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represents: Freedom and Equality for All. Being American means to be grateful of the country our ancestors provided for us. For many years people have always been living in America but do not really know what the American Dream really is, 1 feel that the American Dream can vary on what it means because most people think very differently. To me though the American Dream means what | have accomplished in life, how I make my life decisions, and the way I am able to live lif€ to the fullest. | haye read and seen many different scenes in life that have led me to make the definition of what the American dream means to me. Even though people may tell me to do other things in Life [ will always try to keep a straight mind set towards what God has told me to do and what I really need to do with my life Many Fellow Americans and I strive for the American dream in life, for this reason 1 will keep on trying to accomplish what it means to me. The Declaration of Independence was written for Americans to stay united, have freedom, and to fight together side hy side. Three main words that really stand out to me in the document were "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” these words have many different meaninys but I have my own meanings for them. Life is really hard to put a straight definition to but to me I feel that jt means what I need to do for myself and why I was born. Liberty means to me that I can live any way I want to and nobody is able 1 stop me no maiter what the consequences are. Happiness is really how I feel about my life and how | accomplish who I am. These three words all have a part in what the American Dream is.

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