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E= Assalam Gualay Kum,.

P= Gualay kum Assalam

E= You want to drink tea ( desea tomar t)
P= Yes, thank you.
E= How did you on the journey ( cmo les fue en el viaje)
P= It was a long trip, but nice ( fue un viaje largo pero)
E= Would that perhaps you think the country? ( y qu tal te parece el pas)
P= very atractive by its luxuries ( muy atractivo por sus lujos)
E= well, that should be your visit? ( Bueno, a que debemos su visita)
P= I want to market our product star.
Our company fuxion have seven years in the market and we already export to Europe
with haccap certifications
E= The product as it is? ( el product cmo es)
P= We now have sample. It is a powder mixto prepare it instantly,
E= Please let me see them.
N= Observan el product para dar su visto Bueno a la presentacin.
E= I think a good presentation.
E= Is the fob value?
P= The fob value is ten thousand dolars.
P= Transportation will be maritime and a forty foot containes will be used.
E= we will be in contact, we will contact you.
P= it is ok. Thanks for you attention.

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