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The United Nations has set forth three education-based goals.

These goals are in place in order to build a better future for the world
through the power of quality education. The first priority is to put every
child in school, the second priority is to improve the quality of learning,
and the third priority is to foster global citizenship (Priorities). In this
report we will be investigating Irelands progress within the education
system and evaluating whether the three educational priorities are
being achieved or attempted.
In terms of the first priority, to put every child in school, Irelands
numbers bode well for the island country. The UN believes that
education is the great driver of social, economic and political
progress (Priorities). If this is true, Irelands youth will be very
successful. The country currently has 104% of school-aged children
enrolled in primary school (Ireland). There is a set age group for
children who should be in primary school; anyone who is in primary
school in Ireland but is outside of that set age group was accounted for
in this 104%. If every single child in Ireland that is in side of the set age
group were enrolled in primary school the data for the country would
be reported as 100%. Because there are children enrolled in primary
school that are outside of the expected age group, they bump the
number up past
100%. As is seen in
the graph
below, the number
of children
enrolled in primary
school has
vastly expanded in
recent years.


The second priority is to improve the quality of learning. This is,

in part, measured by the literacy and numeracy of students in the
country. Schools may be able to provide better resources for their
students with better funding. If Ireland has decided to invest more

money in the countrys education system, it is an indicator that the

government is interested in providing a better quality education.


Education Spending Growth

Source: Worldmapper
As seen in the graph above, Ireland is not heavily inflated. The
countries that appear inflated have had a large spending increase
between the years 1990-2001. Ireland may be slightly larger, but has
clearly not had a large budgetary change.
Fostering global citizenship is the third priority that countries
should be focusing on. In terms of Ireland, the country is doing well
with global citizenship. Ireland is one of the top countries in
international trade. This means that the Irish people re willing to work
with other citizens of the world. They are being prepared for this in
Overall, Ireland is doing quite well achieving the three priorities
set forth by the United Nations. Ireland has, according to the data,
virtually all of their school-aged children enrolled in school. Ireland has
also invested a lot of money in their education. It appears as though
they are putting forth a lot of efforts to ensure their students are welleducated global citizens.



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