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Actual rupture strength

Ultimate strength

Solids Processing


Yield point

Selecting the
Proper Mill for
Your Product


Understanding breakage behavior is crucial in miiis

FIGURE 1. Resilience equals the area

under the stress-strain curve up to the
elastic limit

Kerry Johanson

Material Flow Solutions, Inc.

illing is a mechanistically
driven process that hreaks
solid material into smaller
pieces. Selection of the
optimal mill is a daunting task that
often leaves engineers reljng on vendor suggestions to decide which mill
is right for their job. This article addresses a methodology to score and
rank the various mills for use with a
particular material.
In milling, a materials are broken
up due to a few basic breakage mechanisms. Some particles tend to split,
creating smaller particles that are
one-half to one-third the size of the
original particles. This type of breakage is termed fracture. In some cases,
particles break as corners are knocked
off or subsurface cracks form particles
that are considerably smaller than the
original particles. This type of breakage is termed abrasion. Some materials require many impacts or stressstrain events to induce breakage. This
is termed fatigue and can result in
the formation of both small and large
particles. The rate of breakage always
changes during a fatigue-driven event.
Some particles require large strains
before breakage occurs. These large
strains may be due to plastic deformations, such as in the case of plastic,
rubber and ductile metals, separation
of fibers and internal structures as
in biomass, or due to non-linear elastic effects, such as with tissues and
complex polymers.
The premise for this article's mill
ranking comes from the fact that each
mill induces a unique set of impact or
stress-strain events, or both. If a particular material is sensitive to breakage due to stress-strain events, then

Ultimate strength

mills exploiting stress-strain events

will be the most efficient choice for
particle breakage unit operations.
Likewise, if the material is sensitive
to breakage due to impact, then mills
that exploit impact events are the best
choice for this material. Materials
sensitive to fatigue require mills that
have repeated stress-strain events or
repeated impact events to break particles. Thus, an analysis of the number
of breakage events in a particular mill
has some merit in choosing the best
mill. Finally, materials that require
large strains to break must be coupled with mills that can induce large
strains to effectively break particles.
For the purpose of this article, this will
be described as breakage due to shear.
We will start by describing t3rpical
breakage events in various mill types
and assign each mill a score on a scale
of 1 to 10 based on breakage due to impact, stress-strain, fatigue, or shear. A
score of 1 indicates a low propensity
of breakage due to this event. A score
of 10 indicates a high probability of
breakage due to this type of event.
Following this scoring and ranking
system, the article will present some
tests that can be used to quantify a
particular material's propensity to
break due to a particular mechanism,
and then suggest which mills would
be best for use with these materials.
It should be noted that general classes
of mills will be considered for this article. The breakage in a specific mill will
be due to the details of operation for
that particular mill. This article simply provides a guide, and the engineer
may need to adjust these rankings
based on a unique mill of a given t3rpe.
Likewise, some materials are anisotro-

Elastic limit


FIGURE 2. Toughness equals the area

under the stress-strain curve up to the
rupture strength

pic and have different breakage tendencies in different directions, making

them subject to breakage events due
to several mechanisms depending on
how the particles are introduced to the
mill. Again, this article is to be used
as a guide, and the exact behavior will
depend on the material of interest. In
any case, much of the breakage behavior depends on the detailed structure
of the particle. Some of these effects
will be discussed, but this article is not
intended to be a comprehensive analysis on the subject.

Material properties
For the purpose of this discussion, it
is useful to define some engineering
terms common to the study of material
mechanics. For a material to break, it
must pass through all of the stages on
a stress-strain diagram. When material is either compressed or stretched,
it undergoes an elastic transition.
Relieving stresses under this condition causes a complete rebound in the
strain imposed on the material. At
some point, the stress becomes great
enough that the material cannot sup-



