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Los Reflexivos: Familial

Daily Routine

By Kaitlyn Grubbs and Gillian Ward

Me enamoro de mi
novio Glenn.
I fall in love with my boyfriend, Glenn.

Me dedico a roma.
I dedicate myself to crew

Gillian se decide a
que direccin ir.
Gillian decides which direction to go.

Nos divertimos
We have fun together.

Gillian se encarga
del equipo de
Gillian takes charge of the rowing team.

Me despido de
Edward el ganso.
I say goodbye to Edward the goose.

Gillian se
encuentra con la
Gillian meets with the girl.

Gillian se mete en
la cama.
Gillian gets herself in the bed.

Me peino mi pelo
I comb my brown hair.

Me niego a
lavantar pesas.
I refuse to lift weights.

Me pinto mi uas
antes de un
evento especial.
I paint my nails before a special event.

Me preparo
I prepare myself quickly.

Me levanto del
I get up from the boat.

Kaitlyn se arregla
su pelo.
Kaitlyn fixes her hair.

Kaitlyn se seca su
cara con una
Kaitlyn dries her face off with a towel.

Me cepillo los
I brush my teeth.

Kaitlyn se pide
prestada mi gorra
y sudadera.
Kaitlyn borrows my hat and sweatshirt.

Kaitlyn se lava la
cara en la
Kaitlyn washes her face in the morning.

Mi pono los pantalones,

los calcetines, la
camiseta, la gorra, el
impermeable, los
pantalones, las
sandalias, y los zapatos
de tenis.
I put on the pants, the shoes, the t-shirt, the hat,
the rain jacket, the pants, the sandals, and the
tennis shoes.

Kaitlyn se corta el
Kaitlyn cuts her own hair.

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