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Anna McCracken

Ms. Carver
Book Report

Raven by Suzy Turner

As an outcast, Lillian Taylor always believed that the fact her mother never talked to her
or she barely ever saw her dad in the very next room was normal. This all changed when one day
her mother and father were gone, they disappeared without a trace. Then she figures that she has
an uncle in Canada, so she travels from England to Powell Canada. As if Lilys life hadnt
changed enough she figures a family secret that changes her entire world. She might change into
a mountain lion or a raven. Then the cherry on top there is a boy, isn't there always, well his
name is Oliver. Him and his brother Ben are family friends of the Tuluguq family, Lily's family.
As her stay with her family continues she figures out the real story about her mother and
father. The woman that she Believed to be her mother wasn't her mother at all but a witch named
Vivian who kidnapped her father and her while killing her mother and older sister. Once she
figures this out she is more determined then ever to find her father, keep the family secret from
Oliver which is becoming harder and harder each day, and figure out what animal she will turn
into. As the story progresses we figure out bits and pieces of everyone's live piecing the together
to understand what happens in the next.
One of the things that stood out to me was Lilys ability to endure whatever she needed to
in order to stay alive. Her ability to not only survive the life that she is liveing but thrive is a hard
concept for people to understand.
I really empathized with Lily, especially in the idea that some of the worst things after a
period of time becomes a normal habbit or decision. I also understand not knnowing the whole
truth and being blindsided by it when it hits me.

I think all of the characters in this book change because at the beginning of the book they
all have different views about life and choices that one another have made. I cannot really say
that one changed more than another because each individual did their own changing in their own
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes good plot change and
forever changing characters.

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