Solids Processing
port elastic behavior and must
deform plastically, resulting in
a permanent deformation of
the material. The energy corresponding to the onset of plastic
deformation equals the area
under the stress-strain curve up
to the elastic limit and is called
the resilience {R), as seen in Fig- FIGURE 3. The orientation of a crack FIGURE 4. S-N fatigue curves are used to determine the stress a pure material can withstand
ure 1. Straining the material far is important in determining material
enough will result in the failure breakage behavior
of the material and cause hreakage.
The energy associated with this breakCONE CRUSHER
age equals the area under the stressCone crusher
Jaw crusher
strain curve up to the rupture strength
Rank for different types of nfiaterials
Rank for different types of materials
and is called toughness (T) (Figure 2).
We can define a hrittleness number
(BR) based on the ratio of the resil2
ience to the toughness as descrihed
in Equation (1).
Score on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 best)

BR = (1)
A hrittleness numher close to 1 suggests that the material will hreak at
strain conditions very near the elastic
limit. This denotes a hrittle failure,
suggesting that the material may he
suhject to breakage hy impact conditions. If the hrittleness number is
much less than 1, then particles hreak
after significant plastic deformations
and require significant shear to induce hreakage. These particles will
likely he insensitive to hreakage hy
fracture. Particles with a low hrittleness numher may experience fatigue
and can hreak after repeated stressstrain or impact events. Material can
experience repeated stress events and
these tend to open or close cracks in
the particle, depending on the orientation of the crack relative to the direction of impact or application of stress.
Figure 3 illustrates this phenomenon.
If the impact is perpendicular to the
crack, then the crack closes during impact. Conversely, the crack opens if the
impact is in line with the crack.
During every cycle, the region
near the tip of the crack experiences
stress values in excess of the elastic
limit, causing the crack to grow incrementally. There is t5rpically little
to no control over the direction of the
impact or stress application relative
to the direction of the crack, so only
a portion of the impacts or stressloadings actually lead to crack growth

and hreakage events. As long as the

stress local to the crack tip exceeds
the elastic hmit, then hreakage over
time can occur. This suggests that
repeated stress applications that do
not exceed the ultimate strength, but
are above the elastic limit, can cause
particle hreakage.
Traditionally, charts showing stress
applied versus number of repeated cycles (called S-N stress fatigue curves)
have heen used to determine the number of life cycles at a given stress a
pure material can withstand. Figure
4 shows an example of an S-N fatigue
curve. If the maximum yield-stress
value is applied, then one cycle would
suffice to hreak the material. However, if the stress is lower, then many
load cycles are required hefore the material would hreak. The measurement
of S-N curves is relatively simple for
pure materials, but is much more difficult for particles. For this reason,
fatigue characteristics are usually determined using a population-balance
model, which will he explained later
in this article. Although some experimental work does exist for heing ahle
to measure particle-hreakage and
stress-strain behavior on the particle
level, the more common method of
dealing with fatigue events is through
a population-balance model.

Ranking the mills

Mills can he evaluated hased on their


Score on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 best)

usefulness to induce fracture, fatigue,

abrasion or shear-hased hreakage.
The remainder of this article will deal
with ranking and scoring various mill
tjrpes. A method to measure a particular material's sensitivity to key hreakage mechanisms is also presented.
Comhining the knowledge of mulling
action with the material's sensitivity
will help engineers select the proper
mill for their process. Below are some
general mill categories, along with
each mill's evaluation.
Jaw crusher. A jaw crusher is a type
of mill unit that is used as a primary
crusher. It works hy receiving particles from a feeder and pinching them
hetween two jaw-plates positioned to
form a converging-plane flow hopper.
One jaw-plate is fixed and the other
jaw-plate pivots ahout a fixed point,
moving in a circular cam-like motion
ahout an eccentric hearing (Figure 5).
Generally, a drive-wheel attached to
the fly-wheel aids crushing. The jaw
hreaks the particle into two or three
smaller particles. These particles dislodge from the jaw and fall until they
are caught hy the converging set of
jaws and the pinching process is repeated. The pinching process continues until particle fragments are small
enough to exit the gap hetween the
jaws. The final particle size produced
hy the jaw crusher is controlled hy this
gap. Typically, this type of crusher can
handle particles as large as 1,000 mm




