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Once upon a time there were two lions that lived at the zoo in Rio de Janeiro City.

They were tired of

the tourists and the routine at the zoo and decided to run away.
When they had the opportunity they escaped and the first lion went to the woods; the second lion
headed for the commercial center.
A week later the first lion returned to the zoo.
It was weak, dirty and starving.
Several weeks later, when no one remembered of the two lions adventure, the second lion was captured.
It was well-fed, in good shape and health conditions.
The first lion was intrigued and as soon as they got alone asked its colleague:
- How did you manage to stay for so long away from here?
- As soon as I arrived downtown I hid at a public office. Each day I ate a public official, but since there
are too many, nobody seemed to notice.
- So how did you get caught?
- I made a terrible mistake: I ate several public officials and no one noticed they were missing, but when
I ate the guy who served the coffee I got caught.
Adapted by Zailda Coirano from A fbula dos dois lees by Stanislaw Ponte Preta

Complete with the past simple in the negative or affirmative, according to the story: (3,0)

The lions ____________ at the zoo. [to live] 0.3

2. They ____________ tired of the food but they _____________ to escape. [to be; to want] 0.6
3. They ______________ when they _________ the opportunity. [to escape; to have] 0.6
4. The first lion ________________ to the woods and _____________ there more than a week. [to go; to
stay] 0.6
5. The first lion _______________ very well when it ______________. [to be; to return] 0.6

6 Write three things that happen in each phase of life (0.3)


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