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A Walk to Brown

Alex Chisholm
University of South Carolina


Geography; United States History

South Carolina Standards

Standard WG-7: The student will demonstrate an understanding of how cooperation and
conflict among people influence the division and control of Earths surface.
WG-7.1 Explain how cooperation and/or conflict can lead to the control of Earths
surface (e.g., the establishment of new social, political, or economic divisions).
WG-7.2 Explain the causes of boundary conflicts and internal disputes between culture
groups (e.g., the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict).
Time: 90 minute lesson plan
Graphic Organizer handout
Map handout
Intro and exit slip
Google Earth
Youtube Video
Houston video
Phone or IPAD
Essential Question:
How important is our court system in bringing change to our country?
Students will understand Jim Crow laws and how they shaped the
Students will be able to understand how court cases dismantled
segregation within the United States
1. Entrance Slip and Expectations
2. Walk to Brown Scavenger hunt
3. Video and wrap up
4. Time line
5. Exit Slip

1. Students will do their intro slip to the lesson
2. Students learn about information Jim Crow and Charles
Hamilton Houston
3. Students will be placed into groups
4. Select students will go to varying locations in the room and in
the hallway documenting court cases that tell the significance
of Brown v. Board
5. Students will come back as a group and share information
about there select documents to the group.
6. Students will create a timeline of the important events
7. Teacher will ask significance of each case and build timeline
8. Students will plot the points while teacher plots on Google
earth the importance of each case
9. Wrap up with important questions
10. Video on Charles Hamilton Houston
11. Kahoot wrap up
12. Exit slip
Wrap up question
How important is our court system in bringing change to our
Why do you think the last court case was in Kansas?
What impact do these decisions have on you?
The teacher will assess the lesson plan by turning in the map with the
correct map plots. Making sure their placemarker and points are
correct. Also students need to write the correct information that
coordinates with each plan on the graphic organizer. Students will also
turn in entrance and exit slip for pre and post assessments.

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