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A compilation of

By your 23rd
Eastern Region
Regional Gizborim

Table of Contents
Operation: Reconnect..Page 3
A spy themed globalization program with fun team-building games and
challenging activities that will teach participating members about BBYOs global
Jewish Italian JeopardyPage 8
Learn about what Jewish life is like in Italy while playing an interactive and
delicious version of Jeopardy!
ISF Jeopardy.....Page 14
Teach the chapter all about ISF and BBYO Globalization with this MESSY version of
Jeopardy! (its what we played at Regional XX)
Some places just have weird laws that dont make sense and funny accents that
are too confusing to understand. Needless to say, this program is hilarious.
Whats ISF? Whats Globalization? .......Page 23
This is a great introduction to a program to teach people what globalization and
ISF are and why we do it.

Operation: Reconnect
Created by Melissa Bosem

Globalization Program
Operation: Reconnect:
Description: Participating teens will learn about globalization, ISF, and the
BBYO International communities through team-building challenges and a spy
mission. Operation: Reconnect is a spy-themed globalization program that uses
different activities to encourage team-building and reinforce the principles and
actions of globalization. Participants will be split into two teams and will
complete a variety of tasks and challenges, each one corresponding to a BBYO
community or partner outside of North America. Before beginning each relay,
teams will receive facts about the different communities, including when BBYO
in the area was first founded, different programs, etc. The goal for the duration
of the program is to bring as many teens from outside of North America to IC
2014, which is accomplished by finishing the relays. Whichever team completes
a task first receives tickets with the name of the corresponding country
written on the back; these tickets represent the number of teens outside of
North America they helped bring to IC. The program will end by reflecting on
the accomplishments of the group as a whole and not the individual teams,
emphasizing teamwork in accomplishing the goals of globalization. There will
be then be a short question-and-answer and discussion about globalization,
ISF and the GNC.
0:00-0:10: History, Icebreakers, and Mission:
1: Welcome to International BBYO headquarters. Weve been assigned a topsecret mission that we need your help on.
2: Before we begin briefing, lets all briefly introduce ourselves.
---Everyone goes around and introduces themselves by name, grade, chapter,
and favorite place theyve been or dream vacation spot--1: More than a decade ago, BBYO was a part of an organization called Bnai
Brith, and through Bnai Brith, we had many international connections,
meaning we frequently communicated with Jewish teens in foreign countries:
from South America to Australia and nearly everywhere in between.
2: In 2002, BBYO officially split from Bnai Brith and became an independent
organization, BBYO, Inc. After the split, BBYO had a hard enough time
supporting itself, much less its partners across the world, so international
relations faltered.
1: In 2010, the 86th and 66th International Executives bodies launched the
initiative of globalization: which began reconnecting North American BBYO
teens with their friends and counterparts around the world.
2: To this day, BBYO has partners and communities in more than fifteen
countries, and continues to make more connections each year. Are there any
questions so far?
--Pause for questions
2: Okay, well start you on your mission.
1: Your job today is to get as many Alephs and Bnai Brith Girls from outside
of North America to International Convention 2014 as you can. How will you do

2: Were going to split you into two teams, and youll compete in a few different
relays, each corresponding to one of BBYOs international communities or
1: The group that completes the relay first will get a few tickets with a BBYOaffiliated country name written on the back. The tickets represent the number
of teens from that country you are bringing to IC 2013.
2: Even if you dont complete the task first, keep a positive attitude and keep
working, because there will be more opportunities to win tickets!
--Split into teams, have them come up with a name, appoint team leader
0:10-0:45: Relays (complete as many as time permitting)
Baltics- Latvia and Estonia
Fact: During the August Executives Conference in 2011 and 2012, members of
the Executives body voted to formally recognize BBYO efforts in the Baltics,
including Estonia and Latvia.
Relay: Each team will be given a sheet and must all squeeze to fit on it. Then,
they must flip over the sheet without stepping off of it. The first team done gets
2 tickets.
Balkans- Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania
Fact: In 1990, the first BBYO program in the now-former Soviet Union hosted
more than 200 teens from all over the Balkans, Russia, and other Soviet
Relay: Each team member will stand in a circle and grab other team members
hands, connecting them in a giant human knot. They then must untangle
themselves without letting go. The first team done gets one ticket.
Fact: In 1936, the first overseas chapter was formed in Bulgaria. It was called
Relay: Each team is given a rod or stick, and must carry it to a marked line a
few feet away and then lower it to the ground, using only the tips of their index
fingers. If they drop the rod, they have to start from the beginning. The team
that gets the rod to the end first, gets 2 tickets.
Central Europe- France and Switzerland
Fact: In 1983, the first international overseas office opened, which helped start
chapters in France, Spain, Holland, Germany, and Austria.
Relay: Teams will stand in a line facing each other, and pass a stone up and
down the line. Members can actually pass the stone down the line or just
appear to pass it, and after a given amount of time, it will end up with a
predetermined person. Teams will work together to guess who on the opposite
team has that teams stone. Arms must remain in front the whole time.
Example: Team A decides that they will pass Annie the stone. They either pass
or pretend to pass the stone back and forth, making sure that it ends up with
Annie at the end of a minute. Team B is facing them, and has passed the stone