to break into two or three

pieces. Most of the action
Fixed jaw
in this tjrpe of mill is direct compression resulting in fracture, but some
of the action can induce a
shear force since the gap
FIGURE 5. A jaw crusher induces breakage
FIGURE 6. A cone crusher rotates, forcing
based on primariiy fracture and fatigue
material into a closing gap, thus causing the
closes slowly. This shear
particles to break
force can induce some
shear and, as a result,
this mill has a slightly
higher abrasion score (2)
than the jaw crusher's
score of 1 for abrasion,
as seen in Table 2. Like
jaw crusher, the cone
chamber ^""^JH
crusher also has an excellent score for fractureS~^|i
Feed ^
based breakage.
Hammer mill. The hammer mill consists of a roFunction of impact hammer
tating shaft with rods or
hammers that rotate at
FIGURE 7. A hammer mill features a
high speeds. These hamfreely rotating hammer-shaft arrangement
mers are either free to
FIGURE 8. In an impact mill, pins or plates cause maswing or firmly attached
terial to fracture
to the rotating shaft (Figlates material in the downward direc- ure 7). The hammer shaft arrangeHammer mill (with screen)
tion. However, this shear effect is very ment freely rotates within a housing.
Rank for different types of materials
small and the major mode of break- An inlet at the top of this housing alFracture
age is a direct compression, leading lows particles to enter the mill. The
fracture of the material. The actual particles undergo a series of hamAbrasion
strain imposed by the motion of the mer impacts as they travel through
jaw is about 5 to 10%. Thus, a material the mill. An outlet at the bottom of
Score on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 best)
with an elastic limit at strains greater the housing allows milled particles to
than this 5 to 10% will not break in leave the system. Normally, a screen
in diameter and generate particles as this type of mill. Materials that have just above the outlet retains large
small as about 13 mm. The number of rupture strength at strains greater particles in the hammer-mill system,
breakage events for any brittle parti- than 5 to 10% will require many cycles where they continue to be impacted by
cle entering the crusher can be found of the jaw to break, making jaw crush- hammers until the particle size is sufusing Equation (2).
ing impractical as a milling operation. ficient to pass through the screen, but
This leads to the scores in Table 1. For in other cases, there is no screen and
materials that are sensitive to frac- material entering the system is exGap
a jaw crusher is an acceptable posed to hammer impacts only during
mill, hence its score of 9.
the time it takes to fall from the inlet
Cone crusher. The cone crusher to the outlet. Sometimes particles are
This equation relates the maximum works on a principle similar to the retained in the screen holes while
particle size (Dp), the gap spacing jaw crusher. It can handle material hammers pass by. In this case, some
(Gap) and the number of breakage up to 300 mm in diameter and pro- particles in the mill will be subject to
events (n). In general, the number of duce particles around 13 mm in diam- shear. Particles caught between the
breakage events for this type of mill eter. It is typically used as a primary hammer and the housing will also be
is between four and seven. Jaw mo- milling unit.
subject to shear during milling. Sometion is relatively slow so that only one
In a cone crusher, the inner cone ro- times, particles are trapped between
breakage event is generated every few tates on an eccentric shaft causing the the hammer and the housing and
seconds. This suggests that particle gap between the outer fixed cone and are dragged along the surface of the
breakage in this type of mill unit will the interior moving cone to change as housing, causing abrasion. Some mill
not experience fatigue effects. Because the cone rotates (Figure 6). During designs create a closer tolerance beof the rotary cam operation, there is rotation, material is pinched between tween the hammers and housing near
some shear as the movable jaw trans- the closing gap, causing the particles the exit. This causes additional shear


