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TPM was introduced to achieve the following objectives..

a. Avoid waste in a quickly changing economic environment
b. Produce goods without reducing product quality
c. Send only non-defective parts to the customers
d. all the above


Which of the following is not major losses of production

a. startup loss
b. breakdown loss
c. employee loss
d. cycle time loss



Breakdown Maintenance (BM) is

a. maintenance that can cause machine breakdown
b is periodic maintenance that retains the condition of equipment
c. daily preventive maintenance
d. wait for equipment to fail and then repair

Preventive Maintenance is

a. maintenance that can cause machine breakdown

b. is periodic maintenance that retains the condition of equipment
c. daily preventive maintenance
d. wait for equipment to fail and then repair it

Autonomous Maintenance is..

a. maintenance that can cause machine breakdown
b. is periodic maintenance that retains the condition of equipment
c. daily preventive maintenance
d. wait for equipment to fail and then repair it


Following is a SEIRI activity, except ..

a. sorting and organizing the items as critical
b. important, frequently used items, or items that are not currently needed
c. unwanted items can be salvaged
d. scrapping all item


Following are the goals of Jishu Hozen ..

a. Uninterrupted operation of equipment
b. Flexible operators who can operate and maintain other equipment
c. Elimination of defects at the source through active employee participation
d. All the above

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