to Sofia. The teams then congregate respectively, and try to guess who on the
other team has the stone. Team B guesses that Allen has it, while Team A
guesses that Sofia has it. As Team A is right, Team A wins that round.
(Other description: We will play
five or so rounds, and the winning team of each round will receive a ticket.
Fact: BBYO is partnered with the Sociedad de Hebraica in Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Unlike BBYO, Hebraica runs from ages 4-14, and the kids have
programs planned for them by teens ages 14-20, who are in training to become
counselors or madrichim.
Relay: Each team member is given the name of a state and the group must line
up from east to west, the team must line up in faster than the other team. (If
Annie is given North Carolina, Sofia is given California, and Rachel is given
Texas, the line-up is Annie, Rachel, then Sofia)
The team that finishes first and has the majority of their states correct gets 2
0:45-1:00: Trivia Contest, Wrap-Up, and Discussion
United Kingdom and Ireland:
Fact: In 1940, the first UK chapter was established in Leeds. To this day, BBYO
UK and Ireland remains one of our largest international delegations, and had a
member sitting on the Grand Aleph Board last year.
Task: UK and Ireland BBYO and our Israel partners are our two largest
international correspondents. We will ask trivia questions based on the facts
and information given throughout the program and the team captains will have
a few seconds to confer with their team before answering. There are nine chairs
set up in a 3x3. Were playing human tic-tac-toe! If your team gets a question
right, one of your teams members gets to sit in a chair. The team that wins the
tic-tac-toe game gets 4 tickets.
1. Where was the first overseas chapter of BBYO? Bulgaria
2. What is the full name of the BBYO partner organization in Argentina?
Sociedad de Hebraica (or just Hebraica is fine)
3. In what year did the central Europe office open? 1983
4. The first BBYO program in the Soviet Union attracted how many teens?
5. When did the Execs body vote to recognize Estonia and Latvia?
6. The central Europe office helped start chapters in five countries. Name
two. Spain, Holland, Germany, Austria, France
7. When did the Soviet Union hold its first BBYO program? 1990
8. When was the first BBYO Bulgaria chapter formed? 1936

Bonus (2 tickets):
1. Name the International (outside of NA) teen who served on the Grand
Aleph Board and his position. Nick Phillips, Grand Aleph Mazkir
2. What is the name of the BBYO summer program that travels to Bulgaria?
Ambassadors to Bulgaria
Wrap-up and Discussion:
Announce the winners and thank everyone for working hard to accomplish the
mission. Together, the two teams got over 18 kids to International Convention
2014 from more than ten countries outside of North America. We will then lead
a small discussion about the importance of globalization, and such programs
and initiatives as ISF, GNC, etc.
Topics of Discussion:

More information about worldwide BBYO communities

ISF: where the money goes, fundraising techniques
GNC: what theyre all about
What Operation: Globalize Eastern is and why were doing it

A roll of tickets (or you can just make tickets yourself

One sharpie
Two sheets
Two long, thin rods (can be PVC pipe, helium stick, etc.)
Five coins or small stones
A few sheets of the big notepads that stick on the wall (for the

Other activity idea:

Blind Builders
Divide the class in teams of 3 students each, with 1 leader per team. Every
team gets a copy of building structure they are supposed to be constructing,
along with the building material. Only leader has the access to the structure,
but he cannot touch the building material. All he has to do is, direct his
teammates in such a way that they replicate the structure from the provided
building material. This shows the chapter that things can become much better
when everyone works as a team, which means that BBYO is better when we
branch out and work with people in other countries.

