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Integrated Unit: Invents. 2nd course.

- To know the mathematician Pythagoras and his famous Theorem.
- To read about Eratosthenes and his sieve to obtain prime numbers.
- Conocer al matemtico Pitgoras y su famoso teorema.
- Leer un texto sobre Eratstenes y aplicar la criba inventada por l para obtener nmeros primos.
Activity 1
You must find the answer to these questions consulting in internet:
a) Who was Pythagoras?
b) What does say Pythagoras' Theorem?
c) How much is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle if the length of the sides are 9 cm and 12
Activity 2: History of Maths: Eratosthenes. Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276 BC c. 195 BC) was a Greek mathematician, poet, athlete, geographer
and astronomer. He made several discoveries and inventions including a system of latitude and longitude.
He was the first Greek to calculate the circumference of the earth; he may also have calculated the
distance from the earth to the sun.
Eratosthenes was born in Cyrene (in modern-day Libya). He was the third chief librarian of the Great
Library of Alexandria, the center of science and learning in the ancient world, and died in the capital of
Ptolemaic Egypt.
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Eratosthenes also proposed a simple algorithm for finding prime numbers. This algorithm is known in
mathematics as the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
To find all the prime numbers less than or equal to n by Eratosthenes' method:
1. Create a list of consecutive natural numbers from two to n: (2, 3, 4, ..., n).
2. Initially, let p equal 2, the first prime number.
3. Strike from the list all multiples of p greater than p.
4. Find the first number remaining on the list greater than p (this number is the next prime); let p equal
this number.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until p2 is greater than n.
6. All the remaining numbers on the list are prime.
Activity: Make a square of 20x20 with the natural numbers: 1 to 400; and then apply the sieve of
Eratosthenes. Finally write all the prime numbers until 400.

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