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: = 8 Reread fit ccs = 5 cml ep ; a f_\ ey (f O J é . . A\ A ¢ he Maaco Ij : é aa TTT) i, A) PC ROSTER ‘COMBAT SKILLS® STATS Name and Mutant Service Secret Important skills Power Group Society Melee Missile STR_ END AGIL DEX MOX CHTZ MECH POW 4. FlashgoRDENT Empathy PLC PURGE 2% me 9 Vehicle Op. & Repair 2, Buck-R-GRS- Pyrokinesis Tech Romantic 28% 50% v Weapon Maintenance Services Jone TER Mater Eater CPU Death «40% / 45% Sword Leopard Kimbally-RNSNA——Telepathic Pro- Psion v" Wehicle Aimed Wons. jection & Sense Mental Block "Doe" MocR-BIS1 — Avanced Armed ProTech 42% / 52% Medical Snell Fores Barb RELA Superior Tech eras 2 Vehicle Op. & Repair, Aptitude Services Group. Robotics “The first percentage fr melee i for unarmed combat; the Second, if sted, is for a melee weap combat i oF 2 laser Iso. BOT ROSTER ype and Max. ‘Armor Background Move Speed Weapons! To Hit Equivalent Guardbots: water-cooler sized; tentacles; small ran; literal 6 wheels, sprint Blue Laser Rifle / 80% Combat Suit programming Mace 780% Shuttlebot Vapor yachtsized; speaks in military jargon. rockets incredible none 7 Jackobots: human sized; humanoid but with waists; thrusters sprint Hands / 50% Polished Plate argumentative & fanatic. Spybes: smaller than a fist; high, squeaky voices. et real fast Shock / 20 Kevlar Patrlbotss humansized; waises; policestate mentality. thrusters sprint Blue Laser Pistol / 80% Combat Suit (Clob / 75% Gauss Gun / 80% GGunbots: lange bate on chassis; cross berwaon a heavy sprint Explosive Shell or huge Fatcle Combat Suit bate tank & underpaid security guard Beam (damage col. 18) ‘Wallbots: fixed to wal; fiend, enjoy conversation one standing still Laser Cannon 1 / 85% ‘Combat Suit Scrapbots: weaselsized, weasel-shaped: packrat personalities. ets Claws (damage col Chain AMUSING FAILURE TABLE Vehicle keeps om going straight: Wherever that i 16 Mis Vehicle turns and heads straight fr Platform 745AZs Plot must 7 Gunjams: A succesul vehicle maintenance rl rake another desperate rol to avoid collision, itworking (of you just want to pound at, make Vehicle starts spinning around like atop: No one can fre until his roll © get it moving again Condition ts corrected. Each character nthe vehicle must make 3 Hit a friendly craft. Soh eee Sot aes Se Hit Platform 783-AZ: Azie Comp fires at this pe iter nex round any other vehicle riendy or alien) is nearby, vehicle veers and un explodes: Roll forthe pe fighter on column 7 ofthe Damage smashes nto Rol damage for both. “ible itu "wound" oF were reat, the cabin depresses Vehicle stalls: A successtul electronic engineering rll s necessary explosively ~ and anyone Inside s dead. Others, rll or the to get the engine started again. ner on column 7 for everyone ese inthe erat, on column 5 Vehicle stops dead, then starts backing up: A successul piloting roll s needed to gett heading in the right dietion aga IRS Vehicle drives directly fo the alien ship: Plot must make another ral o aid collision Vehicle lips over and heads in opposite direction. Martin Wixted and Greg Costikyan Mision Contol Development — Jeffery L Trane vices Ein Stephen Crane Sheline Constrtion 7Ant Direction Kevin Wilkins and rian C. Boerner Booster Contactos / Graphics Ken Rolston Radar Calmetry/ Project Sopervison Jim Holloway Commie Ray Experiments [Cover Av and Mustain Dan Gelber, Greg Costikyan, Eric Goldberg, Ken Rolston Mission Authorization / Original System Design ‘The Computer ‘ar Fiend and mine 251 West 30th Street Suite 11 New York, Nv. 10001, Space Farflung star. Spaceships batting silently across the void, desperately accelerating. energy beams hurtling soundlessly through space. Alien races far beyond human conception, First contact with extrater- restral intelligence. The histories, arts, and sciences — whole cultures of other races. Splendored vistas of new planets. The spirit of human discovery. The thrill of exploration. ‘A universe of energy and dead matter, waiting to be transformed in- to usefulness. A wealth of resources to enrich all humanity [New frontiers, new minds, new experiences — a universe so vast it wars all human aspiration. Wonder. Awe at creation, The quiet rapture of scientific discovery. Get serious. This is PARANOIA. Art vs, Schock ‘Whaddaya think this is, some kinda artsyfartsy game where we try to like, enrich your souls with sublime poetry, or stuff like that? Give usa break — you want that kinda stuf, read Proust No, PARANOIA is different. In the inimitable words of the venerable Ford, PARANOIA has a light, humorous tone, accasionally ascending to the dramatic aspirations of very cheesy science fiction flicks with profoundly modest production values. No, Clones In Space gives you no startling speculation, no well- realized, scientiically-plausible alien races, no awe-inspiring glimpse ‘of humanity’ futur. NNosiree. We're not into that stuff. We like ravenous, slobbering, bug- eyed monsters who want our women; berserk computers out to destroy lite; gelatinous, tentacular monstrosities from beyond the stars; and a nefarious plot to conquer Earth. All this sensawonder stuffs great, but let's face it, space has its seamy side, too. Spacesickness, for example. Disorientng Coriolis forces. Brutal acceleration. Explosive decompression. How could we resist? So in the grand cultural debate between quality and commercial schlock, you know which side we'e on. It’ too late to save us; ll you literati and arclovers out there can save your breath. We