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alt tome obout tt a ( Smaldino 1 Dominique Smaldino Mr. Fronk Honors World Regional Geography 24/16 Section 1: This article goes into more detail about why North Korea is ready to use nuclear weapons on the U.S. at any time. They say they will use these weapons against any country that [‘pursues “their reckless hostile policy” toward Kim Jong Uns’ regime.” (Mullen, n.p.).] According to the article, Pyongyang is improving its nuclear weapons arsenal in quality and quantity. ["If the U.S. and other hostile forces persistently seek their reckless hostile policy towards the DPRK. (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) and behave mischievously, the DPRK is fully ready to cope with them with nuclear weapons any time," (Mullen.n.p.)] North Korea says that these ‘weapons are for self-defense. Some people think that North Korea does not have the missile technology to target the U.S. mainland. North Korea is planning more satellite launches. [U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert said the U.S. is constantly working with Seoul "to ensure that other allies in the region as well as the U.S. homeland are protected from threats, posed by North Korea." (Mullen,n.p.)] The U.S. has many bases planted around the country to watch for any North Korea missile attacks, North Korea recently announced that they had very complex nuclear weapons that they could use at any time, and that came as a shock to many Smaldino 2 people. [“A July article on 38 North, a website that specializes in analysis of North Korea, said satellite imagery suggested the reactor may not have been operating or was only functioning at low power levels. (Mullen,n.p.)] Experts say that Kim Jong Uns’ regime already has up to 10 or 15 nuclear weapons. By 2020, itis said that North Korea could have anywhere from 20 to 100 nuclear weapons, That is a big threat to the United States, UY ; b ‘There are many ways in which this article could relate to our class. The first being that in Section 2: the video we watched in class about North Korea said that in spring of 2013, North Korea threatened the United States with a nuclear attack. We obviously leamed a little bit more about that threat and the others in this article. This article also shows how bad of a person Kim Jong-un really is and also in the video, we saw the same bad characteristics in him, From the article, we can tell that he is not messing around with what he is threating the United States. He really does ‘want to use his weapons against the U.S. In the video, we saw the commercial from North Korea showing them blowing up all of New York City. Both the video that we watched in class and this, article really let us sce who Kim Jong-un is and what big of a threat the United States is to North Korea. (“The atomic energy official on Tuesday reiterated the North Korean stance that its nuclear weapons program is a self-defense measure “in the face of the U.S. extreme hostile policy and nuclear threats towards it." (Mullen,n.p.)] Those are just some of the many ways in | MK \ which this article relates to what we leamed in this unit, Smaldino 3 Secti Thave very mixed feelings about this article, I know that Kim Jong-un is an evil man and he should not be the leader of the country but I do not see why he feels the need to threaten U.S. with nuclear weapons. They could kill so many people in the United States and he uses that to his advantage. I am still not exactly sure why he is so out to get us. I completely disagree with his way of approaching the problem. He knows that the U.S. is very powerful and with the right tactics, we could use our weapons right back on him if he chooses to actually uses his weapons on us. I think what surprises me the most is that it does not seem like the United States is doing much to fight back. I am sure that they are doing some stuff behind the scenes but all we know right now is that North Korea is threatening to use some pretty powerful weapons on us and it does not seem like we are doing much about that. If North Korea sees that we are not worried about them, they may just come at us harder. That is what upsets me the most. We have the most evil man in the world threatening to hurt our country and we cannot just sit back and let him get away with it, we have to stick up for ourselves and we do not seem to be doing that as of now. Smaldino 4 Work Cited Mullen, Jethr. "North Korea Issues Nuclear Warning to U.S., Other Foes -" CNN. Cable News Network, 15 Sept. 2015. Web. 03 Feb. 2016.

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