Feed funnel
MIcronized product outlet

Solids Processing
and abrasion. This type of mill typically handles particles about 400 mm
in diameter and will create particles
around 13 mm in diameter. This mill's
breakage-inducing behavior is ranked
in Table 3, showing that it is a good
choice for products that are sensitive
to fracture.
Impact mill. An impact mill consists
of three zones, as seen in Figure 8. In
the first zone, air enters the mill. This
air is used to classify the milled material after the milling process.
The second zone is the milling zone.
Impact mills have either plates or
pins that rotate at high speed while
particles are fed into the milling stage
through an external feeder. The impact
of the pins or plates causes some of the
material to fracture, creating smaller
particles. If pins are used, then the
angle of the trajectory during impact
can be variable, as some of the impacts
will be glancing blows and some will be
direct-contact blows. Glancing blows
tend to induce abrasion effects while
direct-contact impacts induce fracture
events. There is very little opportunity
for shear in impact mills.
The third zone in the mill is a classifier stage. In this stage, gas is pushed
or drawn out of the mill at a controlled
velocity, entraining particles of the appropriate size with the gas stream. If
particles Eire not small enough to exit
with the carrier gas, they fall back
into the grinding stage and are subject to repeated impacts until they
are small enough to be carried by
the induced currents created by the
gas stream.
These units typically handle particles around 1 to 2 mm in diameter
and can produce particles as small as
5 micrometers (pm). Depending on the
type of impact mill, glancing blows can
comprise 30% of the total impacts, resulting in abrasion events. The other
impacts are nearly all fracture-inducing events. Because of the classification section, this mill can induce many
repeated-impact events. Thus, materials that are sensitive to fatigue can be
used in this type of mill. These observations are summarized in the rankings in Table 4.
Horizontal air-jet m,ill. A horizontal
air-jet mill uses high-velocity air in a
lined, cylindrical chamber to induce

feed air or
gas Inlet

Vortex finder

Grinding chamber
grind air or



In a horizontal
air-jet mill, a
high-velocity air
stream is used
to breai< apart

Grind air or
gas manifold

Impact box for measuring degradation potential

FIGURE 10. This schematic of an impact degradation box shows Vs of an impact

cycle. As the box moves left, the material moves relative to the box and eventually
impacts on the opposite side of the box
Impact mill
Rank for different types of materials


Horizontal air-jet mill
Rank for different types of materials

Score on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 best)

Score on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 best)

milling of granular materials. The

material is fed into the mill with a
high-velocity gas stream. This inlet is
located with a tangential entry to the
mill so that the fiow of gas is directed
around the circumference of the mill.
The circular motion keeps the particles with the highest mass pinned
against the mill's circumference. Periodic gas-injection nozzles that direct
the pinned particles toward the center
of the mill are spaced evenly around
the mill perimeter, creating a series of
impacts around the perimeter during
the milling operation (Figure 9). Gas
entering the mill exits through the
center of the milling cylinder. Thus,
centrifugal forces throw particles
against the wall and drag forces pull
particles toward the center of the cylinder. This resulting classification allows only the finest particles to leave
the system. The majority of impacts in
air-jet mills are glancing blows against
the cylinder wall and collisions with
other particles.
Air-jet mills can handle particles
about 1 mm in diameter and can cre-


ate particles as fines as 0.5 pm. Glancing blows result in abrasion events
and the collision with other particles
results in fracture events. Because of
the classification, this mill can induce
repeated breakage events and materials sensitive to fatigue can be used in
this mill, leading to its score of 8 for
fatigue in Table 5. No shear is possible
in this style of mill, hence its low score
for shear.

Tests and models

There are many other mills that could
be ranked, including vertical air-jet
mills, ball mills, roller mills, stirredmedia mills and impact-jet mills, but
these are not discussed in this article.
The next piece of information required
to select the proper mill is to determine to which milling mechanisms a
particular material is sensitive. This
can be done by using the aforementioned population-balance model.
Ideally, one would like to expose
material to pure impact events, pure
stress-strain events and pure shear or
cutting events. The main goal is to de-

Cumulative particle size for CaO m ate ria

O 80


4f-r _


|505 40
1 30

Breal<age rate for CaO material








Particle diameter, \m
^^20 s

-o-300 s

FIGURE 11. With an impact velocity of 5.4 m/s, the cumulative particle size changes over time

dm, U V





ooo "



Intial breakage

Particle size bin, pm

1,000.0 1,200.0

Final breakage

FIGURE 13. The breakage rates (S) are much different after 60
seconds of repeated impacts

Cumulative density: R(x, t)