like trash. We hope you'll lke this, too. So go out there, keep your lasers handy, and remember: The only good BEM is a dead BEM, 1985, by West End Games, Ine CLONES IN SPACE Space — the final frontier. (TiveeTweT WEEE. tum tum tum tum tum. . tu TUMY These are the voyages of some unenterprising Troubleshooters. Ther siclone mis sion: f0 seek out new life, new civilizations. and terminate them. .to boldly g0 where no clone has gone before . Introduction 01 Adventure Materials Don't touch that dial! Weleome, boys and gids, to another exciting adventure inthe lives of those space-happy,ever-g0- lucky Troubleshooters who sain Clones In Space. in ths adventure, those inno ‘cent Toubleshooters get more than they bargained for — and so do you! You get swell (absolutely. fee!) tworpanel Gamemasier Screen, doubling a= the ‘exer for this masterpiece of adventure ‘design, behind which you may hide yout ‘deepest, innermost secrets! ‘And, as a really exciting ext, extra bonus, you geta fee solitaire adventure that serves introduce you tothe main adventure But tha’ not alll You get even more! A absolutely no additional cost to yous locus, you getan eight-page pullout Sec tion containing lots of Nifty Stuf, namely Wi the Maps Hurrah forthe maps! These ae guides to the various space stations where the clones get to die in the course ofthis stupendous adventure. To remove the maps, open the staples (teth work okay) And pull out the pages. There are other pages inthe way? That's ‘okay, you can pul those out too. They are regenerated chatacters and, if you'e 004, we'll tell you about them next. I Pregenerated Characters The other great item inthe pull-out is the pregenerated characters!” They'e specially designed for this adventure. We labored hard and long to design these characters because we kaow all your players ae lazy slobs. If you use the regenerated ones, separate the character Sheets somehow (teeth don’t work too ‘wel for this), Because your payers will be upset if you pass around a big piece ‘of paper during the game with everyone's Secrets printed on i. I Gamemaster Screen ‘And then, we've got the miraculous, stupendous, cheyseleghantinous Game- master Sereent On the inside of the Gamemaster Screen is the Explosive Decompression Table. You'll find this very handy. You'll also find the Space Vehicle Skil Level (0) Table, useful when the clones try to dive a space shut, andl the Amusing Failure and Pe Fighter Hit Tables, which are used inthe climactic space’ battle scene. Oh, and there's a roster printed with the sats of the PCS ‘ald, strangely enough, a PC Roster. (OF ‘course, ifyou don't use aur characters this is wasted space. | guess you'e entitled todo what you want with it. We've still sg your money.) I Section One Quarter? This stangely-numbered section is an intro to the main adventure in the form (of a solitaire adventure! I's for those of ‘You who enjoy killing yourselves as much 3s king your fiends a 0.2 Adventure Background Wiay back when, long before Alpha Complex discovered the Communism tant heat, there were many” secret Societies Real Communists, and capita: ists, And lots of other groups, to. Lack- ing the guidance of The AiLKnowing Computes these societies (sometimes called things like the USA. and the USSR. and Usanda and atleast ive or six othe) constructed weapons. Horble selilestructive weapons. Nowadays on- Iy The Computer has weapons like that Ib The Computer wonderful? Der you feel sated “Anja, all those old secret societies used to ply a lot of diferent games with tach othet One of these games Was Called "the space race!" They took a ot of impressive weaponry up into outer Space. "Outer Space” for those of You new to Ultraviolet security clearance, is where the Outside ceiling would be if (Outside had a ceiling The Computer knows no humans sur vied in space: Absolutely none. And i also knows there arent any Communist ‘mutant raitor in space. Absolutely none Iollows that loyal clones don't have any business in space. Absolutely none But The Computer fever vigilant. Is seen an old movie called Red Planet Mars. So The Computer keeps a sensor cocked at is orbital servis All that paranoia has pad off. Sure enough, Communists fram Space have finally shown up. They pretend to be aliens, Hak! The Computer's oxbital ser: “ants have been fooled but The Computer knows better, Communist mutant traitors are everywhere fs i this weren't bad enough, a raitoous High Progammer has escaped into outer space. She knows enough about proxganming and Computer sub- Systems to penetrate and suvert whole sections of Aipha Complex. Ifshe hooks up with the Communists From Space. . well, the consequences are 100 inghtening to imagine. She must be stop ped, She is a Communist mutant traitor, (0.3 Gamemaster Adventure Summary There are lots of orbital platorms in space. Alpha Complex has access to Several. Each patiorm has its own resi- dent comrades No humans exist on these Space stations, though many are pop: tated by bots The Troubleshooters will visit three (assuming they survive take) The Computer wants the High Pro- grammer and the aliens obliterated. Ut tery. It doesn't mind if the orbital plat forms and their resident computers and bots get destroyed, 100. The Computer knows that bots and computers are 100 logical and restrained to unleash the kind (of massive destruction the situation tevidently calls for Even the fullybriefed Bluelevel Vulture team The Computer sent in pursuit of the High Programmer ‘wast destructive enough, itscems, since