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Winning Chess Patterns


| Aug 11, 2015 at 7:07 PM

| Posted in: Samantha212's Blog

| 2219 reads


Hello Chess Fans,

One of the glaring differences between Master and
non-master players is their knowledge and
recognition of PATTERNS, which gives them a
decisive advantage. Based on extensive prior
knowledge, practice and training it's often the
defining point between players of different ratings.
A well-honed pattern regognition system provides a
senser that EASILY computes not so obvious
positions into a winning attack and it needs to be in
your tool box of chess knowledge to improve the
strength of your game.

From the simple to the complex there are hundreds

of patterns Masters know by heart to exploit their
opponent's weaknesses. Just finding a Forcing
Move is not enough to make highly intelligent
people dedicate their whole lives to chess and
nothing else.

"The use of patterns in chess has been studied by many c

estimate expert chess players to have internalized
neighborhood of 1,000 patterns, whereas Grand Ma
between 10,000 to 100,000 patterns."
The key word is INTERNALIZED.

As the above definition describes, you internalize

something when you learn it well enough that it
becomes a part of your unconsciousness, allowing

you to immediately recognize it without much

thought. A player often needs to encounter a
particular pattern numerous times to fully
internalize it, but it's not possible to discover all of
them on your own. You must also study patterns to
acquire a certain level of chess ability.
Now you understand why Pattern Recognition is
Fundamental to Winning and Advancing Your
Ratings. In this new series we'll review the
followingtactical patterns:
1. Back Rank Themes
2. Smothered Mates
3. Bishop Themes along the b1 to h7 diagonal
4. Bishop Themes along the a1 to h8 diagonal
5. Queen Sacrifices
6. Attacks on Squares: h7, g7, f7, h8, h6
7. Uncastled Kings
8. Equal or Stronger Threats
9. Zwischenzug Patterns
10. Mating Attacks

Your Mission:
To review these Patterns until they're second
nature. You only see patterns when you're familiar
with them because they're often counter intuitive.
Meaning they don't look like logical moves at first.

Look for the beginning of the series with Back

Rank Themes to shed some light on common
Tactical Patterns you need to know. Until then

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