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Battle of the Brains

Mr. Acala, Ms. Mallo and Ms. Dapitons group hooked up the trophy of the
CBA Quiz Bee. The other teams failed to overcome the excellence of the
champions who stood up and fought against all of them at the CBA Room
306 on March 10, 2016

10 groups consisting of 3 members with 1 year level each from freshmen to

juniors registered to take the challenge in answering the interesting
questions prepared by the JPIA (Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants)
PLMun officers. The program started at exactly 1:30pm starting with the
doxology followed by the Philippine National Anthem and some
inspirational message from Mr. Felizardo Marquez (JPIA PLMun

The quiz has 3 levels; easy, average and difficult. The students answered
the easy and average questions joyfully, but suddenly their smiles
disappeared when they encountered the difficult problems. The scores
seems identical at the end of the average round but the brighter ones
excelled more than the other groups. The top 3 teams scored 23, 27 and
29 starting from the bronze medalist to the champions who received a
trophy and 200 cash each. All teams did their job. Each member showed
their best. Sportsmanship was seen throughout the whole program. Though
some of them know they have something more to show off, the scoreboard
declares who the champions are and it is the group of Mr.Acala, Ms. Mallo
and Ms. Dapiton.

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