ithas disappeared without a trace From long experience, The Computer lenows thatthe greater the ignorance of 2 roubleshooter team, the greater the ‘destructive forces they unleash. They will be told nothing. I Episode One-Half: Huh? ‘We start with a diversion designed to be totally bewildering to your poor, ig rorant payers. The characters are told 10 INTRODUCTION ‘escort an Indigo prisoner rom one area Episode Three: Jackobot Only our ever fitful clones stand bet to another. The prisoner is blasted by ween them and world conquest. Ieauiearmedsccurivsuatiswncider Heaven (Platform 107-4) The dinax ofthe eosode » 6 gard the PCS to lay dow htt weapons. The space bate ‘between the Busted guards disappear faced with perhaps the mast treasonous jonsters (BEMs) and our heroes, who ac- ‘What does all this mean? Nothing place they will ever visit — Jackobot tually have a reasonable shot at saving the much. It’s just designed for intimidation. He os then tenn contling compusey day (hard to believe, isn't it?) = Freedom! Libery! Constant civ! va, Wi opisode Ones Tato The WAT —"“Tncackobor un ining te! osm 2) 4 Running Gags and Black Yonder ina sor of faendly club fashion. I= lr they survise the flight, the clones are Irrelevant Notes The PCs are ordered to epor tothe ust tha the cb consists mostly obo thorseryounclonts Youves onc afthe Wore, Pairm 0% was built for problem: with conductinga mission so humans. There's no ait And no gravity. ¥ this adventure, a a special bonus, faraway from Alpha Complexis the ime Large sections ofthe station are exposed YOU Bet lots of extra clones. tthe begin ittakes for replacement clones to arrive. tonaked space. Urirp, We hope some of "in of the adventure, each PC's five stakes for replacement clones to rive, 10 nated space rip We hope some of Clone slings acted t 50 ih ticipated this problem. Rather than ship the Outside — because if Space, nat only him or her. each clone individually, it’s more _ isthere no ceiling, there's no floor, either. tots of clones. And all of them are non- ‘economical to send up all of them at And you feel like you're falling. . . fall- Blaver characters. thats right. NPCs. sie tauing Jour pene belch ings hope they haven eaten recently, How does this work ingame terms? ment at trying. to deal with ‘Exploring this platform is.a waste of Well, you get (0 roleplay each Trouble: themselves. time for the Troubleshooters, because the Shooter's clones for maximum obnox- em tolcad eenoneinto ekbeecmuneioner becuse the Hane, Then, when a Toueoae, the cramped “expeimental elevator” you, though, because that hungry alien 828 ofed, the next clone in line ii still {high security level types call itan "Or. Is here. The clones get caught between liv) takes over and is automatically pro bital Shuttle”), where they can all get on three bot secret societies. A bot war meted to the dead Red's security each other's nerves. The rest of the breaks out; a clone is sacrificed to the Clearance. episode is pretty much ike regular clone bots’ dead Computer; and the alien from This gives the players an interesting life: long, boring waits punctuated by hor- ‘Touro-Comp visits for dinner. problem. If a clone is acting like a tific episodes of death and destruction. .* — ‘schmuck, do you blow him away for the IE Episode Four: Aze-Comp — —commentiton point this xing one @latiorm 7432) of your own sb "Ines? — or ht I Episode Two: Touro-Comp Another shot shuttle ide takes ourpals YOU make the Toubleshootes sign (Platform 15-8) to Plato SI3Az. This ha mayor forthe clones when they ser equipment, Ithe Troubleshooters reach thefistor- weapons platform — High’ Fronties, they'll now they need to keep track of bital plaform intact (not necessarily a Destructo-rays and _negatron bombs, afd care forthe clones. Be sure to remind foregone conclusion) they will encounter Hightech missiles and searing lasers. It's the PCs of things like: Don't let them NCGmputer so piesa they'igumeits abo dgused asa rew-G manufctor Wander off, Don't fet them hurt fot to be broken. You see, unlike The ingsite-The idea isto make the environ- themselves. And whatever you do, don't Computer, Touro.Compis original {nice) ment icky enough for any sane person to ‘Wed them after midnight. progmming fs intct tur right sroued and go home au "Broan ters hunny toe “Contig soma coe MSO en exterminated. Therefore it has aa computer thats more paranoid than Ite rouble ategorzing the Tube The Computer thas posible shoots posses ae not over enough shooters. Lacking evidence to the con- Here the adorable PCs stumble into. fea" The Cor Zomputer vides for ail of a tory tasumes Royreandolde osuch, hlghsecury ares causingsecuty bos 4, The Computer proves ral of is they don't need special protection against to vaporize them. How cute! They'll get Containing “© com conde ohich ae. the unpleasant aspecs of 20%0G, hints ofthe High Programmers comaning a tape record, which ac vacuum, and hard radiation. whereabouts, and be confronted with Gvates when spoken ito: Obviously. extraterrestrials, sell, Computer, ec. Fret Ps encounter a huge em arr is our iend, The Computer. cap on alien tecently wested Wate WM Episode Fiver They Want How may thelp you, loyal Ciizen?” lection of bloody, empty Blue power ar- Our Women “Well, it began. mor whith tre hungry alien recenly ship from beyond the solar system, TCs undentand lease continue” mpted, his hatte gh Progamme, and technology Beyond hurran under. PCE “The last few hous we were Str tough here (whichthe alin