citizens inline. The Doctor, his Companions, and the Earth resistance fighters worked together to deteat the Daleks. Expansion Stage During this phase, most of the Dalek efor is turned toward using the currently-held world as a staging area for another invasion. Resources of the staging world are plundered to prepare the new invasion fleet, to ready anew ‘group of Dalek shells, and to nourish the immature Keled mutants being pre pared to man thom. The Daloks are Ul erable to outside interference at this time, however, because their attention ‘and resources are turned to producing ‘a new Dalek leet. The new fleet and the immature Kaled mutants are particu- larly sof spots in Dalek strength, 28 both are incomplete. By this time, or ganized resistance has mostly been ‘completely crushed, and major damage has been done to the native civilization Even if the Daleks were miraculously removed, it would likely take some time for the disrupted civilization to recover to its former level. The likelihood of finding a. native resistance “under- ‘ground with any strength at this time 1s small Once the now Dalok fet is pro pared and launched, the Dalek opera tion on the new planet will begin to wind down. I the planet is particularly fich in resources (including perhaps the living resource of useful technological natives, the Dalek presence will emai {3 long’ as there is. anything lef to exploit. Dalek administration of world, however, isnt oriented toward preser- vation, and so the quality of life for na- tives will continue to drop, the popula- tion reduced te seutting vermin hiding in their ruined cities with litle left of their collective will or original culture, This stage may last years or even cen turies, depending on the useful life of the worid in question, Intervention during the expansion stage usually is an attempt to foil an tion that their form wos well-suited to burrowing. They have also learned to jf ‘morecthan-compensete. for the en ‘gineering problems imposed by their form and size, ‘The Menace of the Daleks 15 Invasion attempt that i stil in the plan ning stages. The Doctor's adventure on ‘karo in Destiny of the Daleks is similar, ‘though the Dalek plan does not directly involve an invasion of another world nor is the subject race present actualy native to the planet. The Daleks in this adventure have returned to Skaro long ater it has been abandoned by the Thal in an attempt to recover and re vive Davros. He is needed to help the Daleks plan strategy against their enemies the Movellans The adventure is similar to an inter: vention in the expansion stage because captive humans have been transported hhere (odo the actual work of excavation for the Daleks. Like a civilization in the expansion stage, the captive humans have no organized resistance to the Dalek effort atthe time of The Doctor's arrival. The plot is complicated by the arrival of a Mavelian force intending to stop the Daleks from recovering Dav: ros. Even $0, the defeat of the Daleks ‘must be engineered by The Doctor and helpers among the captive humans. ‘The theme of this sort of adventure wil tend to be @ last-ditch effort by subju ‘gated locals with CIA help to prevent the Daleks from spreading their evil elsewhere, ‘Abandonment Stage ‘Once the Daleks have all they want from a conquered planet, they will ‘move on. Little is lek behind of valve, {and the civilization isin ruins, with fow survivors. When Daleks abandon world, they rarely leave a native popu: lation behind for tong. Ifthe population 16) The Menace of the Daleks has proved useful, some may be elo: tated on other unpopulated worlds or survivors of the ordeal. Adventures set \sed [lke the Ograns) to ai inthe sub- insuch a situation tend to have a rather iugation of another culture. beak, tragic feel itis usually better to ‘Otherwise, the Daleks will normally set the adventure earlier, when an inte: leave a population behind to die on vention by a Time Lord can mean much no-longer viable worl ithe Daleks fee! {othe people ofa planet. The exception, that the remaining population is at all fof cours, is when the focus of the ad likely to rebuild and Become an obstacle Venture isnot on the dying planetitselt, inthe foreseeable future, the Daleks will Dut on its importance to a Dalek plot use space bombardment or a delayed that threatens many other worlds. In charge Dalekanium planot-

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