Breakage distribution: B(x, y)
Specific breakage rate: S(x)
Size Bin # Minimum
The breakage-distribution function
Size (Mm)
Size (|jm)
(B) is an indication of which particle-size
bin the particle fragments will end up
in during breakage. B(x, y) describes the
fraction of mass transported from y tox
upon breakage ofy. B is often described
as a matrix of numbers indicating the
fractional distribution of transfer to
smaller bin sizes than the original. The
numbers in this matrix represent the
fraction of material transferred to adjacent particle-size bins during processMaterial was placed in this impact box ing. The B(x, y) function plays the role
and shaken for extended periods of time of a weighting function or stoichiometup to 5 min at a velocity of 5.4 m/s. Anal- ric constant in a reaction. This breakysis times were selected to correspond to age behavior is portrayed schematically
0,10, 20, 60,120 and 300 seconds. After in Figure 12.
each analysis time, a particle-size distriThe S(x) function represents the
bution was measured on the material probability that a given particle impact
within the impact box. This generated a or contact will result in particle breaktime-sequence set of particle-size distri- age. It represents an overall rate of one
butions, as seen in Figure 11. Note the particle size breaking into any adjacent
general shift to finer particles at larger particle-size bins. S functions are the
impact times.
rate constants for degradationfromone
Population-balance model Popula- particle size to all others [3]. Equations
tion-balance modeling provides a means goveming the rate of transfer between
of identifying critical particle-breakage particle size bins can be written for
mechanisms through the computation both the mass and cumulative density
of breakage-selection coefficients [1]. distributions, shown in Equations (3)
The first step in using this population- and (4) respectively.
balance model is to divide the particlesize-distribution function into regions d"hi')_
called particle-size bins. These bins are
chosen so that an adjacent bin contains
particles that are roughly half the size of
the next larger bin, as shown in Table 6.
The modehng method monitors the rate
of transfer between different particledt
size bins. Since the population-balance
model is at the heart of understanding
breakage rates, it is useful to define
some parameters and fimctions that
describe breakage [2].
Mass density: m(x, t)
For the purposes of this article, it is

mj \-S -m-




FIGURE 12. The breakage-distribution

function serves to track particle-breaking events

termine what the dominant breakage

mode is for a particular material when
exposed to these events. For brevity,
only the response to impact events will
be considered.
Impact breakage test. As a case study,
this article will consider calcium oxide
(lime; CaO) particles with a maximum
particle diameter of approximately
2,500 Jim. Several impact breakage
tests could be performed on this material. For this study, the lime particles
were placed in an impact box, which was
shaken at a controlled velocity. In such a
test, the material within the box moves
freely relative to the box and eventually
the material impacts on the opposite
end of the container, creating an impact
condition, displayed in the schematic
in Figure 10.
Each oscillation cycle creates two impacts on either end as material is thrown
against the ends of the box. During these
impacts, the particles react with the box
wall and with other particles inside the
box. These repeated impacts further
break the particles. The frequency of
the oscillation governs the impact velocity and the time dictates the number of
repeated impacts.



Solids Processing
Breakage for CaO material - initial selectivity

Breakage for CaO material - final selectivity

Bin 5
Bin 4
Bin 3
Bin 2
Attrition particle size bin #

Attrition particle size bin #

Bin 2

oBin 3

oBin 4

Bin 5

FIGURE 14. Breakage selectivity functions (B) for breakage

before 60 seconds

assumed that the rate constants are

not a function of time (i, in seconds)
and will remain constant. This simplifies the analysis somewhat. However, many other assumptions are
also possible [4].
The S and B functions are found
simultaneously from the solution of
Equations (3) and (4). Since mass
cannot be destroyed, the sum of the
B functions for any particle-size bin
must equal one. This solution of the
above equations is not a trivial task,
but it provides a great deal more
information concerning the breakage phenomena experienced by bulk
materials. Choosing the particle-size
bins such that each adjacent bin
size consists of particles one-half the
size of the original bin suggests that
movement of material to an adjacent
bin would be interpreted as splitting
the original particles in half If the B
values indicate a large fraction for
the next adjacent bin size, then fracture of primary particles is occurring.
However, if the B values indicate that
one or more size bins adjacent to the
original size have low fractions followed by large fractions distributed
in the finer size bins, then abrasion is
likely occurring, as abrasion creates
fine particles directly from largersized particles.
The probability S function is a value
that identifies the likelihood that a
collision will result in a breakage of
particles. This probability is a function
of the size of the particles, and typically shows an increasing functionality between the particle size and the