had standing, TC: “How do you fol about Ts Nothingtodo wih and laupremimte "The sip selfs weird enough, butin PC: "Um. il, | nor ke. CrnshSimulgortotthe PCsonEnaw wandering throught, our PCsencoumter TC: “Please go on. Would you care to is a Crash Simulator, some truly wacko aliens. One's an in- describe it in more detail?” Nestisa wonderuishutlefighttothe testlla gourmet who ils he PCs2t@ As The Compute, speak nan unhur entation Shutieborvapor?isan old a stange Teron deiacy. Another ust ried. manner” Constant Ineruption tultarystutle. After seve! hundred want to study human culture, Should tel he ployer thatthe om uns Years the shutlobot stil justassoeas "But te ship asarwhole wun by the te completly uses When ives bull ih. not ven), shmegeg a delighully vised ace" would be tore fc you could There are no surprises at all for the with British accents, driven by desires of make an actual tape of The Computer. characters on this ight None, Infact this which they are ashamed, but over which Props like this are Known as Cheap Ticks shuttle offers the latest in explosive they havelitle contol. To be blunt they At West End, we use them a lot. Cheap ‘decompression and alien eggs about © want ur women, and to get them, they Tricks enliven dull moments and set the hatch (momma alien had babies). intend to conquer planet Earth, proper tone. CLONES IN SPACE ‘As Gamemaster, you know the com units are not completely useless. They Contain recording devices. Anything 2 TToubleshooter say is recorded for later analysis ‘Of course, simply throwing a com unit aay because iis Useless is teason, The Computer looks askance on those who destroy valuable property [i irelevant Note ‘Are you wondering what those plat form numbers mean? The lower the umber and the fewer the letters, the loser it isto Earth. $0, old 15-8 is real close in, close enough fora Space Shuttle to get to. A3.AZ is way out, thousands of kilometers above Earth, I's not impor tant I's one more thing for your players to worry about, though, All the Nifty Things That Can Happen in Space ‘As you may have noticed, human- ity dide’t evolve in space. More than that life didn’t evolve in space. Space is not all that congenial. In fact, without highly- advanced technolo ‘cal support, life tends to stop pretty ply in space. Thats why space is an ideal environment for a PARANOIA adventure Buta good PARANOIA adventure doesnt just et you kill off characters No, it does more. ..much more. It Jets you embarrass, frighten, and iscomfit them in myriad ways. Space is the place. Wi talling.. Sometimes, clones are under ac- celeaton, whether in a rotating space ation or an accelerating spaceship. Not all the time, though, Here's what 2er0-G fees like: You're falling. falling.'re falling and it never stops. There’s no floor to rush up and hold you. You're falling, forever and ever and ever. «instinctively, you feel that the longer you fall the harder you ht, and you keep on falling... and fall: ing. "and falling, “The clone next to you is standing upside down, Another one is sideways. The seats are above your head. There is no up. The liquid in your inner eats sloshing precarious- Ty. Which way is UP? WHICH WAY? ‘You're filing about, trying to find something to hang on to. You tty to swim, but it has little effet; "you can't push against it very i. You're spinning. ..spinn- the bulkheads whizz by ‘you're falling ‘Suddenly the ari filled withthe products of an unpleasant gastro- Intestinal disorder. WE Movement You cant walk. You cant swim. The ‘only way to move ito push off walls, fr grab and pull. All the reactions born ofa lifetime on Earth, the in tinct ingrained by billions of years of evolution in gravity, wel, are false Ty to walk, and you'l just catapult yourself into the ceiling, painfully. ry to swim, and you'll ust hang there flailing your arms. If you start spine ing you'l spin and spin and spin, get ting dizzier and dizer, until you grab ‘onto something. ‘And. for God's sake, don't sneeze. ..mmass reaction, remember? Do you have any idea how fast air ‘comes out of your lungs when you sneeze! WHAM! Hope the wll is padded. Wi rating ‘Our intepid Troubleshooters have finaly adjusted to 2er0-G and, ha ing los the previous three meals, are siting down toa sumptuous meal of Bouncy Bubble Beverage and reconstituted algae. Ber-R pops the top on his beverage can Pop. .WHOOOOSH. "The vapor ‘pressure of the dissolved carbon dio ide sprays beverage all over the cabin, and the mass reaction sends. him Careening into the wall 'Nonplused but game, Ben-R picks Lup the reconstituted algae on his for, brings it" toward. his mouth and. well, remember your high School physics? Any mass set in mo- tion tends to remain in motion. Reconstituted alga, needless to say, has mass. Ber R puis his fork in his mouth, but the algae keeps on going, and spatters into is eves. Eating in. space is bad enough, ‘We're not even gonna talk about Bo" ing tothe bathroom. Hin Space, No One Can Hear You Explode Arguabiy the most fan item on the CcamemasterScicen is the Explosive Decompression ble OF coune, he ayers might mee tha expo in ‘echo see fe Sut we know beter ‘When someone ges exposed (0 tard acum, ral on ths able 1 determine precisely what unique a entering wy th hacer expe Gnityou'e wal ends, have the Payer olpiy i ot ew seconds of txtence: GM: You know if you get id ofthe air ‘in yout lungs, suhien might other wise cause an internal embolism, you can survive in naked vacuum PC: Uh, okay, | breathe out [GM The water in