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Rebecca Lempereur

UWRT 1102
March 14, 2016
I propose research and discussion on the topic of animals in captivity and their health and
living quality in contrast to animals in the wild. Based on the research, I want to answer the
questions of is it acceptable to keep animals in captivity? Is there an acceptable threshold and
guidelines that would make captivity of certain animals possible? Should recreation events such
as zoos and animal shows be discontinued in the future? I think that as a society these questions
should be looked at and decided on whether its even possible to keep animals safe in captivity
and if it should be continued. This will have an effect on future generations of children who may
or may not see any wild animals in person like how many adults nowadays have in their
childhood. Information for this project will include differences between animals in captivity vs
wild, as well as any feasible alternative to seeing wild animals outside their natural habitat.
The execution for this project could probably be a compare and contrast essay, however I
would like to explore the option of writing in the form of a childrens book. I think that giving
out the information to the younger audiences will help shape the views and outcomes of animals
in captivity in the decades to come. I would have to find a way to condense the information and
write in a way a child could understand. I also want to have information that children can ask
their parents about and get them thinking as well. Maybe include a denser section in the back of
the book for parents titled helpful hints and answers to the questions your child might be
asking. I think that being able to include well researched information and discuss it in terms a
child can understand is a form of critical thinking.
Sources that I need to consult include organizations that interact with animals and
research animal wellbeing, such as wildlife protection, organizations for animal rights, zoologist
perspectives, etc. Information that is for and against the captivity of animals would be good to
see both sides and evaluate. I know theres documentaries I can consult, such as Blackfish and
others like it. Into the Wild would be helpful as a human perspective with views Chris
McCandless has on captivity and the joy he felt when he was free from confines of civilization.

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