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My Views of Society

Society is corrupt.
People dont get along,
Fighting like cats and dogs,
Over silly matters.

Society is cruel.
Groups are oppressed,
Opinions are expressed,
Leaving the nation in chaos.

Society is brainwashed.
People just want to fit in,
Even if that means committing sin,
They dont know any better.

Society is hypocritical.
People describe themselves as accepting,
But arent really that accepting,
Of those who disagree with them.

Society is a lie.
Everyone thinks its great,
And that theres no hate,

But its really a complete disaster

Society is a trap.
And its holding me back,
From my own beliefs.

Why is society so nefarious?

Why is society so disrespectful?
Why is there so much discrimination?

Why does society support killing unborn babies?

Why does society support poor healthcare systems?
Why does society support inequality?
Why does society support socialism?

These questions cant be answered,

And will remain unanswered,
Until people realize whats truly going on,
When they wake up and smell the coffee.

In a very harsh and vicious world today,

What should a young Christian, like me, do?

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