your breath freezes ito crystals which deft away from you. The harsh ays ofthe sun are buming one side of yous the other is cold. Your skin feels like it is be- ing rubbed raw as blood vessels burst. What do you dot PC: Un, | swim toward the airlock. GM You're iting faher and farther. Your swimming motions make no dliference — you've got nothing to push against. PC: Okay, okay row may laser avy irom me, in the opposite direction. GM: Very clever! Mass reaction. A pi ty you did think of scone You pant on nothing, desperately tying to get something o breath. You fel your blood boiling. Next HH Vacuum Death The Explosive Decompression Table is actually divided imo two parts, The first i used when a clone gets thrown out the airlock or Somesuch, Roll 0 see what happens. ‘Adjst the results as circumstances (or GM whim) dictate. Obviously, 2 fradual loss of atmosphere is more Tikely to cause strangulation or inter ral embolism than, say, explosive decompression. Likewise, popping Fight out into the raw sunlight will {end to boil flesh, When in doubt, use your own sense of adventure I Explosive Decompression Given the incredible firepower car- rid by the typical Roubleshooter and the tin skins of spacecrat its viral Ty. inevitable that the players will punch holes into vacuum. When this happens, some. real dramatic (or amusing, i you're the gamemaste) things happen. Things cam get suck fed out into space. Computer equip ment. Important papers. Touble Shooters. tuff hike tha. How much Stuf gets lost depends on how big the hole is Whenever violence is committed inside valuable, Computer provided, pressurized suriaces there isthe con: Stant danger of puncture, Use the fules outlined in 2086 in the Adven- ture Handbook to determine the size of the puncture SECTION ONE-QUARTER \, Solitaire Clones in Space DET EI wn This solitaire adventure serves two pur The Computer says, “Citizen In view You hammer uselessly on the thick pores: Fist, you'll probably enjoy ply. Of YOU Tifetimeof faithful and dedicated steel while they riddle your body with Fag i Second, st acl at a kind of ime Setvice you are being given the signal laser bolts. As the world disappears in a troduction to our nex! regular adventure, honor of Reassignment. Please report to pink haze you dimly hear a woice saying Clones in Space, Bestally, ths solo Reassignment Chamber WTLA15, “Friend Computed! The traitor has been Sdventure cole the same groundas the Remember, The Computer is Your terminated frst episode of Clones in Space. By eun- Friend That is all. Remember! The Com: I you report lo BTLAIS, goto 120. puter is Your Friend, ning through the solo version, youl get i ; Tides ofhow we thik Clones in Space you want to go “underground” go ‘ought to be run 10 10. ot toa diferent a "lent OK #9 © paragraph 10 and you report tails 5-year ou s = Trea toner this onder, go S66 Halfway though your tale of woe and misfortune you noice tha seething to 90, Ho is wrong with the securiybot, Carefully You are relaxing. in your Trouble. g-gq————————_ examining the bot you discover that a shooters quarer ater 2 hard day of Ml 60 Siall pice of rust has blocked his cen iracking down ‘Communist. mutant The Computer says, “Citizen! In view tral contol cord. Carefully you remove of your lifetime of aithful and dedicated therust. You smile as the bot recovers and traitors. You've been eager to get back to yourbunkewrsinces eliow memberot service fo The Computer you are being pledges eternal gratitude and loyalty Nour secrt society passed yous most in. given the signal honor of Reassignment. Together you work up a cove story to ex Vaesting ancient document Just as you Please repor to Reassignment Chamber plain your absence and vesurne your old meumoiding tecenterlustation you ATLAIZ Remember, The Computer is job as a Troubleshooter Your Friend!” ‘our latest mission sends you to 17. fare interupted by the voice of The ad ty if you report to #ELAI7 go to 130, Computer ! Tel queckide tance jour youn gonads 6g "1 stump (0 atemon, goto 32 you report wa dierent reassign !anincedbe displ of hones, you Ii you ignore The Computer, go to ment chamber, go to 12 ‘pour out a lifetime of guilty secrets. The fh 08 tenor The Comyptnes Wood tant naa d Computer rewards you by pre-empting ot The feels O'Malley Hour erect you publi Wa tit tt eet Td tal Instr hai t hide te oun you M70 ; aR opener foal sip'the cenerbld. Ise permanent _Inadesperate and courageous escape taitor f i" you manage to gett the man bulkhend damage. Your secret society Is going to be very, very annoyed with you before the securtybots catch up with you. I-80 s order go cow 50 may an MOAB or the remainder of our ie oe eetip orig ends anonymously asa worker in the foul- 0 di foa,want 0 surender © the Sling fod vas Yu den areak For showing proner respect to The “you want tn cones your crimes tal acrident, arbi in pseudo ‘Computer you should be commended. to The Computer go 10 7 sweets. Decades latet, your wel Fiowewe, Te Computer comes ie Comenter wea preserved corpse becomes a major icon speaking. for a new secret society dedicated to vat oto 50 worship woo Wa Blue Vulture roopers burst through the The computer blabs something or door of your quarters, You are arested for ‘other You ae fascinated with the glossy high crimes against The Computer and ilustration of a female Citizen and at- renee axe ried in absentia that means you dont tempt to pry off the small “tweason! ua fet to be there. You are made a Sickers stuck to her. Suddenly The Com Scapegoat for every crime committed puter says your name very loudly. against The Computer in recent memory. you continue to ignore The Com Your entire clone family and immediate puter, go to 90. superiors ae executed for Fgregious and If you continue pulling stickers off Unimaginably Impenitent Treason. the centerfold, goto 90. That sal. Remember! Faitiul Ser if you naw listen t0 The Computer vice to The Computer is Always 0 t0 60. Rewarded. CLONES IN SPACE Wi i00 Grabbing your laser pistol and personal effecs, you quickly head out of your quarters. if you want to contact your secret sociewy, go to 10 you want co get Ouside, go t0 70 I you decide to turn yourself in to The Computer, go 10 60 Ii you decide to hide out as a0 tn fraed worker in the food vas ot 80. 