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Transistor etungan

Transistor etungan

Transistor etungan

From the II Kirchhoff's law we can write Vcc = I1*R1 + I2*R2 (1) I1 = Ib + I2 (2) I2*R2 = Vbe + Ie*Re (3)
And Ib = Ie/(+1) (4) And we can solve this for Ib. Ib=R2VccVbe(R1+R2)(+1)Re(R1+R2)+
I assume = 99 and Vbe = 0.6V Knowing Ib we can easy solve for Ie, Ve and Vb But there is also a
simpler way to solve this circuit by using thevenin's theorem. We can replace the voltage divider (this gray
rectangle) with his Thevenin's equivalent circuit Vth = Vcc * R2/(R1+R2) Rth = R1||R2 = (R1*R2)/

Transistor etungan

And now we can solve for Ib Vth - Ib*Rth - Vbe - Ie*Re = 0 And we also know that Ie = Ib*( +1) Or Ib = Ie/
( +1) so we end up with Vth - Ie/( +1)*Rth - Vbe - Ie*Re = 0 Ie=VthVbeRth+1+Re And this is the end.
PS. Notice that Ie current is 41.9mA not 4.19mA Ve = 4.19V ----> Ie = 4.19V/100ohm = 41.9mA Sorry for
stupid mis

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