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use try;

create table branch(

branchNo int not null,
street varchar(25) not null,
city varchar(25) not null,
postcode varchar(25) not null,
primary key (branchNo)
insert into branch (branchNo, street, city, postcode) values (1006, '65 StreetMa
ll', 'Malvy', 'B35427');

SELECT col_name, col_name, ... FROM table_name WHERE col_name operator value;
select LastName, FirstName, Salary from persons where salary < 100;
select LastName, FirstName, Salary, age from persons where salary < 100 and a
> 40;
select fName, position from staff where position = 'manager' ;

//insert into staff(staffNo, fName, lName, position, sex, DOB, salary, branchNo)
values ('SG14', 'David', 'Ford', 'Supervisor', 'M', 24-3-1958, 18637, 'B007');
use try;
create table privateOwner(
ownerNo varchar(10),
fName varchar(20),
lName varchar(20),
address varchar(35),
telNo int,
primary key (ownerNo)
insert into privateOwner (ownerNo, fName, lName, address, telNo) values ('CO46',
'Joe', 'Keogh', '2 Forgus Dt, Aberden ABX76T', 01928371);
select count(*) from table_name; // the count() function returns the
// number of rows that matches a specified crit
select count(col_name) as other_col_name from
table_name where col_name = val; // between time1 and time2
select sum(col_name) from table name; //sum all the thing
select count(staffNo) as myCount, sum(salary) as mySum from staff where position
= 'Manager'
select max(col_name) from table_name;
select min(col_name) from table_name;
select avg(col_name) from table_name;
select tcol_name, aggregate_funct(col_name) from table_name where col_name opera
tor val group by col_name;
select branchNo count(staffNo) as myCount, sum(salary), mySum, from staff group
by branchNo, order by branchNo; // group by col_name having agregate_funct(col_
name) operator value;

select staffNo, fName, lName, position from staff where branchNo = (select branc
hNo, from branch where street = '163 Main St');

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