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English interview

1) I believe i would be a a good candidate for your Company because:

a) I am an easy going person who Works well with every one and
enjoys very much working in a team
b) I am very persistent and like challenges and always want to
improve at everything i do
c) In my spare time, i enjoy readinb books and doing sports such as
trapeze and yoga
d) Excellent comunicator
2) Whats your greatest strength?
Key words:
Problem solver
Good people skills
Well organized
Ej: I realized my strength s are the ability to use my own initiative to
take on challenges .
I am always proactive and that keeps my mind stimulated and focus
I am positive. No matter how hard the situation or the challenges
are , I always thinks positively because it keeps me calm and
focused. It helps me to become a more confident and productive
3) I usualley get very passionatte about my work therefore, i get
frustrated if my coworkers dont share my enthusiasm
4) Something i need to improve: I admit that english is an ability i
need to improve considerably . However, I am aware this is only a
temporary problema. I am definitevely studing hard to improve my
communications skills.
5) One of my weakness was not asking for help. In the past I have I have
tryed to solve my own problems instead of asking a coworker for
help. But now i realized that it would have saved me time and
furthermore its more effcient to work this way.
Strenght : I am flexible enouthg to handle changing enviroments. My
sense of urgency, If I know that a task is important then i will work
my hardest to get it done on time.
6) Donde me veo en 5 aos.- That actualley depends on how well i
perferm in my job and what carreer oportunities come my way The
bottom line is that i want to have improved my skills sets and to
continue makink and on going contribution to any Company that i
may be working for.
I plan to have improve my habilities this means that i can cotribute
more to my employer and their company

I STRONGLY FEEL, I believe I am convinced of, have no doubt of, Have
faith in ,
I reject, ignore, I deny, I refuse,

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