110 ‘Your secret society superior congrat- Lulates you for your intelligence in con- tacting them at once, "Everything is just rmanelous now" he says, "Nou ate real Safe. Boy, are you going to have fun in your new identity 5a High Progammec” You are conducted to special hidden quarters. You are told to wait while they prepare new identity documents, If you want to wait and daydream about your new lifeas2 High Progam imer, go to 90. I you decide to betray your secret society to The Computer 40 10 76 720 Reassignment Chamber #7-LA15, The Computer speaks! "Congratulations, Citizen! You have been chosen to perform 2 routine maintenance mission for The ‘Computer! Report to Mision Launch Bay xD509°" you ask The Computer a question, g0 to M0 Ifyou leave for Bay XD509, goto 170. I you refuse the assignment, go to 60 Ifyou stand around looking stupid, 0 t0 150 Wis0 You are tightly confined in a Reassign ‘ment Chamber. The Computer speaks! "Congratulations Citizen! You have been chosen to participate ina routine Surgical procedure! Blood tests show that you are the perfect type fora heart donor. Thanks to your generous action High Program: mer Tell-UWWAT will Ive to serve The Computer faithfully! Due to treasonous sabotage, anesthetic is NOT available at this time, Remember! The Computer is Your Friend" That is al. Keep Your Laser Handy Bw The Computer speaks, What is your Security Clearance” Altera short pause ‘The Computer continues, “Tm sore. That information s not availabe at ths time!” (Go to 150. Wisco The Computer fas silent. A smal light Rt Premaart Ea) ‘ver the monitor stars to blink an ‘ominous shade of red, Ate a short pause The Computer asks, “If you accept the assignment then depar. for Mission {aunch Bay XD 509 3t once, Loyal ser vants of The Computer are rewarded for their prompiness' If yu leave for Bay XD509, goto 170. I you refuse the assignment, go to 60 Ifyou stand around looking stupid, 20 10 160. ico “The Computer speaks! "Chizen! Do not be afaid! The Computer respects the wishes of al loyal Citizens Rejecting an assignment ian essential ight of Citizen- Ship. Please wait a moment while an alternative assignment is arranged.” You hoticea small panel open A pao cold, blue ees stare at you brie and you hear alow chuckle. The panel slams shut Ifyou wait fr your new assignment, 80 1 130 i you insist on accepting your coviginal assignment, go (© 165 Wis The Computer speaks! “Citizen! Make ‘up your mind! An altematve assignment has been selected! Do you stil wish your original assignment?’ If you accept the new assignment, 000 130 If you ask for the old assignment, _avard yourself one trator paint and g0 wr, iin You arrive at Mission Launch Bay XD 509 and are surprised to find your entire clone line waiting nersously. There isa bret, happy reunion, your clones admir- ing your impressive Red-Level uniform and laser pistol. You, of couse pity thee ‘cul Infrared status and assure them that soon, with your influence, they wil advance to’ the lofty position of Troubleshooter ‘A burly Orange-tevel Technical Ser vices worker rudely interrupts your joyful Celebration with the news that the "es perimental elevator” will be liting shortly and that all Citizens should gather fo briefing You turn around and notice all the other Troubleshooters are. likewise present with their clone lines and feel ‘uneasy — until you recall wth elie that ‘The Computer’ promised a “routine "The Computer Speaks! “Welcome Citizens! You have been selected to per form an important routine mission for The ‘Computer! In order to help accomplish your mission, you will be supplied with the very latest in personal selfdetense ‘equipment. Once you collect your sup- plies you wll be tanspotted to your mis- Sion sit, Platform #7432. Your mission is simple; Tiguidate all. Communist traitors. Remember! Damaging Computer propery is Treason!” ‘The Computer falls silent. Fora long time nothing happens. Your clones start whispering to each other Ifyou walt patiently, go to 180. you shush your clones, go 10 175. is They glare at you resentilly ‘Go to 180 180 ‘A supply window is opened and all your clone siblings rush to be fst in line In their childish enthusiasm they push and shove you out ofthe way. You watch in disbelief as they sign for a hideous assortment of lethal weaponry. AS they finaly stagger away with their burdens You find the supply window slams shut Just as you get to it. The burly Orange Security Level Tech tells you to hurry up 2 long ladder. If you follow directions, go to 200. IF you pound on the closed supply window, go to 190. 