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Jordan Thompson

Unit paper #5
Art 133
Art education is a difficult thing to develop a curriculum for. It requires a lot of thought.
The things that need to be included are who to teach about, what to teach about, when, and how
to teach it. Art can be taught several different ways, each art educator can have their own
approaches to it. Because there are so many different ways, it brings a struggle to the profession
to agree upon a single curriculum. There are also many things that you can teach. For example,
how to draw or hand/eye/perceptual faculties. All of these things need to be considered when
make a curriculum for art education. (Dorn, 1994) Along with this, there are also many lessons
that are taught to the students while teaching art. These lessons can include being able to make
judgments and ways to interpret the world. Another important lesson is to know that what you
believe in is important. (Eisner, 2002)
There are many things that I would incorporate into my own classroom when I start
teaching. First would be to state these lesson that can be learned while art is being taught to the
students and the parents. I would do this because some people dont know the purpose of art and
dont know how much it can really help a person. Another thing that I would be to incorporate
my own approaches/things that I have learned throughout school into the art education along
with sticking to the curriculum.
Dorn, C. M. (1994). Thinking in art: A philosophical approach to art education. Reston, VA:
National Art Education Association.
Eisner, E. (2002). The arts and the creation of mind. New Haven, CT: Yale University press.

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