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Syrup: 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder 7 tablespoons water 1 cake tin with hole in
the middle (or as desired) 1 small pot
Cream 1: 4 egg yolks 1 can of condensed milk 1 can of regular milk 1 blender 1 l
arge saucepan 1 tray with water
Cream 2: 4 egg whites 1 can of cream 5 tablespoons sugar 1 mixer
Method of preparation
Syrup: Place the pan, chocolate powder and water, stir to dissolve the chocolate
and stir over heat until thickened Let Then take the syrup and place in the for
m, only greasing the bottom Bring the syrup to the freezer or freezer
Cream 1: Place the egg yolks, condensed milk and milk in a blender Whisk until b
lended Place the mixture into the pan and cook Stir until it becomes a mush shou
ld be stirred until it thickens (it is important not bubble, but the cake does n
ot get creamy) soon after put the pot on a tray with cold water to cool the crea
Cream 2: Place the clear in the mixer and beat until turning snow Add the cream
and sugar and beat again until blended Add cream 1 and beat again until well ble
nded Remove the shape of the freezer and place the mixture Take the freezer and
leave for about 24 hours to turn an ice cream After resting in the freezer unmol
d the cake and this will be ready to eat Bon appetit!

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