Bin 2

DBin 4

Bin 5

FIGURE 15. Breakage selectivity functions (6) for breakage

after 60 seconds

probability that a given size of particle

will break. The solution of Equations
(3) and (4) can be calculated numerically, but can also be approximated by
Equation (5) if the rate constants are
assumed time invariant [3].

Time sequence particle-size data for
CaO were used with Equation (5) to
determine the B(x,y) distribution matrix and the S(x) breakage-rate function, shown in Figures 13-15. For the
purposes of this article, B values are
most relevant, since they reveal how
much fracture or abrasion may occur
with the material. However, S values
can give an indication of fatigue. If the
breakage rates (S values) at the beginning of the testing are low and then
increase, then the material is very
sensitive to fatigue events.
The CaO breakage analysis suggests
that lime material is best described
by a dual-rate breakage. Equation (5)
still applies, but must be implemented
in a piecewise linear fashion to combine the solution of two constant-rate
equations. One equation set will consider the first 60 s of breakage and use
the initial conditions at zero seconds.
The other rate equation will consider
breakage after 60 s and use as initial
conditions the particle-size informa-


oBin 3

tion after 60 s of breakage. The initial

breakage rate is much higher than the
final breakage rate, as seen in Figure
13. This suggests that lime may not be
sensitive to fatigue.
B values were also computed for
both of these breakage rates, shown
in Figures 14 and 15. These data show
that about 38% of Bin Size 1 will initially break in half to create Bin Size
2 particles; 54% of Bin Size 2 particles
will initially break in half to form Bin
Size 3 particles and 100% of Bin Size
3 and Bin Size 4 materials will break
in half to the next lowest bin size, indicating that initial breakage of CaO is
due to significant fracture events.
However, the story changes after
breakage has occurred for a period of
time. Figure 15 shows the breakage
selectivity after 60 s of impact milling.
In this case, with the exception of Bin
Size 2, there is a shift to create particles more by abrasion events. From
the Bin Size 1 material, 99% splits
into particles that are one fourth the
size of the original particles. All of
the Bin Size 2 material becomes Bin
Size 3 material. However, only 18%
of Bin Size 3 material shifts to become Bin Size 4 material and 44% of
Bin Size 3 material becomes fine Bin
Size 7 material. The shift to abrasion
is also very evident in the Bin Size 4
and 5 particles.
It is possible to average the fractional
B values that shift one particle-size bin
to determine an overallfi-actionthat is
sensitive to fracture. Likewise, the overall fraction of material breaking into
particles one fourth the size or less can

Cumulative breakage for CaO material

100 .
90 r
~ 50


* Bin 1 =: 991 to 2584 Mm

Bin 2 501 to 991 |im

Bin 4 = 123 to 254 |jm

Bin5 = 66 to 123 pm


Bin3 = 254 to 501 (im

Cumulative particlesize distributions as
a function of time for
lime (CaO) subjected
to repeated impacts
at 5.4 ft/s impact velocities

Bin 6 = 33 to 66 \im


Initially, almost 70% of the lime breakage is due to fracture with only 10% due
to true abrasion events. However, after
H Fine
I Medium
60 s of milling, 33% is due tofractureand
28% is due to abrasion. Lime is sensitive
FIGURE 16. Abrasion and fracture are
to both fracture and abrasion, but its
the dominant breakage mechanisms for
sensitivity is much greater for fracture
lime (CaO)
events. Now that the modes of breakage
be determined by averaging the respec- have been quantitatively determined,
tive B values. In addition, the average the optimal mill can be selected. In this
fraction that shifts to create the finest case, the optimal mill will be the one
material can also be computed from the where the fracture events induced in
B value data. This gives an indication of the mill are occuring at about 1.5 times
the amoimt of fracture and abrasion the the frequency of the abrasion events. Of
material may be sensitive to (Figure 16). the mills considered in this article, the



