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Misusing of minds nagcacause ng wrong sa mundo such as confusion, bad

definitions, and unconscious illogicality.

Quest niya: Make our minds better equipped for thinking
He suggested that to solve large problems, we need to divide this problem into
small understandable sections (bite sizes ahahah)
METHOD OF DOUBTS compared sa isang barrel of apples na mixed up and good
ones with the bad ones
And as a philosopher, dapat may commitment na isort out yung laman nung barrel
para maiwan yung best quality
For Descartes; it is better to sort out all of our ideas into individual experiences and
reasons rather than authority and tradition
DISCOURSE ON THE METHOD he abandoned the study of letters and resolved to
seek for knowledge that can be found in himself or else in the great book of the
world (travelling, mixing and meeting with different people in diff verse,
temperaments and ranks gathering various experiences, testing his self in diff
situations and then reflecting.
Climax yung cogito ergo sum- first appeared on the discourse on the method before
siya nagappear sa principles of philosophy.
First observation, our human senses are deeply unreliable (ditto na papasok yung sa
fire at dreaming)
He could not be thinking and wondering if he existed if he does not exist

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