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Frannie Knaggs

1st period

Regression Project Report

Every time a student drops out of school, there

is usually a story behind it. For many students,
that reason is that they now have a child to
care for, and can no longer keep up with all
their schoolwork and responsibilities as a
parent, leading to many teenager dropping out
of school as a result of a pregnancy. For my
project, I chose to compare the number of
teenage pregnancies per state, and the
number of high school dropouts in that same
state, seeing as a majority of teenage parents
do not graduate high school, I assumed I would
see a correlation in the data, and that a state
with a lot of teen births would also have a lot
of dropouts. This data would be useful to
educators, teachers, and parents in the area
who could hope to ensure their child does not
drop out of school, and government officials
who could help put programs in place in their
states to lower teen pregnancy rates and
dropouts, such as giving access to Sex
Education and counselors.

Number of Teen Births to Number of High School

Dropouts per State

Number of Teen High School Dropouts

Linear ()

20000 40000 60000

Number of Teen Pregnancies

Regression Equation: y= 1.685x + 1131

The slope fits the best-fit line, since so many of the date points
are close together. The y-intercept is so high because there is a
guaranteed high number of dropout and teen mothers for each state.
r2 = .722
These two variables will not make an exact linear line, so this
value represents how close we will get to achieving a fitting line that
meets as many of the data points as possible.
Three potential outcomes, should I have x-values of 50, 200000,
or 50000 would be y= 1215.25, y= 338,131 and y= 85381.

A potential career that would use this kind of analysis include

sociologists, teachers, educators, and census takers, all of which are
important and critical to our society in order to be improve society and
rid our communities of issues.
In conclusion, this data will be helpful in showing the high
numbers of struggling teenagers in some states, and a reason for a
number of high school dropouts. By viewing this data, hopefully
educators and state officials can begin to put changes in motion to
reduce the number of student dropouts due to pregnancy, as the data
shows that the more pregnancies per state, the higher the number of
dropouts becomes.

Compare High School Dropout Rates. Find the Best. 2008-09.

Web. 9-2-14.
National and State Data. The National Campaign to End Teen and
Unplanned Pregnancy. Web. 9-2-14.

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