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I don't travel for work. I have freids that do. I don't.

I did do a little trave

lling for one of my jobs, maybe 10 years or so, maybe a little longer. I think I
flew twice for work.
One time I, alone, flew to Arlington Virginia. Did some network wiring for them,
set up a router and a few other little things. They were gracious enough to let
me wander around and get to see some of the war memorials. Seeing those is a wh
ole other story, I'll save that for another time.
The other time I traveled, we flew to Dayton Ohio. We being myself and my co-wor
ker John. He was friggan smart guy and excellent with computers. Very detail ori
ented. I rode his coattails for a while at that job.
On the flight back we had a storm delay our flight. I remember sitting in the ai
rport for a couple of hours while waiting for the flight to land. We caught that
flight and then had to swap over. If I remember right the first flight was a sm
all jump to a larger airport, and it was there that we were dashing for our flig
ht back to Boston.
Where was I.. oh yeah the storm and the layover. It was a small jet, 2 seats on
eah sie, so rows of 4 maybe 60 peolpe? We're standing there withour carryons, be
cause this was a 3 day trip, and we are standing out on the tarmac they're refue
ling the jet, you can smell the aviayion fuel.
I hear this noise, a *chk chk chk" noise. A woman standing next to John is tryin
g to light a cigareete. I poke him, "hey, dude she's trying to kill us." John al
ways much better, at frasing things thasn i am tells the woman she's going to bl
ow us all up. She stops her attempt to kill us all together.
We bord the plane, i read a book abouy a marine that threw himself omto a grenad
e, saved everyone but he dies.

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