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Carter 1

Tyler Carter
Reflective Writing Portfolio
February 24, 2016
Journal Five
My revision is extremely simple: correct what my professor suggested
that I correct. I analyze syntax and structure in my first draft because I
consider grammar as one of my greatest weaknesses. Needless to say,
grammar is what I look for the most feedback on. During my revision
process, I then reread the piece several times, looking for syntax and
structural errors. I put most of my efforts into writing the paper rather than
editing it. Because of this, I think that I will find the midterm packet to be
difficult. Considering that I havent written an argumentative essay in over a
year, I do not know which essay I would revise. Once I decide which essay I
will be using for this assignment, I think that I will try to argue the opposite
perspective. I will change my thesis statement to its polar opposite.
A strategy that I will try to improve is connecting all of the main points
of the essay back to my thesis statement. I find that it is common to have
quotes and quote analysis in a paper, but people forget to explain why those
points are relevant to the argument. Another strategy I will try is stepping
away from the piece for a day or two so I can reread it with fresh eyes and
more objectively. When I reread it, I will read it from end to beginning
because its easier to spot typos and other errors by adding more surprise to

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the content. I will also have someone else read my piece because its always
good to get a new opinion from a fresh mind. I think the most effective way
to produce the best paper is to understand new perspectives and opinions.

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