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Definition and etymology :


A (prevent from) + Muser (ponder, stare fixedly ) => sense of divert from
serious business.
to divert the attention, delude

Definition :

The feeling that you have when something is funny or amusing

The pleasure that you get from being entertained or from doing
something interesting

Experienced life can be a game
Entertainment having fun
Educational pleasure of doing something interesting
Evasion escape from everyday life

How did this trend occurred?

Generation Y would be the origin of this trend. This generation has known
an acceleration of changes because of the development of NICT (the
computer and later internet), they also grew up in a world full of video
This generation follows the steps initiated by the Generation before with
mentors as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak etc. They realized that
what used to be just a hobby could become their job.
The computer and Internet has
been a major factor. Everything
can be faster, so people dont want
to be bored: they want
entertainment. This generation
question management, they
search ways to improve the job
and try to make it the more
interesting they can, they are
searching for interesting

Game is no longer seen as an
only geek hobby. In France 63% of
internet user play video games
online. The game is a way to
access a new state of mind, its a
great escape for the mind. Escape
from what? From an everyday life
that seem sometimes too boring.
The Fun theory campaign
proposed by Volkswagen is based
on that trend.

They also want to change the codes, be a worker doesnt mean anymore
wear a suit.. You can have a hoody, grow a bear, wear sneakers and be a
billionaire (Mark Zucherberg)
Its a peter pan generation that elude the grown-up
question, the limit that identify when the child become
a man is fuzzy. The 3 days beard is a trend born with
Geek is not an ordinary target, in order to talk to him, you have
to use his code, his references (Axe Campaign)
Create an experience with the consumer, an experience that he will
recognize as his own (Post-It War)

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