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Heat related syndromes


Heat syndrome
A condition which is characterized by an elevated body
When the bodys ability to dissipate heat is overwhelmed
and/or too much water and salt are lost, the core body
temperature rises and several distinct heat syndromes may
Normally,when the body temperature rises, peripheral vessels
dilate and cardiac output increases, shunting blood flow closer
to the surface of the skin where it can be cooled. Sweating
provides water on the skins surface, which then evaporates
and further cools the body
However, under certain conditions (air temperatures above 95
F/35 C, high humidity), this cooling mechanism becomes less
effective. When the humidity is high, sweat will not evaporate
as quickly, preventing the body from releasing heat quickly

Heat syndrome
Predisposing/risk factors
High humidity
Old age>65 yrs/infants and children upto 4 yrs of age
Poor condition such as malnourished
generalized skin conditions (e.g. sunburn, psoriasis)
cardiopulmonary disease
Mental illness
High BP
Medications( anticholinergics, beta-blockers, antipsychotics,
tricyclic antidepressants,antihistamines, lithium, and

Heat syndrome-Minor
Heat cramps
Brief intense cramps are felt due to
involuntary spasms of the muscles in the body
Usually seen in athletes and workers after
profuse sweating due to heavy exertion and
inadequate consumption of fluids
Prevented by gradual heat
acclimation,increased intake of dietary
salt,continuous fluid replacement.
Rx:-rest and oral electrolyte intake

Heat edema
Swelling of ankle and feet occuring due to
heat stress or prolonged sitting or standing
Heat causes the blood vessels to expand
(dilate), so body fluid moves into the hands
or legs by gravity.
Seen in non acclimatized individuals
Management:-leg elevation and support

Heat syncope
Heat syncopeisfaintingor dizziness as
a result of overheating
Heat syncope is caused by peripheral
vessel dilation, resulting in diminished
blood flow to the brain causing lightheadedness andfaintingwhen a person
stands up quickly or stands for a long
period of time
pulse, restlessness, nausea, vomiting,
and brief loss of consciousness

Heat syncope-cont
patient is moved to a cooler area
Patient is positioned in a seating
orsupine positionwith legs raised
Fluid and electrolyte replacement
oral or iv
Patient should also refrain from
vigorous activity.

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