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Jordi Roig Fuentes

Consumerism (opinion essay)

Nowadays the consumerism, which is mainly promoted by
advertising, planned obsolescence, some pathologies, culture and
social pressure, is one of the most serious issues that affects to the
more developed countries, and people dont know how it can affect
their lives.
In my view, consumerist people are those who could be described as
people that needlessly buy products to improve selfesteem, and
make others feel admiration, envy and desire.
First of all, overconsumption leads to negative consequences,
because it increases the environmental deterioration and use more
natural resources than necessary.
In addition, another consequence is the wrong distribution of wealth.
Generally in the society we live we all are consumerists, because we
have more than we need.
In short, consumerism is becoming an habit and we all have to fight
against it. For reduce the consumerism we have different options to
work on, like buying on secondhand shops and thinking about
alternatives to buy when we want some products might help. We
must stop consuming unnecessarily things to preserve the
environment and don't promote free consumerism.

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