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Basic Ayurveda

Course Syllabus
General Information
Instructor: Jennifer Lacombe
Course Meetings: Classroom, TBD
Credit Hours: TBD
Course Description
This course will give participants an introduction to Ayurvedic medicine. This will be achieved
through learning about the history of Ayurveda, doshas, Ayurvedic nutrition, and meditation.
Participants will learn what their primary dosha is, how to make Ayurvedic dishes, and how
meditation can bring balance to their mind, body, and spirit.
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
1. To understand the history of Ayurvedic medicine
2. To understand the role of doshas
3. To learn what participants dominate doshas are
4. To learn how to make healing Ayurvedic dishes
5. To learn how meditation can bring balance to the mind, body, spirit connection
Required Materials
Guidelines for Determining Your Constitution
Ayurvedic Recipes
Guided Meditation
Towel, blanket, pillow, and/or yoga mat for week 3
Comfortable clothing for week 3
Credit will be given for active participation.

Recommended Readings and Web sites

Ballentine, R. (2004). Diet & nutrition: A holistic approach. Honesdale, PA: Himalayan
International Institute.
Kshirsagar, S. & Loberg, K. (2014). The hot belly diet: A 30-day Ayurvedic plan to reset your
metabolism, lose weight, and restore your body's natural balance to heal itself. New
York, NY: Atria Books.
Lad, V. (2009). Ayurveda: The science of self healing. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press.
Lang, D. (2004). Opening to meditation: A gentle, guided approach. Novato, CA: New World
Himalayan Institute
Web site:
National Ayurvedic Medical Association
Web site:
Yoga International
Web site:
Heidi Audet, Ayurvedic practitioner
Web site:

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