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Sharing The Planet

By: Camryn, Taryn, Yinan, & Trenton

Central Idea:

How Humans Manage Water Affects The Planet

Camryns Individual Topic:

Salt Water Pollution

What Is Salt Water Pollution? How Does Salt

Water Pollution Function?

What Causes Salt Water Pollution?



Water Pollution
How It Changes Over Time
By: Camryn Macdonald

How Has Salt Water Pollution Changed Over Time?

Salt Water Pollution has gotten worse by humans

buying and wasting more
We also have newer supplies and technology to buy
which makes even more garbage and sewage.
Studies have revealed that the three main sources
of Water Pollution-industry, agriculture, and
municipalities-had been discarding of harmful
materials across the country for a number of years.
In 1969 the Cuyahoga River set on fire.
Water Pollution has been building up over the years

My Timeline



-The Cuyahoga River caught on fire.

-Salt Water Pollution has grown and

-Because of all the oil in the river

gotten worse.

made it flammable.

-We have been buying more.

Humans And Animals Are Affected

If we pollute all of this water we

will lose our drinking and bathing
In some countries our only source
of bathing and fishing is the ocean.
Also this affects animals too, they
are dying from garbage because of
salt water pollution.
If all of the animals die some of us
humans wont be able to eat let
alone survive!

The Vancouver Aquarium

By: Camryn Macdonald

Field Trip Questions

What do you think about Salt Water Pollution

(Do you like it or dislike it and why?)
Does Salt Water Pollution affect you or
someone that you know?
Does Salt Water Pollution prevent you from
doing things that you like to do?
Why do you think people pollute the ocean?
If you could change Salt Water Pollution
what would you change and how would you
change it?

My Field Trip Interview Results

(I interviewed a female volunteer.) Salt

water pollution affects her and her friends
because her friends test the ocean and
sea animals.
She thinks that people pollute the water
because they dont care and they dont
think that anything will happen if they litter
a tiny bit.
She would like to change water pollution
and get rid of it completely but does not
know how (nobody knows).........

Would you like to swim in a polluted ocean?

Do you think that Salt Water Pollution is
spreading and getting worse?

Taryns Individual Topic:

Melting Ice Caps

What is the form of melting ice caps? How

do melting ice caps function?

What causes Melting Ice Caps? What do

Melting Ice Caps effect?


I went to the:

The questions I had were:

Q- How are ice caps melting?
A- Ice caps are caused from many different reasons like pollutiion and global warming
Q- Will polar bears and penguins find homes again?
A- Maybe they will depends where they swim.
Q- What can we do to help?
A- Changing the use of energy.
Q- What do you think of melting ice caps?

What I learned:
. I learned that if the ice caps melt and the tide rises up to 50 cm it can be a
little flood but if it rises 100cm that will cause roads to be washed away but if it
rises up to 400cm then it will cause a big flood and that will be an expensive
clean up.
. I learned that the main reason that ice caps melt is global warming and not
many other reasons.
. The last thing I learned that scientists are saying that their finding dead polar
bears in the ocean because the ice they are on are melting and then they can't
swim that long in the water to and ice cap to ice cap and once they can't swim

Photos from the Aquarium

How do melting ice caps change over time?

Everyone is worried because
the arctic is getting warmer
and the Ice caps are melting
Exploration expeditions
report that scarcely any ice
has been met with as far north
as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

In 1980 there was a lot of ice caps
When winter comes by again then
some of the ice gets created again!
Without the ice caps in the future
many places will be underwater and
that is what people were scared of!

The Future!
In the future many places will
be underwater
Many people will have to move
to new homes and get a new job
and that is not easy sometimes
The melting ice caps can cause
all of this and that is not good

Do you think Melting Ice Caps are getting

better or worse?

Yinans Individual Topic:

Ocean Acidification

What is Ocean Acidification? How does

Ocean Acidification work?

What causes Ocean Acidification? What

does Ocean Acidification Effect?


How Has Ocean Acidification

Changed Over Time

In the 1800, the pH level was 8.2
pH, is a measurement of how acidic or basic the ocean water is.It is a scale
from 1 to 14. Seven, is neutral, higher than seven is basic, and lower than seven,
is acidic.

The ocean acidity in 1850, was
about 6.6 which is too acidic.

In 1900, the ocean acidity, was
about 6.7 which is too acidic.

In 1950, the ocean acidity was about 7.0
which is considered neutral.

In 2005, the pH of the ocean
was 10.23 which is too basic.

This year, in 2016 the pH of the ocean is 2.12
which too acidic because of all the carbon dioxide
we have been creating like cars, factories, burning
of fossil fuels and forest fires.

Yinans Field Trip/Interview Slideshow

Vancouver Aquarium

Questions I Had:
-Can some animals adapt to acidic ocean waters?
-Does acidic ocean water effect the fur or skin of sea animals?
-What causes ocean acidification besides air pollution?
-Can ocean acidification effect seaweed?
-How does ocean acidification prevent shell organisms and coral to build their
sturdy shells?