Jewish Italian Jeopardy

Created by your 23rd Eastern Region Gizborim

Jewish Italians Jeopardy Script

-ask everyone to bring $2 for a slice of pizza (or just find out how much the pizza costs, then
divide that by how many slices there are. I think its $10 for a large and thats 8 slices, so $2
would be fine)

-Split them up into two groups, tell them to pick a team captain. Tell them that the captain
cant back out once they agree to be captain. The captain shouldnt be allergic to any
foods/spicy foods. The captain will get their pizza for free
-There are 15 questions, so one team will have to answer one more question than the
others. Flip a coin to see which team will go first (that team will have the extra question)
-Explain Rules after the captains have been chosen. (remember, they cant back out)

So were going to play a jeopardy game about Jews in Italy, but its going to have a
twist on it. We have five different toppings here, and each topping has a different value to it:
(Id mark the containers with the value of each topping)
$100- a table spoon of shredded cheese
$200- a table spoon of cereal
$300- a table spoon of banana slices
$400- caramel or chocolate fudge sauce
$500- a teaspoon of something REALLY spicy (cayenne pepper, chile powder, etc.)
If you get a question right, then the topping of that value goes on the other team
captains pizza. If you get it wrong, you get it on yours. (so if you get a $100 question wrong,
then your team captain will get a tablespoon of shredded cheese on your pizza. If you get it
wrong, their team captain will get the shredded cheese).

Im going to read out to a short story about Jews in Italy. Ill repeat the entire thing
again if you want me to, but I wont repeat a sentence or fact that you missed or just need to
know how to write it. You can jot things down, but you cant record me. The majority of
these things are just fun facts that you dont think youll ever need to know, but trust me,
youre going to wish that you memorized them.
Read out this little story. They can write things down, but cant record you. Dont repeat
anything and dont slow down to let them finish writing, but if they ask you to, you can read it
through one more time.


Since the 4th Century, the Italian city of Calabria has had a Jewish community.
During the middle ages, 50% of their population was Jewish! In the 1960s and 70s, three
thousand Jews came to Italy from Libya. Nowadays, there are around 29,000 Jews in Italy,
the majority being from Rome, then Milan, Turin, Florence, and Leghorn.
The Italians have been good to the Jewish people for the most part. For example,
when the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, a lot of them found refuge in Italy, where
they were protected by King Ferninand the first. Sometimes Jews were treated nicely, and
other times, not so much. Once upon a time there were these mean bishops that advocated
for anti-Jewish laws, but then this really cool Pope named Pope Alexander the third
defeated them, cause he really liked the Jews. But then there was this other pope guy
named Pope Innocent the third (More like not-so innocent) who insisted that every Jewish
person holding office should be dismissed and that all Jews should wear a yellow badge.
During the Holocaust, however, Pope Pius the twelfth hid 477 Jewish people in the Vatican
itself! The church even save 6,000 Jewish Children in Bulgaria by helping transport them to
Fun Facts: in Hebrew, Italians are called Italkim (ee-tahl-keem).In 2007, 450
Jewish Youth from across all of Europe gathered in Italy to raise awareness about the
genocide currently taking place in Darfur. This year the pope wished the Jews of Rome a
happy Passover! There was a guy named Franco Modigliani who was a Jewish-Italian that
won the Nobel Prize in Economics. Believe it or not, both the 27th and 31st prime ministers
of Italy were Jewish!
So lets play Jeopardy!!! play jeopardy, then tell them the twist:
So this team won the most points, congratulations to them. But heres the thing: you
guys havent won yet. Its up to your team captains to decide who wins. The team captains
now have to eat their delicious pizzas. The captain that eats theirs the fastest will win it for
their team! On your marks, get set, go!!!!!!! tell them to cheer on their captains

The jeopardy board is below. Just cross them off of this sheet as you go along. (make sure
to also keep score!!!)



