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Jordan Thompson

Art 133
Unit paper 4

Time have changed dramatically for women and the career field. According to the
article Humor and Contemporary Product Design (2008) Klein explains that crafts,
applied arts, and decorative arts are were dominated by women. Now women are starting
to branch out into other types of design such as automotive, industrial, and furniture
design. These things are more male dominated but are becoming a female area now.
Humor can be described into female product design by the use of materials, form, or the
context of their work. Humor in design can be explained by laughter by a person because
of something that they have seen that is unexpected or a surprise. Another aspect of
humor can be found in contemporary art according to Klein in her article Comic
Liberation (2014) Parody and satire are the things that are most recognized in
contemporary art. Parody in art is exaggeration, appropriation, and transposition. Satire in
art can involve mocking something, appropriation, exaggeration, and disguise.
Utilizing humor in art for elementary school children I believe is very important.
Some art can be depressing, serious, and even boring but using humorous art can make it
fun and exciting for the students. Along with bringing humor into the classroom you can
incorporate history by exploring how different careers were for men and women while
viewing art.

Klein, S. (2008). Comic liberation: The feminist face of humor in contemporary art. Art
education, 61(2), 47-52
Klain, S. (2014). Humor and contemporary product design. In D. Chairo & R. Baccolini (Eds.),
Gender and humor: International and interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 201-211). New
York, NY: Routledge

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