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Day 1 12/6/15

Title: A voice
I heard a voice todayThis time it was different usually I hear my own voice telling
me those things. This time it was different a heard a voice it was distinct and
different from the one in my mind. I did not hear words from that voice not in the
languages I know of. Not in any language that exist I think Im not sure. But I
heard it clearly I cant explain the sound its not a sound I heard before, butI
understood. Or rather its not clear because it randomly presented itself after the
barrage of suicidal thoughts that my mind was telling me My mind became quiet
after hearing that voice, no more thoughts of killing myself, no more thoughts of
lacing my drink with silver nitrate which was so easy by the way. I cant hear my
thoughts of self-pity. Everything was quiet, very hollow and quiet. Just the voice. It
was watery sounding, so alien. It was trying to tell me something, something akin to
stopit was soothing after a awhile I strained to hear it once more but it was gone.

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