The Questions (listed in order of value)

-One Jew, Two Jews, Three Jews, Four :
- Calabria, a region in Italy once highly populated with Jewish People, had a Jewish
Community since what century? Answer: the 4th
-As of 2007, what is Italys total Jewish population?
Answer: 29,000
-During the middle ages, what percentage of Calabrias population was Jewish?
Answer: 50%
-Put the following cities in order of current Jewish population from highest to
lowest: Turin, Milan, Florence, Livorno/Leghorn, Rome
Answer: Rome, Milan, Turin, Florence, Leghorn
- In the late 1960s and 1970s, 3000 Jews came to Italy from what country?
Answer: Libya
-Politics and Shmolitics
-Which pope liked the Jews and defeated the bishops that advocated anti-Jewish
Laws? Answer: Pope Alexander III
-Which pope insisted that every Jew holding office should be dismissed and that
all Jews should wear a yellow badge? Answer: Pope Innocent III (more like not so
- When Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, many of them found refuge in
Italy, where they were given protection from King ______ I of Naples.
Answer: Ferninand
-Which pope hid 477 Jewish people in the Vatican duing the Holocaust?
Answer: Pope Pius XII
-During the Holocaust, the church saved 6,000 Jewish children in Bulgaria by
helping transport them to ______.
Answer: Palestine


-Anything Goes
- What are Italians called in Hebrew?
Answer: Italkim
- In 2007, 450 Jewish Youth from across Europe gathered in Italy to raise
awareness about the genocide currently taking place in what country?
Answer: Darfur
-The Pope wished a happy Passover to the Jewish Community of which city?
Answer: Rome
- Franco Modigliani was a Jewish-Italian who won the Nobel Prize for what?
Answer: Economics
-How many Jewish Prime Ministers did Italy have?
Answer: 2


ISF Jeopardy
Created by your 23rd Eastern Region Gizborim
This is the program that we did at Regional XX, but you can modify it
to make it fit your chapter!

How to make this program a fundraiser:

-Make it a joint program with another chapter and make the
cost $3
-Half way through the game, pause and add a twist: The teams
can pay money to either buy points for themselves, or take
away points from another team. To buy 20, itll cost them $2
(they can pledge it and well collect later). If a team wants to
take points away from another team, then they can offer a
certain amount of money for a certain amount of points. If the
team that they chose doesnt want them to take their points,
they can offer more money to take points away from the
other team instead. Well set a time limit for this and then
continue the game.
The winning chapter will get a portion of the money raised
(you can decide on a percentage ahead of time)

Regional XX program

Materials needed:
- Whipped cream (1 bottle)
- Paper bowls
- Paint (1 or 2 bottles of cheap paint. If the bottles are big, only buy one)
- Feathers (I have a boa that I can pull the feathers out of, so we only need like a small amount
- chocolate syrup (1 bottle)
- water balloons (well also need a bucket to put them in)
- one plastic table cloth
- garbage bags or old t shirts that can get messy
- The ISF release (pass out copies at the beginning of the program and read over them while
eating a snack or lunch/dinner)

Teams: BBG vs. AZA

Script: (the regional Gizborim will lead this and switch off roles)
Welcome to Global Jeopardy! We hope you have paid attention to the ISF and Globalization
release because now youre going to be quizzed! Each team needs to choose a team tribute. *Teams
choose tribute and tributes come up. Give a big tshirt to each team tribute to wear over their clothes*.
Standing on this tarp are two of your regional Gizborim and your team tributes. Heres how you
play the game:
There are a total of 15 questions, different questions are worth different point values
Water Balloon questions are worth 100 points
Chocolate Syrup questions are worth 200 points
Feather questions are worth 300 points
Paint questions are worth 400 points
Whipped Cream questions are worth 500 points
Ladies first, so were going to start with the BBGs. Youre going to choose a category and well ask you a
question. Raise your hand if your team knows the answer. (first team to raise their hand gets to answer it)
If you get the question right, you get the points and you get to throw the object that you chose at your
opposite counterpart (alephs throw at Emily and Roni and vice versa). If you get the question wrong, then
the other team can try to answer it. If they get it right, they get the points, you lose the points, and they get
to throw the object at your counterpart. If they get it wrong, then they lose points, nothing happens to your
points, and then your team gets to throw the object at their counterpart.
The winning team will receive a bonus question. The first member to answer the question
correctly will get 7 points for their chapter for Operation: Globalize Eastern