190 ‘fora few loud knocks the supply win dow opens up again. An Orange clerk ap pears. "Sorry" he says, “theres nothing Fen Ifyou want to argue with the clerk, 0 0 196, If you want to catch up with the others go to 200 Wise Are you having tube figuring this ‘out? PARANOIA is pretty simple. When you disobey instructions you die. Doing What you'te told will keep you from dy ing ‘tl lots latex. Sign up for a twice- weekly course in Computer Obedience nd take two Treason Points Now go on ahead to 200 and try to behave! ECTION ONE-QUARTER W200 Ww W290 ‘The climb up the ong ladder to the The Computer Responds! “Citizen, The Computer isnot responding levator is exhausting. You and yout This s Mision Alert 89345-D8A). You are If you want to complain about a clones are helped to your seas and sap-- given permission to vist the bathroom.” malfunction, go 0310 ped in by a Green-Level Technician. You Iiyou get out of the chat goto 220, if you wait quietly, go to 300, sre in a siting position with your back I'you ask forthe location of the ‘If ougetoutofthe char goto 260, to the floor and your legs slightly bathroom, go to 260, fou shoul not unasten your salty 300 hamesses until you've reeched your aa All your clones are Noting around ard destination Eventually just when you were about having un, Some of them are tying to Tere, start to ask a question he %0sbrayyourclones with small armste, Open hatches You se one partictlely Technician leaves, through the open 2 Wemendous roaring noise fils your determined elone pointing a erate gun Fetchuanto yourlett Nags reundsiose ead. A giant and pushes you back in-—S¢the main hatch seals it off nd you can hear the sound (@ YoU seal and you black out. I you get out ofthe cai go to 350, of bolts being ted on the ater side ‘When you regain consciousness, 60 Ifyou order the clones back to theit © 270 chairs, go to 430, Looking around, you dicenet two other Mn the floor b you shoot the crater gumwvelding texts, On the flor below i large round Sealed hateh with stangelooking ewes M260. clone, go to 440. you stay put and ignore them, go sect eet fm te al wie out Ioan pot nelle ah in the wall above your head. The single ‘if you want to continue speaking to 310 nny Ifyou get out ofthe chat, 010 220. yey suggesting that this equipment Is argund, go t0 220, i Ifyou say ho, go t0 330, Ifyou want t talk to The Computer, Strangely you see all kines of loose ob 1 fou, Hse scl Setethirn 0 10 230, ie jects floating around. the room ‘tie, go 10 350. es nae tr iY I you remain silent, go to 330 Bo _ tenses Some ofthese things stronsiy el eran sien ne 210 resemble parially digested food vat pro- you accuse another clone of mak ‘You wait patiently fora long. longtime. duets, You feel very light headed. You ing the remark, go to 340. Your clones ask you all kinds of stupid feline parof the reas you fee slight questions about Red Security Levels, [because you've lostyurlunch. Inf, M320 JBeapon use and when they can go tO the you feel like you don't have any weight The Computer Speaks “Citizens, you bathroom. seems like nothings going rail are hereby authorized to terminate tis to happen. _ you get out ofthe chair, fo t0 280. traitor! Immediate action will be reward- £ you Mat stay td 0 10 ES Ifyou want to speak with The Com- ed!” Too late, you realize that all your you want to get up and look puter go to-290. smiling cone ings have weapons im around, go 0 220. Ty0U wait quiet, go t 300 dat you. You are vaporized elore your Pistol clears its holster 220 250 That is all, Remember! Taitorous ‘Activity Does NOT Pay! ‘ou stupa withthe straps Finally the Floating in the cramped, messy room lactone istice Riecsgeattosteichout ig ca referee Just as you ae about to check ou the "Pou open the man hatch, goto M330 tarioushatciways a temendovs roaring 329 The Computer Speaks! “Remember noise fils your head. You try to get back iM you open the round hatch, go! Citinen, false, damoge, reports are {oyourseatbutagianthandsmahesyou 360 treason” Award yourself one treason into the metal floor, You realize that the If you open the small, square hatch, point. The Computer falls silent blood nthe oor Is yours, wow Gow 500 “hati all. Rememberi The Com- "9a rap yourself back in your ter Always Knows Best! seat’ go to to t0 300. | == ‘The Computer Speaks! "Citizen, thank You aes The Computer oly and ibe note Sey Meee di orto oe eRe school), “Friend Computer?” . Sure enough, The Computer Speaks! "Yes, itizent How may Iserve you?” W350 Ttyou ask about the mission, go to The main hatch won't yield to anything 260. short fa cfater gun. But that works great! If you ask about tis elevator, go to ‘The main hatch disappears along with all 260. the air in the chamber You are sucked If you ask about your clones, goto ‘ut into the vasiness of space. Before your 260. 2s feeze solid you ook on the beauty Ifyou ask to goto the bathroom, go of Earth from a great height. to 240. That is all. Must No One! Rings Potent rtd irionatt Becta ea ol CLONES IN SPACE W360 There isan easy 10 follow list of instruc tions on the round hatch You swing the hatch open, Beyond it you see a smal round chamber. You move in curiously, ‘One of your clones shoves the hatch clos fed behind you. There are two ists of in- structions in this chamber. One is righty lit the other is dark and dificult to read. Ifyou want to follow the lit instruc: tions, go 10 380 you want to follow the dark in structions, goto 390 W370 The small, square hatch is locked Lucky thing you kept your laser handy! Beyond the hatch you see a small con- trol room with an empty chair. Thousands and thousands of lights, dials, screens, buttons, switches and levers cover ali anailabie