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Hello Everyone!

This week has just been insanely CRAZY! I will explain the past few days here in a moment! Spanish
continues to come along slowly but surely, I know I need to work harder to develop my Spanish more than
I am! For instance, talking more with my companion in Spanish! Good idea!
Wednesday: Made some phone calls in the morning. Talked with President over the phone, and he said
he wanted to meet with me as soon as possible, so I set an appointment for Friday at 8:30am. We get out
of our lesson at 3ish and we have two missed calls from the secretary Sister Caldwell! She said President
wanted to meet with me at 5pm that day and I needed to make all the arrangements I could to make it
happen . . . not that we had an appointment at 4, dinner with one of our favorite families at 5 and our big
missioanry council meeting we put together from 6:30-8. No problem President McCune! We will arrange
it! So I made a lot of phone calls and eventually I had my ride down to Provo from one of senior couples,
The Browns and my companion had a split as well as permission to drive the car. Get down to Provo by
5p,, wait to talk with President McCune at 5:30-6. The Browns drove up to Orem to drop off Elder Brown
to figure out his taxes. Sister Brown comes back to get me at 6:15 and we realize she does not have the
key hub to start the car because Elder Brown has it. . . We wait until 7:05 when her daughter drove down
from Lehi area to pick up the key hub from Elder Brown to bring it to us to drive the car. Then at this point
Elder Brown is almost done with his taxes. So we drive to Orem, takes a half hour to get there with traffic.
We arrive around 7:30ish and it takes him until about 7:50 to be done with taxes and I arrive after the
meeting to enjoy the snackage. God clearly did not want me to make it to the meeting! WOW!
Thursday: We had surprise exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders! So that was quite a fun day
indeed! We get a call around 8pm that we have to be in Payson all day on Friday for training and tours!
We had to cancel any appointments and the whole bit!
Friday: Helping with the Payson Temple Open House for contractors as well as members of the church in
Payson from 12-9pm! It was exhausting! Good thing they provided food for us!
Saturday: We got to listen to M. Russel Ballard for our Stake Adult Session!
Sunday: We got to listen to M. Russel Ballard for our Stake Conference and we shook his hand! AH! Then
we had to be in Payson for another training from 3pm-6pm with a member of the Seventy who is the
executive director of temples. He took us on a personal tour through the Payson Temple and may I just
say . . . it is STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS! Everything is breath taking! That was the best way I could
describe it! The bridal and sealing rooms were exquisite! The Celestial room! OH MY GOSH! IN LOVE!
Here are the notes from Elder Ballard for my thoughts:

We need the input, vision and wisdom of all the auxiliary leaders and bishopric

The Sisters are the secret weapon of the Lord, be wise in giving counsel to the brethren

It is not necessarily what happens in the council, it is what happens outside

When you go to the temple it is a wonderful example of the council system, "Return and

Family council is the most important council in the church

Fathers need to open up the floor to their children to express their thoughts and feelings TALK IT OUT!

Be patient, give them guidance and keep them safe

Talk about the real issues and challenges of life

Sometimes it is the things that we suffer that helps us to come to know God

We must not only connect within our families, but also within out neighborhoods, friends and
all those around us

Husbands and wives are an important council, go back onto your knees and hold hands at the
close of the day and thank the Lord for having one more day together, it is really important to
keep that connection between yourselves and God

You are entitled to the promptings and blessings of your Heavenly Father in the secret councils
of your prayers

You know so much more about who you are, where you came from, why you are and what lies
ahead. Why? Because Heavenly Father and His son restored the everlasting gospel back to the
earth again

We come to know God through our actions and service for others

Honor the council system

Keep your eye on the quorum of the twelve and the first presidency

They cannot lead the church astray

Stay anchored in listening to the words of the apostles and prophets of the Lord


2 Nephi 31:13

Don't ever underestimate what it means to hold the priesthood

Honor your priesthood brethren

If you have a prompting, you respond to that prompting, be sensitive to the Spirit

The church does not need the money, you and I need the blessings

They have a mental conversion but not a spiritual conversion . . . It must be felt in the heart.
They must be touched by the power of the Holy Ghost and create a spiritual experience.

"The power and deep conversion of the spirit is needed by our members to get into the hearts
to confirm what they agreed to in their minds and that will carry them through every storm of
adversity." -Gordon B. Hinckley

We have to have ongoing spiritual exposure

We must be a light on the hill when so much darkness surrounds us

I love you all! If you are in Utah! Get to the Payson Temple Open House! I love you! Keep the faith no
matter how hard life may be!
Con Amor,
Hermana Rackley

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