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How can a projection installation, displaying a digital

reflection of the viewer, help them realize how consumed

they are by technology?

7 The Introduction



Processor, the experience is an installation that calls attention to the

consumption of people by technology. This piece attempts to depict the
viewer trapped inside a digital device
as they interact with it. It drives interaction through a mirror image of the
viewer depicted in a digital aesthetic.
The viewer can interact with the piece
by touching and pushing the soft cloth
that the image is being projected on.

Once the viewer engages with the installation a clearer image of the viewer
will appear. This reaction is a conceptual attempt to depict the viewer trying
to escape the device.
Welcoming Enticing
Obscure Interesting
Immersive Revealing
Man vs. Technology
Man vs. Machine
Man vs. Man

8 The Introduction

9 The Introduction

Images by:
Antoine Geiger
Series Sur- Fake


Processor is an installation that is a

moderate critique of present day cultures behavior. The installation does
not address technology use as an issue. But hopes to bring awareness to
the behavior in an abstract way.
The name processor is metaphor for
concept of the installation. The name
is a reflection of the function and action of the piece. Through interaction
the installation helps process a viewers understanding how saturated we
are in the digital realm.

10 The Installation

vector mock up

Design has to work. Art does not.

-Donald Judd

11 The Introduction

Irving Building
Kansas City
art institute.

While designing the installation one of

the common issues was how can the
piece speaks for it self? Causing a conscious understatement for the viewer
through interaction with the piece.

Sketches and
pages from
sketch book.


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molestie est. Nullam venenatis risus
vel dignissim egestas. Aenean aliquet
nisl a dignissim tincidunt. Rem ipsum

13 The Preparation

Turning paper idea into the actual piece.

While preparing the installation video
capturing the experience was key. Not
olnly thinking about how can the installation embody the function of processing this awareness. The video presentation had to have the same effect.
Giving the viewer watching on screen
the effect of what it would be like if
they were interacting with the piece.

In the wirframes, the viewer is
taken through the context of the installation. Then they are confronted with
the installation it self, capturing the
initial reaction. The intimate screen
size helps direct the viewer experience
become one with the device.

14 The Preparation

mock and

15 The Preparation

Still from

Still from

A dignissim tincidunt. Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit. Nam leo urna, luctus dignissim
laoreet et, varius a tortor. Maecenas
porttitor nibh rutrum sollicitudin leo

18 Final Installation

aliquet nisl a dignissim tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nam leo urna, luctus
dignissim laoreet et, varius a tortor.
Maecenas porttitor nibh rutrum sol-

Still from

aliquet nisl a dignissim tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nam leo urna, luctus
dignissim laoreet et, varius a tortor.
Maecenas porttitor nibh rutrum sol-

19 Final Installation

A dignissim tincidunt. Lorem ipsum

dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit. Nam leo urna, luctus dignissim
laoreet et, varius a tortor. Maecenas
porttitor nibh rutrum sollicitudin leo

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