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Securing Information

Technologies and tools for protecting information


Himanshu pandiya (412)

Vikas Gaurav (382)

Keshav iyengar (xxx)

Business have an array of technologies for protecting their

information resources
Some are the software and system used for protecting
information resources

Identify management and authentication

Firewall , Intrusion detection system and Antivirus software

Securing wireless networks

Encryption and public key infrastructure
Ensuring system availability

Identify management and authentication

Identity management software automates the
process of keeping track of all the user and their
Assigning each user a unique digital identity for
accessing each system

It also includes tools for authenticating user

protecting ,user identities and controlling access to

The firewall acts like a gatekeeper who examines each
users credentials before access is granted to a network

The firewall identifies names, IP addresses ,application

and other characteristics of incoming traffic

The firewall prevents unauthorized communication into

and out of the network.

Intrusion detection system

Intrusion detection system feature fulltime monitoring
tools placed at the most vulnerable points or hot spot
of corporate network to detect and deter intrudes
Intrusion detection system generates an alarm if it finds a suspicious or
anomalous event.

The intrusion detection tool can also be customized to

shutdown a particular sensitive part of a network if it
receives unauthorized traffic.

Antivirus and Antispyware software

Antivirus software prevents ,detects, and removes malware including

computer viruses , computer worms , Trojan horses and adware.

Encryption And Public Key Infrastructure

Encryption is the process of transforming plan text or data into chipper text
that cannot be read by anyone other than the sender and the intended receiver

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