A water
100 pts

What does ISF stand

for ?
A: International
Service Fund

200 pts

True or False: 100% of

ISF money has always
gone to supporting
our international

What organization does

BBYO partner with that
helps us find
international Jewish
youth to work with?
True or false: France is
a country that has
BBYO in it
A: True

True or False: ISF

sometimes acts as an
emergency fund for Jewish
Communities around the
A: False!
How much money did the
order raise for ISF in the
2011-2012 programming
A: $40,000

A: False
300 pts

400 pts

In the past, they would give

only a portion of the ISF money
raised to support our
international members. What
did they do with the rest of the
A: voted on another
organization to donate it to

What are two of the

major cities in Bulgaria
that have BBYO?
A: Sofia and Plovdiv

Name 3 countries partnered

with BBYO

Name one BBYO

summer program that
takes you to another
country with BBYO

What is the name of

our partnership
organization in
A: Hebraica

What does JDC stand for?

The Baltics are made

up of which three
A: Estonia, Latvia, and

What is the European

summer program that is
Equivalent to ILTC?

A: Turkey, Argentina, Israel

A: American Jewish Joint

Distribution Committee

A: Ambassadors To
Bulgaria, ILSI
500 pts

How much money did the

order raise for ISF last
programming year?
A: $60,000

A: Shorashim

Bonus Question: How many international Delegates attended IC 2013? Answer: over 70



Created by your 23rd Eastern Region Gizborim


People do strange things, therefore weird laws are written to help straighten them
out. Some of these bizarre laws almost seem like urban myths or too ridiculous to be
real, yet odd as they are, they were created for a reason. Some of these laws date back
several hundred years and were never changed or eliminated and make very little
sense in todays world, but nonetheless these weird laws found all around world do exist
. Today were going to learn about these wacky laws by playing FUNKY GLOBAL

Split everyone up into two teams and have each team pick their first clue giver.
Team 1 will go first and their clue giver will pick a card. Her team wont see the card, but
she and one other person (the buzzer) on the opposing team will see it. Set a timer for
one minute and try to get through as many cards as possible. The clue giver must first
read the clue, then give them hints as to which country has the law, but she cant say
any of the forbidden words that are listed on the card (if there are any listed. Some may
not have forbidden words). If she uses one of the words on the card, the buzzer girl on
the opposing team must make a buzzing noise. For every card that they go through in
the minute, their team gets a point. Every time she uses a forbidden word, the other
team gets a point. When the minute is over, switch teams. (keep your cards after your
team gets them right). The answers may be countries or American States.

If you dont know the accent, just have fun with it and do your best! Itll be pretty

Example Card:

Answer: Switzerland
In this country, it is illegal for a
man to relieve himself while
standing up after 10pm
Forbidden Words:
- Swiss Alps

Thats the answer. Dont

tell them the answer! They
have to guess it!
Read this to them in a Swiss
dont say these words!
They also cant say any
other form of a forbidden
word or the answer (ex: if
the word is Thailand, they
cant say Thailand, Thai, or


Answer: Thailand

Answer: Switzerland

Answer: China

It is illegal in this
country to leave your
house if you are not
wearing underwear

Its illegal to flush the

toilet after 10 pm.
Forbidden Words:
Swiss alps
Swiss Cheese

You will be tortured

and killed if you
disclose the secret of
how to make silk.
Forbidden words:
orange chicken
chai tea

Answer: Israel

Answer: Mexico

Answer: Ireland

Picking ones nose on

the Sabbath is illegal in
this country.

It is illegal in this
country to say to
anyone Have a nice
Forbidden Words:

In this country, its

illegal for a student to
walk through Trinity
College without a
Forbidden Words:

Answer: Italy

Answer: New York

Answer: Texas

In this European
country, pinching a
girls bottom is
permitted by law

It is illegal to walk
around on Sundays
with an ice cream
cone in your pocket.

It is illegal here for

children to have
unusual haircuts

Forbidden Words:
the godfather

Forbidden Words:
Times Square
Empire State Building
Old York

Answer: Germany

Answer: California

In this country, a
pillow can be
considered a weapon

Bowling on the
sidewalk is illegal here

Forbidden Words:
Thai food

Forbidden Words:
Holy Land

Forbidden Words:

Forbidden Words:

Answer: Sweden
During the long hours
of winter darkness, it
is illegal to complain
that you wish it were
Forbidden Words:


Answer: Idaho

Answer: Russia

Answer: Turkey

Cutting off a friends

head with an axe is
against the law.