Aquarium Pictures

What I Learned:
-I learned that there is a disease that starfish are dying from that started in 2013 in
the summer.
-I learned that at least 20 species of starfish were affected and millions died.
-Scientists found out that the disease is a virus called densovirus.
-Ocean acidification warms the ocean water which stresses sea stars making
them more likely to have the virus densovirus.

Do you know what Ocean Acidification is,

Did you know that Ocean Acidification can
affect humans?

Trentons Individual Topic:

Ocean Floods

How do floods form, How do floods


What it looks like before a flood happens

and what it looks like after a flood happens.


Floods History
Floods are very dangerous. They can destroy houses, buildings, and
sometimes even kill people. Most of the floods are not here on this
slideshow. This is just the major floods.

Year 1889
The Johnstown, Pennsylvania Dam failure killed
2,200 people, and caused $17 million damage.
This is the same as $450 million in 2016 dollars.

Year 1916
The Netherlands North Sea storms flooded the
lowlands and killed 10,000 people. The flood
really destroyed the landscape

Year 2002
Heavy summer rains in north central Europe
created major flooding, that killed 250,000
people, and about $20 billion in damages.

Year 2007
England: Several days of rain following the wettest summer since 1766 causes
the worst flooding in 60 years. More than 130,000 homes and businesses are
swamped, and 340,000 people are either evacuated or trapped in their homes.

Field Trip!
I went on a field trip to Whistler to learn more about ocean floods. I also did
an interview with an emergency rescue person regarding flooding issues in
the City of Richmond and Delta

Some Pictures of minor snow melting floods in Whistler village!

Interview Details:
Interviewer: Trenton Lau, Student.
Interviewee: Trevor Northrup, Richmond, Auxiliary Reserve Coast Guard and
Richmond Fire-Rescue Firefighter.
Description: To interview an emergency rescue person regarding possible
flooding emergency.

Questions I asked
Q - How does Richmond/Delta prevent and prepare for flooding ?
A - The Delta/Richmond whole entire lowlands is protected by a dike.
Q - What is your role if theres a flood emergency ?
A - Swim and help people evacuate.
Q - When was the last flood in Richmond/Delta ?
A - The last recent major flood was in 1948 which was a Fraser river flood.
Q - Would you know what flood is the most dangerous to Richmond/Delta ?
A - The most dangerous flood for Richmond/Delta is a Freshet flood.

What did I learn?

-That whistler has many minor snow floods around the village
when it gets hot.
-If the snow melts on the mountain the snow water will
probably flow down the mountain and go into the village.
-That Whistler uses a debris barrier to prevent floods in
-A freshet flood forms when there is heavy rain/snow followed
by warm weather.

Trentons Surveys Responses:


Blue is Dry lands rain

Red is High tide floods.
Orange is Snow melting
Green is Melting ice caps,
Rising sea levels floods.
Purple is Other.

-Conduct a beach clean up and reduce air
travel if possible
-Set up a compost bin in your classroom


sure that
enter the

-Clean up the garbage that you

-Turn off the lights when you're not
using them
-Walk or bike to as many places
that you can
-Turn off water when brushing
your teeth and take short showers

-Walk or
bike to
school if

-Tell your friends to make sure that

they put their garbage away
-Write a letter to companies about their packaging
and plant more trees if possible

and dont

"Water Pollution." West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005, Patricia Hemminger, Kenneth H. Mann, Dan M. Sullivan,
"water Pollution." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed.. 2015, "Pollution, Water." International Encyclopedia of the
Social Sciences. 2008, "Water Pollution;Biological Purification." World of Earth Science. 2003, "Water Pollution;
Purification." World of Microbiology;Immunology. 2003, Diana Strnisa, and "water Pollution." World Encyclopedia.
2005. "Water Pollution." HighBeam Research, 01 Jan. 2005. Web. 25 "Water
Pollution." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.
"World Book Online Reference Center | Online Reference Book| Online Encyclopedia." World Book. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
"Water Pollution." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.HighBeam Research, 01
Jan. 2005. Web. 25

Sources 2
"The Consequences of Global Warming On Glaciers and Sea Levels." Consequences of Global Warming. Web. 25 Jan.
"Ice Sheets, Rising Seas and Global Warming." Ice Sheets, Rising Seas and Global Warming. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
"National Snow and Ice Data Center." NSIDC Arctic News and Analysis RSS. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
"Polar Ice Fact Sheet : Feature Articles." Polar Ice Fact Sheet : Feature Articles. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
"Polar Ice Sheets Melting Faster than Ever | Environment | DW.COM | 04.02.2013." DW.COM. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.
Thornhill, Jan. This Is My Planet: The Kids' Guide to Global Warming. Toronto: Maple Tree, 2007. Print.
"What the Earth Would Look like If All the Ice Melted." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 25 Jan. 2016.

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