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Dr. Edwards
ENC 1102.017
17 March 2016
Harm Research Report
(Binge drinking can be harmful to U.S. college students in many ways. For instance, it can be harmful
physically, by causing injuries and deaths.) Henry Wechsler and Toben F. Nelson, from the Harvard

School of Public Health, define binge drinking as the consumption of a sufficiently large
amount of alcohol to place the drinker at increased risk of experiencing alcohol-related problems
and to place others at increased risk of experiencing secondhand effects. Excessive consume of
alcohol has demonstrated in a national survey conducted by Wechsler & Kuo stated that 30.9%
of students who binge, miss class , 39.6% do something they regret, 39.7% drove after drinking
alcohol, 3.9% got injured, and 0.3% got medical treatment for alcohol overdose. Demonstrating
this ways that binge drinking affects not only the physical aspects of the students but also their
academic development.

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Works Cited
Wechsler, Henry, and Toben F. Nelson. "Binge Drinking And The American College Students:
What's Five Drinks?" Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 15.4 (2001): 287-291. Web. 9
Mar. 2016.
Wechsler, H., & Kuo, M. College students define binge drinking and estimate its prevalence:
Results of a national survey. Journal of American College Health, 49 (2000): 57-64.
Web. 17 Mar. 2016.

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