It is illegal to brush
your teeth more than
twice a day.

It is against the law to

fall in love with a
neighbors son,
daughter, wife,
servant or any of his
Forbidden Words:

Answer: Scotland

Answer: Australia

Answer: New Zealand

In this country, it is
illegal to be a drunk in
possession of a cow.

It is against the law

here to throw a bag
containing both cats
and dogs into
Parramatta River. But
it is okay to throw a
bag of cats or a bag of

In this country, it was

once illegal for cattle
to mate in fields
fronting public roads

Answer: France

Answer: Saudi Arabia

In this country, it is
illegal to call a pig

It is illegal to kiss a
stranger in this

Forbidden Words:

Forbidden Words:

Answer: Wales
Anyone child born in
must be able to spell
the town name by the
age of six and be able
to pronounce it by the
age of thirty-four.
(this is not a joke.)

Answer: New Jersey

Answer: North Carolina

Answer: North Carolina

All cats must wear

three bells to warn
birds of their

Double beds in hotel

rooms must be at least
2 feet apart. Making
love in the space
between the beds is

It is illegal to play
Bingo for more than 5

Forbidden Words:

Forbidden Words:


Answer: Bangladesh

Answer: Alabama

Answer: Nebraska

You must not call any

person over the age of
32 a virgin in case
they become offended.

Elephants may not be

placed in electric

It is illegal here to
sneeze or burp during
a church service.

Answer: Canada

Answer: Philippines

Answer: Korea (not sure

which one)

It is illegal to set fire

to the wooden leg of a
wooden legged man

It is against the law to

be cremated with a
living creature in a
pocket of your
Forbidden Words:

Forbidden Words:

It is illegal to eat a
stray cat.
Forbidden Words:

Answer: Norway

Answer: Singapore

Answer: New York

If you challenge a man

to a fist fight to the
death, he must accept
or pay a penalty of 4
Forbidden Words:
No way Jose

Its against the law to

speak to a donkey in

It is illegal here to
greet someone by
putting ones thumb
to the nose and
wiggling the fingers.

Answer: Greece

Answer: Singapore

Answer: Denmark

In this country, its

illegal to dance naked
in Acropolis.

It is illegal to sell
chewing gum.

If a person finds a lost

child they can claim
the child as their own
if a parent does not
turn up within 2

Forbidden Words:


Everyone sits in a circle. Each person has a stack of papers or index cards.
Each index card has the name of an accent on it. Go around in the circle and
at each persons turn, theyll hold the accent name up to their head so that
everyone but them can see it. The people in the circle must try to do the accent
without saying the accents name or the country where the accent is from. The
person with the accent on their head has to guess it. Go around the circle to
give each person a shot at guessing their accent. Give each person two or three
accents, however many you have time/people for.

List of accents (try to think of more!) :


New Jersey


Whats ISF? Whats Globalization?

Created by Ian Kandel (but given to us by Judah
Burstein, NERs Regional Sgan)


Globalization Introduction

Part 1. Sit down discussion.

How do you feel when you see someone wearing a yamakah or when you see a
mezuzah on a door?

Why do you think that the Jews dominate Hollywood?

Part 2. (Spread out across room) Ask a few people to explain.

Would you be fine if I took away your Judaism tomorrow completely?

Do you like praying?

Do you believe that there are bad Jews?

Do you believe in G-d?

How connected are you to your Judaism?

Part 3. Do on a question where people are fairly spread out. Raise hands to answer
questions; do not move from spots from last question.

Even though we answered these questions differently, are we all still Jews?


As a Jewish community, we need to include everyone regardless of their beliefs or


Everyone grab the hands of people immediately near you. If you are not connected
to anybody, how do you feel? (People explain).

What do we need to do as the Jewish people to make [not connected person] feel

Everyone move and connect to make one big circle.

These bonds are the International Service Fund, BBYOs initiative that raises
money so that teens from oversees can practice Judaism and attend BBYO events.
They need us just like [not connected person] needs us.

Part 4.
What can we do to support the I$F?

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