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Michael Tomlin

Ms. Coley
Honors Algebra 2
March 14, 2016
Pi is the ratio between a the circumference and the diameter of a circle
But its much more.
Its the 16th letter of the Greek Alphabet.
It has been used regularly for 250 years.
Its even mentioned in the Bible!
Mathematically we will never know exactly what it is.
Its irrational
Its transcendental
We can try to represent it as 22/7
But well never know the true circumference of a given circle
Well never know all the digits
Digits that are represented by a simple symbol
A symbol as boring as a bar over two lines
But thats what makes it intriguing
It makes it exciting
Too exciting for computers to compute
Exciting enough for a day
The same day as the birth of Einstein
March 14
Pi Day

Works Cited
"30 Amazing Facts about Pi - Spinfold." Spinfold. 14 Apr. 2014. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
"All About Pi: Everything You Need to Know & Then Some." Student Guide All About Pi Everything You
Need to Know Then Some Comments. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.

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