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Student Teacher Name:

Sarah Koetz

Date: 2/16/16

Curricular Area: Social-Emotional, Math, Physical, and Literacy

Instructional Objectives:
8.3 Small Motor Development
9.3 Reasoning and Problem Solving
10.4 Relationships with Children
11.3 Early Writing

Preparation and Materials:

-Finding Nemo Memory Game
-GOLD Assessment Binder
-Flower making supplies (scissors, paint, paint brush, paper plates)
-Ipads from library
-Medium Legos

Differentiation or Accommodations Needed: (If any)

Mrs. Erhlich will assist Piper when she is making her flower art. Piper should be able
to paint, but Mrs. Erhlich will do hand-over-hand if necessary. If Piper isnt interested
in the memory game she can work at work station.
Sam, Parker, and Klay may also work on the words when they are working on the
ipads instead of just focusing on letters and numbers.

Anticipitory Set:
I will explain the four centers to the students. I will explain the expectations and
remind them that when we say freeze they are to put their hands up right away.

Teacher Input:
Ms. Koetz center: The students will be playing a Finding Nemo Memory Game while I
assess them on GOLD objectives. These objectives will be social-emotional

Mrs. Roberts center: The students will be continuing their work on their flower art
that will go up on the bulletin board. They will be painting a paper plate and cutting
out the stems.
Independent center #1: The students will be playing with the ABC app on the ipads.
They will use the letters (upper and lowercase) and numbers.
Independent center #2: SMART/Legos

I expect that I am going to need to remind the students about who goes first for the
SMART rotation. I expect that they will want to hurry though SMART to get to the
playing with Legos part of the center. I will remind them to go through SMART slowly
and how they learned to do it.

We will end centers by returning to their squares. They will then get their coats and
hats for P.E. time with Mr. Ball.

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