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Gooros const ‘Triangulation of the Epicenter Excellent work! The illustration tothe visht shows a map of the earthquake region. The three cpiceatralciseles whose radii correspond tothe distances you detecmined inthe previous document are drawn around the scismie recording stations. You have successfully located (tianzulated) the epicenter ofthis earthquake More about the epicenter being am exact point. The location ofthe epicenter determined ffom your measurements of SP Intervals "should’ be atthe point intersection ofthe three epicental circles. In eeneral using this method to determine an earthquake's epicenter may not result tna precise pomt Discounting measurement enor, there are a number of factors that aect the speed of earthquake waves. Among other factors, ‘atiations im rock types Wrough which the waves wavel Will change the actual travel Himes and hence the S-P intervals. We should not expect the method of teiangulation to result i an exact poi

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