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A True American Americans strongly affirm the principles of unalienable rights outlined by the constitution. These principles include the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to Vote for our leaders. Citizens have the right to bear arms, they have the opportunity for free public education, and the right to protest. They also have the right to express opposing views, Being an American means enjoying more security, freedom, and liberty than any other nation in the world, Americans have the opportunity to become whatever they desire, and they ean choose their future, whether they are successful or not, People have the freedom to do as they want to do, and say what they want to say. Therefore, being an American means you have "the quality or state of being free." As Andrew Jackson says, "Freedom is fragile and must be protected. To sacrifice il, even as a temporary measure is to betray it." Freedom is not something that should be taken for granted. To be an American means to live in the greatest country in the world. To bean American means that we are free and are so fortunate to even

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