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CO2 Dragster Design

CO2 Dragster Design Brief

Client Company:

Juno, Inc.

Target Consumer:



Maya Memminger

Problem Statement:
The UK racecar company known as Juno is widely renowned for its high speed Sports
Prototypes. Their goal is to specially design and engineer the fastest racecars around
with high - speed performance. This company will be holding a contest for young
innovative designers to create a CO2 dragster that will achieve the fastest time and best
Design Statement:
Design a dragster vehicle (to specs) to travel a distance of 20 m in the fastest time
possible using the power provided by a single standard CO2 cartridge.
1. Must be constructed using the materials outlined by the instructor.
2. Must be constructed within the size specifications provided.
3. Must travel 20 meters.
4. Must be a rail design with wheels on the outside.
5. Must be constructed of one piece of wood (no gluing pieces together).

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