surfaces, If you get in the chair go to 410, IF you ty some of the controls, go 1 420, ‘if you rejoin the other clones, goto 280) 380 ‘The instructions are simple and you ‘quickly open nether hatch. There is el Iyrnothing on the other side, As you fade ino unconsciousness you realize that real nothingness doesnt contain ait. That is all. Remember! The Com: puter Has Your Number! W390 In the darkness is almost impossible to make out the unit instructions Even ‘ually you figure ou that it's se of cre tions for geting back into the chamber you just eit if you return wo the other clones, go to 260. Ifyou want to follow the lit instruc tions go to 380 0 ‘Once again the room lurches. You smash against 2 panel, breaking and disrupting the delicate contol. Sparks fare across the room, video screens start flashing red, and ominous sounds of ex plosions echo through the walls. You hear a Pn) Pegs Feongerite Erato a the screams of your fellow clones as they’ bashed helplessly against the walls. Altera few minutes of furious ac- tivity the metal room stats glowing swhite-hot. You are fred That is all. Remember! Damage to Computer propery Is treason! a0 ‘The Computer Speaks! “Atention! At tention Identity Check Imminent! Stout metal Bands rotate out ofthe chait You are firmly caught around the chest wast ‘rin, wrists, and ankles. You fel a sharp pain at the base of your skull The Computer Speaks! “Do not be alarmedi Cerebral cortex cel identifica: tion is a routine procedure!" You feel no pain, You do not regain consciousness. “That 1s all. Remember! The Con puters security measures are for your protection only Wan As Soon as your finger lightly brushes ‘across an innocentlooking switch you hear a distant ‘CRUNGGGGGgaaes. “The room lurches and you see dazens of Tights start flashing red Ifyou reset the svtch tots original position, go to 400. I you get into the chai, go to 4 you go back withthe other clones, 0 to 280, W309 The clones stop thelr random activity and glare at you. "Who died and made you The Computer” muters one. you apologize for interrupting, 60 (0 350 you shoot the treasonous clone, go to 440 Wao Your carefully aimed laser blast ends the life of your clone Slowly, the messy atmosphere is made even more messy. Shocked, the other clones glance ner ‘ously back and forth between the corpse and your smoking laser pistol. "1 guess ‘we really out ofthe food vats now says If you shoot the mouthy trator, go 10 460. Ifyou order the clones to their seats, 80 10 450. Ifyou get out of your chat, go to 280, 450 Moving frantically, the clones awkward- ly strap themselves into various positions. Someone whispers something about "Red power tipper” but there are no fur ther incidents I you attempt to execute the loud ‘mouth traitor, go to 460. IF you wait. patiently for furher orders, goto 470 io °°» © Somehow you miss the trator. Your laser beam creates a fistsized hole in the wall, The other ‘clones star yelling altar” and open fre. In spite oftheir impressive arsenal their shots don’t come Within a meter of you. However, the walls ofthe chamber suites from a slight case ‘of aparization, Your lungs collapse, You pass out minutes later. That is all. Remember! The Com: puter Has No Sense of Humor! a7 For the duration of the elevator ride our fellow clones whisper conspirator Ty. You record thei traitorous comments ‘on your multicarder. When you least ex pect it there are a series of distant explo- Fons. You are. buffeted in various directions. Congratulations Citizen! You have com pleted the inital jourey tothe mission Jumpoff point. Remember! The Computer Rewards Loyal Citizens! EPISODE ONE-HALF , Episode One-Half: == Huh? (8, ives hiss just the pre The group can find the Mission Bie adventure you dont wart to waste alot ing Chamber easly Once ne 9, tad 441 Summary Gf valuable ne lng wound with Ge Thine eapade agente itadue.Sonsequenss Aone sng ote tonto he inantyof Alpin Complexes sling dowm the game and shoud ral for you. They ave big weapon Remember in aycho how the cental_ die eth ote characters prom the ay ‘of ummuniton Yu ae’ dt Character seals money andthe plot ap- emergency execution of tne newly. BM aoe parently reahes and her expe’ dicowredtator te vars weapon fumed atleast entrap The ad A squad of Yellow Vulture Troopers is waiting for you. They have big weapons. eee eee freaky “Amone who mes noi evinced deni Ribmugh ths "Theisen ask theme 3868 clone, Dan tak, Do mo. tle preadventure adventure-docsttschies why fed frels ae being sent to RutyOUr weapos Mocaepiotemues tehodpese Sonat pele one ey a onumo wromee nS pr Seahens — SianaminMatnarGiensrsedeg_, DeRLRAnS bak io saan o train alacrre pie Wom pee’ USaiptonergeencsaae. The Yule hot him iktertaedgeiecemers Bocaina Nig . trying igure outhow the teasers n-tere something they dot know? The Toubleshootes are fee to do as to the big picture, ‘There is, naturally, a simple explana- they please. If they move, cry out, or do The answer is, it doesn't tion: Degen knows too much and anyone arvthing other than lay their weapons on Obvious fre'communicats mith is immedignly te floor they willbe terminated. Bring Under unpcion Why waste Rgiise! Out the next st of clones. Tun to the 01221 when simple Reds willdothe beginning of section V2. Repeat it with tae 2 diferent prisoner’ — ahm--RAT, 44.2.A Funny Thing Happened on Degens accomplice the Way to the Execution he hallway to Detention Complex The Vulture, Toopers_p athe Way to the Execution

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