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Alfredo Martinez

Kim Spencer
AP Psychology

Stroke patient
When a person has a stroke the person doesnt get enough blood into the brain
causing it to not work correctly damaging parts of the brain. A Stroke can cause
many symptoms like unexplainable fear, Blindness, difficulty speaking, and read out
loud. A PET scan is use to show the activity in the brain if the patient had a stoke a
PET scan would show less activity in the brain showing parts that have been
damaged by the stroke. A MRI is used so see the brains structure. a person who had
a stroke brain structure might be different so you would use a MRI to see if
anything is wrong.

A stoke can damage many parts of the brain effecting the brains structure. Not a all
the parts of the brain are damage. The patients brainstem, when damage could
cause a loss in alertness, sleeping, and Cause irregular heartbeat. the patient dos
not show these symptoms. The patients brainstem has not been damaged. The
Occipital Lobe controls visual lobe, when damaged this may cause loss in sight. the
patient Occipital lobe has been damaged. The Hypothalamus Controls hunger when
damage the patient would always be hungry or never be hungry, The patients

Hypothalamus is fine. The Amygdala controls emotion and memory when damaged
could cause uncontrollable emotions and loss of memory. The patient shows no
symptoms of this. Bocas Area controls Language when damaged in can cause
difficulty in speaking which is a symptom the patient has.

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