impact miU rankings most closely match

the propensity for lime to break. Thus,
an impact-style mill is a good choice
for milling this material. It should be
pointed out that this is a major consideration in the selection of a mill, but not
the only consideration. The tendency
of material to adhere to mill surfaces
should also factor in mill selection. The
exact impact mill presented above has
many moving parts that may be covered
with fine adhesive material. If lime material is adhesive, then another impactstyle mill, such as the air-jet impact mill,
may be a better choice.

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Solids Processing
As a check of the population-balance
model analysis, the cumulative breakage data points were plotted along with
the computed cumulative breakage
functions from the population-balemce
model (Figure 17). This plot indicates a
good agreement between the breakage
data and the values computed from the
population-balance analysis.

Mills can be qualitatively ranked based
on their tendency to induce fracture, fatigue, abrasion or shear by examining
the milling action. Mills where classification is part of the milling operation
can induce fatigue events. Mills where

1. Epstein, B., Logarithmico Normal Distribution in Breakage of Solids, Ind. Eng. Chem.
Vol 40, pp. 2,281-1,191,1948.
2. Sedlatschek, K. and Bass, L., Contribution
to the Theory of Milling Processes, Powder
Metal. Bull, 6: 148-153., 1953
3. Kapur, P.C. and Agrawal P.K., Approximate

glaincing blows of particles against

surfaces are dominant cause abrasion
events. Mills where impacts or stress
application are more direct result in induced-fracture events. Particles or materials where toughness is much larger
than resilience require mls with a lot
of shear to induce particle breakage. The
population-balance model can be used
with mill tests to deduce the dominant
breakage mechanisms for a given material. The optimal mill is then selected
by matching the dominant mechanisms
with qualitative ranks based on the tendency to induce fracture, fatigue, abrasion or shear. This simple analysis can
aid engineers in selecting the right mill
Solutions to the Discretized Batch Grinding
Equation, Chem. Eng. Science, Volume 25,
Issue 6, pp. 1,111-1,113, 1970.
4. Bilgili, E. and Scarlett, B., Nonlinear Effects
in Particulate Processes, Nonlinear Anaiysis,
Volume 63, Issues 5-7, pp. el,131-el,141,
Nov. 30-Dec. 15, 2005.
5. Broadbent, S. and Calcott, T., J., Inst. Euel,
Vol 30, pp. 13-15,1957.

for the job the first time. These criteria

for miU selection can be combined with
other information about the bulk material, such as adhesive tendencies and
particle size, to help select a mill that is
freefromtroublesome operation.

Edited by Mary Page Bailey

Kerry Johanson is chief
operations officer for Material Flow Solutions, Inc. (7010
NW 23 Way, Suite A, Gainesville, Fla., 32653; Phone; 352379-8879; Cell 352-303-9123;
Email: matflowsol@bellsouth.
net), the consulting firm he
founded in 2001. He also
spends time researching at
the University of Florida Particle Engineering Research
Center. He began his career as a laboratory technician with Jenike & Johanson, before moving
to JR Johanson, Inc. in 1985, where he became
chief technical officer for the company. He has
authored over 40 technical papers, which have
been published in numerous technical journals
internationally and has presented at many industry seminars. He has also developed a graduate course on powder flow and technology at
the University of Florida. Johanson holds a PE
license and has a Ph.D. in chemical engineering
from Brigham Young University.


Power changes reflect viscosity ctianges
Good batches will fit the normai "profile" for
fhaf product

No holes in tanks or pipes
Away from sensitive processes
One size adjusts to motors, from
small up to 150hp
Works on 3 phase, fixed or variable
frequency, DC and single ptiase power
10 times more sensitive than
just sensing amps
For meters, controllers, computers
4-20 miiliamps 0-10 volts





Circle 17 on p. 172 or go to



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