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Lesson 8 Assignment-Heros Journey

For this assignment, I have chosen the movie Mulan. During this film, the character Fa
Mulan seeks to fulfill her fathers chosen duty of military rank. Her father is ill and elderly, so
she feels even though she is a woman; she must step into his shoes in secret to overcome the
possibility of harm toward her father. Mulan chooses this step, known as The Call in order to
bring honor and fulfillment to her family.
The threshold is the balance between the known and unknown. Mulan is not experienced
in the world of the male gender. She does not know how to participate in war and she lacks the
credibility of being apart of the male society. Knowing this, there are many challenges of
stepping outside this realm and returning successfully.
There are points of interest known as threshold guardians. These guardians are known to
inhibit the act of proceeding past the threshold. The threshold guardians affiliated with Mulan
are her ancestors. They hold the power to bring her into consideration as well as overlook her
qualities and skillsets. Her ancestors try to bring her back into the fold, but fail resulting in the
ultimate helper in the journey. This helper is known as Mushu. Mushu is a dragon-like creature
unwillingly sentenced to bring Mulan back from her demise. During this time, a relationship
develops between the two of them leading toward Mushu becoming more of a mentor rather than
a withholding barrier.
Mushu is factored as the most specified helper. Mushu defines the image that Mulan
needs in order to accomplish her goal and commitment. He provides a means for sanctuary as
well as supports her through difficult challenges. With the attendance of Mushu, Mulan
maintains a solid character with contentment and dedication. Toward the end of the film, the

audience will realize that Mushu is more fitting with the idea of the mentor. He willingly guides
Mulan through necessary obstacles, as well as saves her from impending death on numerous
occasions. Mushu is a constant throughout the film.
The next factor is known as the initiation. The initiation begins with the challenges
facing the character once in the realm of the unknown. Mulan is settled in a male boot camp in
order to prepare for war. This is considered her first challenge, since she must retain the identity
of a male, as well as contribute fully in physical challenges. She has difficulty during these
challenges. She is not trained to be in the physical fitness that is required with this field. Over
time, Mulan grasps the skill necessary for completion. She also makes new friendships along the
way that provide for a means of goal-oriented behavior. This obstacle is difficult, but overcome
dramatically with Mulan at the head of the team on skillset. This obstacle leads to Mulans
transformation into maturity. She is no longer reliant, but rather independent and stable. With
the required physical accomplishments she has also witnessed mental strength. Mulan becomes
very dedicated in herself along with her many friendships.
The next stage is the Abyss. During this stage, the character faces the term of the utmost
fear. Mulan faces this fear toward the end of the film with the head of Huns, Shan Yu. Shan Yu
is the ultimate antagonist with his fearsome physical identity and threatening behavior. Mulan
must face him alone in order to fully end the war set out against her community. Without the
removal of this antagonist, the chaos will never end; therefore the ultimatum lies on Mulans
During the stage of transformation, Mulan conquers the stage of Abyss. In the end of the
film Mulan overtakes Shan Yu with excessive combat and finalization of a firework display
thanks to her friend and ally, Mushu. With this finish, Mulans transformation is complete. She

has outdone the limitations brought unto her in her previous life. Her courage is deemed true and
The revelation stage is witnessed in Mulans view of her life. She goes from being
unsuccessful in finding a partner and being a doting household member to an honored and
respected soldier. Mulan encompasses a new view of life in a more serious manner, relying
primarily on her own self while fulfilling a stronger identity.
During the stage of Atonement, Mulan is at peace with herself. She is awarded the medal
from the emperor as well as a sword signifying her courage. This is a point in time where Mulan
feels contentment and fulfillment of her duties, even with being a female character. It seems she
has outwitted and out skilled any of her counterparts as well as her distinguished enemies.
Mulan is viewed as a true hero to all members of her community with the emperors blessing.
The last stage of heros journey transformation is the return. Mulan returns to her family
glorifying the honor she has preceded to them. The pride and joy is witnessed, but there is more
joy in her safe return home. Given this transformation, Mulan is reborn, as someone not
classified in the gender-associated society, but as a hero of her community. To end the story on a
very positive note, Mulan does indeed find her partner. This was her battalion captain named Li
Shang. With this, Mulan would be viewed as fully accomplishing her goals with the ideal family
setting as well as flourishing in a welcoming society of her new image.


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