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EXAMPLE 1 (showing the total gambit/fluent/postprocessor)

Start gambit by
Toggle start and run
Write gambit
PS for the moment its NOT possible to run gambit on PC, workstations are needed.

(geometry, mesh, faces, tools)

(vertex, line, face, volume, group)

Choose Create real brick
Width: 2
Depth: 3
Height: 2.4
Choose Direction +X+Y+Z (to get the origin at one corner, its easier than when we should
attach other things to the room)
Label: Room
Rotate the volume with the left mouse button; the origin should be in the left/lower corner.
Choose Create real brick
Width: 0.2
Depth: 0.3
Height: 0.1
Choose Direction +X-Y+Z
Erase label Room (if this field is left with nothing GAMBIT will give it name volume and a
number corresponding to the volume made for the moment)
Choose Move/Copy Volumes (6:th knob)
Pick Volume2, (can also do when the window yellow-toggle right/left mouse button on the
graphic window-gets a dot position on the correct volume and left click
choose Move and Translate
Under Local
X:0.2 , Y:0, Z:0.1
Apply (volume 2 is moved from the corner)
Pick Volume2, choose Copy and Translate
Under Local
X:1 , Y:0, Z:0
Apply (we have created a new volume 3 with a different location from volume 2)
By default gambit creates walls around each volume, to make it possible for air to flow from
the vent inlet / vent outlet (volume 2/3) and to the room we have to unite the volumes, areas
which are coexisting in the different volumes are taken away.
Choose Unite Real Volumes (3:e knob)
Pick All volumes
Retain should not be marked, now we got only one volume after the unite, if retain marked
gambit makes a new volume and keeps the old ones


OperationMesh ( under Operation button nr2)

MeshVolume (button nr 4)
Volume mesh volumes (button nr 1)
Choose volume room
Choose Type submap
Spacing write 0.1
Apply (gets 14412 CV)

In the menu Solver choose fluent 5/6

OperationZones ( under Operation button nr3)
Zonesspecify Boundary types
Action mark Add
Entity choose face10 , (the face will be marked red in the figure) and is detected
with the mouse/left button (when point fixed)
Name write inlet
Type choose velocity inlet
(You have to lift the window and first mark symmetry)
Entity choose face15 (the face will be marked red in the figure)
Name write outlet
Type choose pressure outlet
Entity choose face2 (the face will be marked red in the figure)
Name write backwall
Type choose wall
Apply (If heat should be incorporated later on)
THIS, red marked ONLY FOR ex1backwall NOT for example1
By default the boundary are set to wall-type

In the menu File choose export-mesh

Browse, write in Selection example1.msh and click accept, twice choose the
location you want
Check the transcript window (you can toggle the arrow up/right to large the
window) if all OK there should be

Command> export fluent5 "example1.msh"

A default (unspecified) continuum entity was created.
A default (unspecified) boundary entity was created.
Mesh was successfully written to example1.msh.

If any problem Gambit writes a warning and will not create a mesh file in some cases.

In the menu File choose save as

Browse, write in Selection example1.dbs and click accept, twice
In the menu File choose exit

If asked to save declare NO

Now we have created a geometry with 14412 mesh volumes.
As you can se the inlet/outlet is placed down on the floor but if g-force is set to
positive in Z-direction (in Fluent) we make the lower part of the figure to the room

The next step is to introduce a solver fluent 6.1

Start fluent
File Run - choose 3D and double precision - Run
File - Read - Case - choose example1.msh
Grid Check No negative volumes should occur.
Display - Grid Display, now you will see the room made in Gambit, Close the
Menu/Define Boundary conditions choose inlet and Set write velocity to 3 m/s
Menu/Define Boundary conditions choose outlet and Set the default value
0 Pa is OK
Menu/Define Materials - fluid is air which for this example is OK
Menu/Define Operating Conditions- toggle gravity and set 9.81 in Z-direction
Menu/Define-Models- Viscous choose k-epsilon model (Standard), click OK
Menu/Solve - Initialize Initialize chooses all-zones and zero values, click Init
Menu/Solve Monitors Residual choose under Options Print and Plot, in
residual continuity set convergence criterion to 1e-4. click OK
Menu/Solve Iterate choose Number of iterations to 1000 click Iterate the
simulation starts and residuals are plotting
As you can see the mass residual (continuity) will stop after about 900 iterations, since the
convergence criteria is achieved, Fluent indicate a value of 1 E-3 is sufficient but 1 E-4
should at least be achieved in this case.
Menu/Display look at Contours and Vectors these plots show the results from the

Contours- choose velocity/velocity magnitude, mark default-interior, inlet, outlet and

toggle display
Roll figure so inlet/outlet is shown, toggle Auto Range and change to 0 and 0.5 m/s one
can see that the airflow passes across the room at the ceiling and down the backwall and
back after the floor. Close
Display/Vectors choose velocity/velocity magnitude, mark default-interior, inlet, outlet
use Style-filled-arrow, Scale:5, Skip:50 toggle display and roll the room around
Now one can also see the spread over the backwall, the airflow in the room is not over 1
m/s so we change max velocity to 1 m/s by toggle Auto range and change max colour we see the fast flow, inlet/outlet vanish because they are of the limit.
This 3D-display can better be shown in planes made in the room. close all windows.
Display/Grid choose inlet, outlet and wall , toggle Edges and display rotate room
Surface/plane toggle Plane Tool and we set a plane in the middle of the room (now the
origin is in the upper/right corner, change X-value to 0.3 in all 3 places toggle Plane Tool
twice and the window show the location of the plane, name the surface inlet plane
Do it again with x=1.3, name it outlet plane
Another method to create a plane, toggle Point And Normal X=0,
Y=2.9 , Z=0. and set Normal in Y-direction to 1 (x and z zero values) name it back plane
Display/contours choose the three plane made look at the result with auto range 0-1 m/s
and 0-0.5 m/s the result earlier discussed is clearly shown. Show the different contours in
a 2D-plane with filled and not filled
Display/vectors change skip to 0, change min/max and see also only inlet respectively
outlet plane , a circulation is caused in inlet but not in outlet plane, the flow is not good for
ventilation because the flow is much to fast in the zone where people are, create a
Menu/File Write - Case & Data write example1 and click OK
Change Define/boundary conditions set inlet velocity to 0.1 m/s, this amount of fresh air is
according to Swedish building regulations.
Solve/initialize/initialize choose zero values and toggle Init
Start the iteration
The result is in example1b.cas and .dat files.
Do the same evaluation of the results, one can see that now almost the same flow pattern is
obtained, because of no density changes are involved. Even though buoyancy is calculated
nothing happens since the whole domain has the same value. If a colder air was introduced it
would actually flow down to the floor at the inlet because of the low velocity. Its a much too
huge inlet area for the ventilation.
To involve density changes, one has to start energy which is done by the following
Define/Models/energy toggle Energy equation and OK
But first of all you need to declare a heat source which has to be done in GAMBIT,
You find this done in file ex1backwall.msh.
Load ex1backwall.msh and do the calculation above once again., inlet velocity 3 m/s.
Thereafter invoke energy and declare temperatures for air in the room (+20C)and inlet air
temperature (+18C), heat flux from backwall- calculate a value so outlet temperature will be
+20C, declare correct value for backwall.
Start the iteration once again
In real life a heat source (radiator) is much smaller than the wall.

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