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* Grecia

*Why Grecia?

*Because is very beautiful

*Your culture is interesting
*They have beauteful

*Company's objective:
* it is very impotant for the company that the

customers are satisfied since its our priority.

* In hang loose, what we try to do is to improve
the journey with our packages. We offer a
great variety of prices and places to visit.
* It is also very important that the customer is
satisfied during the journey.
* We want to be a recognized agency around the
world and be the best.

*Personal objective:
* im expecting from this project to learn new

vocabulary, pronounce it correctly and know

how to write grammatically correct structured
sentenses. I would also like to stop fearing
when talking english in public.
* At the end of this course, I would like to have
an upper level of pronunciation
* Learn about some of the cultures of the places
that we will talk about in this project.

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