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63 min. Step By step RB Guide. Credits to serKURKUL.

Troops Needed: 665 R - 1 M - 66 S - 152E - 167 B - 1 LB - 136 XB - 143 K

Generals needed 3 Tavern - 2 MMA - 1 Major - 1 Veterran
Generals load.
2 X tavern with 200 R - 1 X tavern with 167B and 33R - 1 MG with 169C, 1 LB, 1M 66S, 33R
1 MMA with 143 K and 77 R -1 MMA with 152 E and 68 R - 1 Vet. with 136XB 114 R
Move MMA and major to attack position as soon as they land. execute attack 1 and 2.

When attack 1 and 2 are completed and the tavern generals is arrived move the tavern generals in position.
Attack Witchtower 1 with Block 1 - 2 and Attack 3. Send generals right after each other.

Move MMA Generals and tavern general right after WT 1 is gone.

Unload troops from tavern block 1 - 2 And major Generals. Load troops to MMA generals, execute Attack 4 and 5.

Load troops to Block 1 general and MMA attack 6 generals. execute Block 1 and attack 6. Send generals right after
each other.

Move tavern, MMA and major generals from Witchtower 2 to Witchtower 3, when Witchtower 2 is gone. Load
Attack Witchtower , with Block 1 and Attack 7 generals. Send generals right after each other.

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